Free Anuj Bhaiya Java Spring Boot 0 To 1 Course Alternative

Table of Contents
About the Course
Moocable Alternative
We carefully study a bootcamp/influncer course and provide a free/affordable alternative using MOOCs (online courses, books...). In addition, you can find study partners and have your own DIY-bootcamp for free!
In our alternative bootcamp, we will cover the Spring Framework Specialisation, and Spring Boot book by O'Reilly Media.
1. Spring - Ecosystem and Core
LearnQuest via Coursera

In this course students will learn the why the Spring Framework is one of the dominant Java development Frameworks. the course covers a variety of techniques for Java Object Dependency Injection using various forms of configuration data i.e. XML, Annotations and Java Configuration Classes with Factory Methods. Configurations will be enhanced with Expression Languages and Conditional Beans that are available based off certain conditions like development environment i.e. test and production.
- Free course
- Duration: 11 hours 58 minutes
- Level: Intermediate
2. Spring MVC, Spring Boot and Rest Controllers
LearnQuest via Coursera

This is a course aimed at students wishing to develop Java based Web Applications and Restful Micro Services using the very popular Spring MVC and Spring Boot frameworks with minimal configuration. The student will develop services through various Url templates, consume and respond with json or XML payloads and create custom HTTP headers.
- Free course
- Duration: 11 hours 50 minutes
- Level: Intermediate
3. Spring Data Repositories
LearnQuest via Coursera

This course is aimed at students wishing to learn how Java interacts with databases in a modern framework. The course uses the very popular Spring Boot Framework, with Micro services, as a setting for our database interactions using Java Persistence Framework (JPA) and Spring Data Repositories to abstract away JPA.
- Free course
- Duration: 9 hours 52 minutes
- Level: Intermediate
4. Spring - Cloud Overview
LearnQuest via Coursera

This course explains some high level patterns used in Microservice architectures and the motivation to move towards these architectures and away from monolithic development of applications. . It then goes on to implement these patterns using Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS one of the most popular Cloud implementations of Microservices used today.
- Free course
- Duration: 9 hours 12 minutes
- Level: Intermediate
5. Spring Boot: Up and Running
via O'Reilly Media
With over 75 million downloads per month, Spring Boot is the most widely used Java framework available. Its ease and power have revolutionized application development from monoliths to microservices. Yet Spring Boot's simplicity can also be confounding. How do developers learn enough to be productive immediately? This practical book shows you how to use this framework to write successful mission-critical applications.
- Book
- Duration: 8h 15m
- Pages: 325 pages
Get Certified
All the courses listed above are FREE to enroll. You can audit Coursera courses for free.
However, we understand that some learners need to get certified. In this case, you can still follow our syllabus and pay for the certificates.
If you pay for the certificates, you will obtain certificates granted by:
- LearnQuest
Save INR 5,000
That's how much you'll save by choosing the alternative route versus Anuj Bhaiya Java Spring Boot's Course. You'll learn the same skills and topics, without the expensive price tag.
Curriculum taught by world-class experts
Our alternative syllabus is taught/provided by world-class experts
- LearnQuest
- O'Reilly Media
Better material, richer communities
Unlike Coding Shuttle's program, all the resources in our syllabus are free to access. That means it's open to more scrutiny and improvements.
In addition, all the courses & problem sets listed in our syllabus have over +100k learners (cumulative) . That means, you can find peers, study partners, and reviews easily.
If you are looking for study partners/mentors, join a study group on Moocable
Certificate recognised world-wide
Institutions like "LearnQuest", "Coursera", etc, are recognised globally. These certificates have more credibility and authority, and can help you get better jobs.
After helping thousands of learners, we've noticed a collection of objections/concerns learners have regarding bootcamps. We've dedicated an entire page to answer each of them descriptively.
Looking for peers & mentors?
Upskill and get placed at companies with the help of peers and mentors! Join our community and find structure + accountability + motivation