Apna College

Free Apna College C++ DSA Course Alternative

Table of Contents

About the Course

The C++ Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) course offered by Apna College is a comprehensive 4-month program designed to equip students with essential programming skills in C++ and DSA concepts.  The course covers topics from basic programming to advanced algorithms, providing over 100 hours of content and 300+ coding questions. 



Moocable Alternative

We carefully study a bootcamp/influncer course and provide a free/affordable alternative using MOOCs (online courses, books...). In addition, you can find study partners and have your own DIY-bootcamp for free!


1. Learn C++

LearnCpp.com is a totally free website devoted to teaching you to program in C++. Whether you’ve had any prior experience programming or not, the tutorials on this site will walk you through all the steps you’ll need to know in order to create and compile your programs.

  • Free Course
  • Difficulty: Beginner


2. Algorithmic Toolbox
via UC San Diego

This online course covers basic algorithmic techniques and ideas for computational problems arising frequently in practical applications: sorting and searching, divide and conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming. 

  • Free course
  • Paid Certificate
  • Duration: 1 day 16 hours
  • Difficulty: Intermediate


3. LeetCode Curated Algo 170
via Leetcode

A selection of the 170 most popular problems on LeetCode, great for beginners who are new to algorithms and data structure and those who want to improve efficiently in a short period of time. Mastering these 170 problems you will have the basic skills required in the coding world.

Get Certified

All the courses listed above are FREE to enroll. You can audit Coursera courses for free.

However, we understand that some learners need to get certified. In this case, you can still follow our syllabus and pay for the certificates. 

If you pay for the certificates, you will obtain certificates granted by:

  • UC San Diego
  • for less than the cost of Apna College C++ DSA Course.



Save INR 5,750

That's how much you'll save by choosing the alternative route versus Apna College C++ DSA Course. You'll learn the same skills and topics, without the expensive price tag.

Curriculum taught by world-class experts

Our alternative syllabus is taught/provided by world-class experts

  • Learncpp
  • UC San Diego
  • LeetCode


Better material, richer communities

Unlike Apna College's program, all the resources in our syllabus are free to access. That means it's open to more scrutiny and improvements.

In addition, all the courses & problem sets listed in our syllabus have over +100k learners (cumulative) . That means, you can find peers, study partners, and reviews easily.

If you are looking for study partners/mentors, join a study group on Moocable


Certificate recognised world-wide

Institutions like "UC San Diego", "Coursera", etc, are recognised globally. These certificates have more credibility and authority, and can help you get better jobs.



After helping thousands of learners, we've noticed a collection of objections/concerns learners have regarding bootcamps. We've dedicated an entire page to answer each of them descriptively.

Looking for peers & mentors?

Upskill and get placed at companies with the help of peers and mentors! Join our community and find structure + accountability + motivation