id,title,slug,mooc,description,group_link,external_link,published_date,end_date,p_timezone,p_language,expertise,status,user_ip,category,community_profile 41,"Practicing JavaScript for 30 days Challenge",practicing-javascript-for-30-days-challenge-41,javascript-30-build-30-things-with-vanilla-js-in-30-days-with-30-tutorials-48843,"Hi there ... is there anyone currently practicing or learning JS rn? let me know ❤️ I'm currently practicing JavaScript, I would like to share my last 5 days Progress here.. -Day 1 -console.log("Hello World") -Values and Variable -DataTypes -let , const , var Day 2 -Basic operators -Strings and Template literal Day 3 -control statement -Operators Day 4 -use strict-functions-array -object-object methods Day 5 -for loop -while loop -break and continue (Hope you guys doing well .. ????)",,,2024-07-12,2024-07-20,,1,novice,inactive,,7,