Newton School

Free Newton School's B.Tech in Computer Science & AI Alternative

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OSSU: Computer Science

Introduction to Computer Science

  1. Introduction to Computer Science - CS50

Math (Mathematical Thinking)

  1. Mathematical Thinking in Computer Science

Program Design

  1. Algorithms, Data Collection, and Starting to Code
  2. Data Analysis and Representation, Selection and Iteration
  3. Abstraction, Problem Decomposition, and Functions
  4. Simulation, Algorithm Analysis, and Pointers

Math (Discrete Math)

  1. Mathematics for Computer Science


  1. Algorithms, Part I 
  2. Algorithms, Part II

Programming Paradigms

  1. Functional Programming Principles in Scala
  2. Object Oriented Programming in Java

Software Testing

  1. Introduction to Software Testing

Math (Calculus)

  1. Introduction to Calculus

Software Architecture

  1. Object-Oriented Design
  2. Design Patterns
  3. Software Architecture


  1. Automata

Software Engineering

  1. Software Processes and Agile Practices

Math (Probability)

  1. Introduction to Probability - The Science of Uncertainty

Computer Architecture

  1. Computer Architecture

Operating Systems

  1. Operating Systems and System Programming

Computer Networks

  1. Computer Networks


  1. Databases

Cloud Computing

  1. Introduction to Cloud Computing

Math (Linear Algebra)

  1. Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications


  1. Cryptography I
  2. Cryptography II


  1. Introduction to Cyber Security


  1. Compilers

Parallel Computing

  1. Heterogeneous Parallel Programming

UX Design

  1. UX Design for Mobile Developers

Computer Graphics

  1. Computer Graphics

Artificial Intelligence

  1. Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning

  1. Machine Learning

Natural Language Processing

  1. Natural Language Processing

Big Data

  1. Introduction to Big Data

Data Mining

  1. Pattern Discovery in Data Mining

Internet of Things

  1. The Internet of Things



This article was updated on August 17, 2024



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