Looking for a LeetCode Study Partner!
Hey everyone, I'm pretty new to DSA and have been struggling to keep up with my LeetCode practice. I’m looking for someone who's in a similar boat – not super well-versed in DSA and trying to be consistent with solving problems. I'm currently on the job hunt, so I really need to step up my game and would love to have a study buddy to keep each other accountable. My goal is to solve a certain number of problems each day and help each other stay motivated.
Novice English
A selection of the 170 most popular problems on LeetCode, great for beginners who are new to algorithms and data structure and those who want to improve efficiently in a short period of time. Mastering these 170 problems you will have the basic skills required in the coding world.
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Looking for a LeetCode Study Partner!
Hey everyone, I'm pretty new to DSA and have been struggling to keep up with my LeetCode practice. I’m looking for someone who's in a similar boat – not super well-versed in DSA and trying to be consistent with solving problems. I'm currently on the job hunt, so I really need to step up my game and would love to have a study buddy to keep each other accountable. My goal is to solve a certain number of problems each day and help each other stay motivated.
Novice English
TypeProblem Sets
A selection of the 170 most popular problems on LeetCode, great for beginners who are new to algorithms and data structure and those who want to improve efficiently in a short period of time. Mastering these 170 problems you will have the basic skills required in the coding world.
Learning is better with Cohorts
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