id,title,slug,mooc,description,group_link,external_link,published_date,end_date,p_timezone,p_language,expertise,status,user_ip,category,community_profile 175,"Python + Data Structures group for beginners",python-data-structures-group-for-beginners-175,python-data-structures-42696,"Hey, everyone. I'm a software engg. from India, and I host study groups where we study online courses together. I'll be starting the groups within a few days. We will study Python Data Structures course on Coursera. Format: Each week, members go through the course material. We will conduct the group on Discord. We discuss the course materials, solve the weekly quizzes, and have a real peer-review session of our assignments. The group will last for 4 weeks. Target Audience: No Prerequisites This is a beginner-centric course Non-cs/it folks are encouraged to join!",,,2024-09-01,2024-09-08,,1,proficient,inactive,,7,