Harkirat Singh

Free Harkirat Singh Complete Web3/Blockchain Cohort Alternative

Table of Contents

About the Course

The "Web3/Blockchain Cohort" is a 10 week course led by Harkirat Singh is designed to provide in-depth knowledge and skills related to Web3 and blockchain technologies. Here's an overview:

  1. Course Focus:

    • The course is aimed at teaching the fundamentals of blockchain, decentralized finance (DeFi), smart contracts, and other Web3 technologies.
    • It includes practical training on building decentralized applications (dApps) and understanding the ecosystem of blockchain.
  2. Target Audience:

    • The course is intended for beginners as well as intermediate learners who want to delve into blockchain and Web3 technologies.
    • It is suitable for developers, tech enthusiasts, and those looking to enter the blockchain industry.

Moocable Alternative

We carefully study a bootcamp/influncer course and provide a free/affordable alternative using MOOCs (online courses, books...). In addition, you can find study partners and have your own DIY-bootcamp for free!



1. The Odin Project - Foundations
via The Odin Project

This is where it all begins! A hands-on introduction to all of the essential tools you'll need to build real, working websites. You'll learn what web developers actually do – the foundations you'll need for later courses.

  • Free course
  • Difficulty: Beginner


2. The Odin Project - Fullstack Javascript
via The Odin Project


This path takes you through our entire JavaScript curriculum. The courses should be taken in the order that they are displayed. You'll learn everything you need to know to create beautiful responsive websites from scratch using JavaScript and NodeJs.

  • Free Course
  • Difficulty: Intermediate

3. A Brief Introduction to Web3: Decentralized Web Fundamentals for App Development

"Journey into the world of Web3-based application development, its related protocols, and its usage in developing decentralized applications. This book will explain how programmable blockchains are revolutionizing the world of web applications, which can be run on decentralized platforms or peer-to-peer networks like IPFS."

  • 192 Pages
  • Duration: ~3hr



Save upto INR 5,000

That's how much you'll save by choosing the alternative route versus Harkirat Singh Complete Web3/Blockchain Cohort. You'll learn the same skills and topics, without the expensive price tag.

Curriculum taught by world-class experts

Our alternative syllabus is taught/provided by world-class experts

  • The Odin Project
  • Apress

Better material, richer communities

Unlike Harkirat Singh's program, all the resources in our syllabus are free to access. That means it's open to more scrutiny and improvements.

In addition, all the courses & books listed in our syllabus have over +100k learners (cumulative) . That means, you can find peers, study partners, and reviews easily.

If you are looking for study partners/mentors, join a study group on Moocable


After helping thousands of learners, we've noticed a collection of objections/concerns learners have regarding bootcamps. We've dedicated an entire page to answer each of them descriptively.

Looking for peers & mentors?

Upskill and get placed at companies with the help of peers and mentors! Join our community and find structure + accountability + motivation




This article was updated on September 3, 2024



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