id,title,slug,mooc,description,group_link,external_link,published_date,end_date,p_timezone,p_language,expertise,status,user_ip,category,community_profile 141,"Study Groups with weekly live sessions starting June 16. Learn Excel for Data Analysis",study-groups-with-weekly-live-sessions-starting-june-16-learn-excel-for-data-analysis-141,excel-for-data-analysis-81954,"Hello all! We are running parallel study groups at Class Central. Currently we are doing this with Mountains 101 course from University of Alberta. The experience has been great and we have expanded the study groups to include three more courses. The plan is simple, we take the course at roughly the same schedule, discuss it on a dedicated forum, and meet for weekly live sessions.",,,2021-05-06,2021-05-31,,1,advanced-beginner,inactive,,4,