id,title,slug,mooc,description,group_link,external_link,published_date,end_date,p_timezone,p_language,expertise,status,user_ip,category,community_profile 110,"Study Group for hands-on machine learning with scikit-learn, keras, and tensorflow",study-group-for-hands-on-machine-learning-with-scikit-learn-keras-and-tensorflow-110,hands-on-machine-learning-with-scikit-learn-keras-and-tensorflow-3rd-edition-62314,"Hi, I recently started the book "hands-on machine learning with scikit-learn, keras, and tensorflow" by Aurelien Geron. Problem is I am not accountable to anyone, so there is a lot of dilettantism about my approach. If anyone is interested in creating a study group of sorts and complete the entire book, do let me know. Idea would be to cover a chapter every two weeks with a kaagle challenge on the same completed by end of the two weeks.",,,2021-06-04,2021-06-30,,1,novice,inactive,,1,