Stanford Algorithms group for beginners
Hey, everyone. I'm a software engg. from India, and I host study groups where we study online courses together. I'll be starting the groups within a few days. We will study Algorithms...

Stanford Algorithms group for beginners
Hey, everyone. I'm a software engg. from India, and I host study groups where we study online courses together. I'll be starting the groups within a few days. We will study...

Learning Java through
4 week study group on Java. We will study the course by university of helsinki. The study group is free for everyone, but I request you to be serious if joining. We will have weekly goals, and share...

Learning Java through
4 week study group on Java. We will study the course by university of helsinki. The study group is free for everyone, but I request you to be serious if joining. We will have weekly goals, and...

C Programming Study Group for beginners
Hi everyone, I’m forming a study group to go through the learning journey together and hold each other accountable. I'm a software engineer with >5 years of experience. We will be studying an...

C Programming Study Group for beginners
Hi everyone, I’m forming a study group to go through the learning journey together and hold each other accountable. I'm a software engineer with >5 years of experience. We will be studying...

Maching Learning Study Buddy
Hey I've been working as a software engineer for around 10 years. I recently started learning ML from coursera (Deep Learning Specialization). I've almost completed it, but since its a...

Maching Learning Study Buddy
Hey I've been working as a software engineer for around 10 years. I recently started learning ML from coursera (Deep Learning Specialization). I've almost completed it, but since its...
Crafting Interpreters
second try to go through this book. My plan is to implement the first part in Go and second one in C or maybe...

Crafting Interpreters
second try to go through this book. My plan is to implement the first part in Go and second one in C or...
Dedicated Programming Buddy/ies for low level learning
Hi! Iam looking for buddies to make a dedicated journey to learn low level programming, the plan includes (but not limited to) Nand To Tetris (Coursera Course) Effective C Learn C the hard...

Dedicated Programming Buddy/ies for low level learning
Hi! Iam looking for buddies to make a dedicated journey to learn low level programming, the plan includes (but not limited to) Nand To Tetris (Coursera Course) Effective C Learn C the...
Looking for Study Buddy for Stanford CS229 Machine Learning (Andrew Ng, Autumn 2018)
Hey I'm starting the Stanford CS229 Machine Learning course by Andrew Ng (the Autumn 2018 version). It's available as a full playlist on YouTube. I'm looking for a study buddy or a...

Looking for Study Buddy for Stanford CS229 Machine Learning (Andrew Ng, Autumn 2018)
Hey I'm starting the Stanford CS229 Machine Learning course by Andrew Ng (the Autumn 2018 version). It's available as a full playlist on YouTube. I'm looking for a study buddy or...
Looking for accountability partner/partners
Hi! Iam not a student, but my work involves tons of research and learning and Iam advancing in my career I'd love to have an accountability partner to chat with on different topics: C#, C,...

Looking for accountability partner/partners
Hi! Iam not a student, but my work involves tons of research and learning and Iam advancing in my career I'd love to have an accountability partner to chat with on different topics: C#,...
People looking for study buddies
Hey cs50 enthusiasts, this side GEN1U5. Here to invite you to CS50 crew. A study buddy discord server for people who have started cs50/ programming recently. Let's set goals and achieve...

People looking for study buddies
Hey cs50 enthusiasts, this side GEN1U5. Here to invite you to CS50 crew. A study buddy discord server for people who have started cs50/ programming recently. Let's set goals and...
Study buddy for CS50
Hi! I'm planning on starting CS50 from this weekend with an aim to finish the course within 3 months. I can't work on CS50 full time but will very much appreciate if anyone is in a similar...

Study buddy for CS50
Hi! I'm planning on starting CS50 from this weekend with an aim to finish the course within 3 months. I can't work on CS50 full time but will very much appreciate if anyone is in a...
Nand2Tetris Study Group
I am a junior developer that graduated from a relatively short diploma in software development so I have gaps in CS knowledge, especially around lower level stuff like comp architecture, OS,...

Nand2Tetris Study Group
I am a junior developer that graduated from a relatively short diploma in software development so I have gaps in CS knowledge, especially around lower level stuff like comp architecture,...
New ai student looking to form a group
hello , my name is mazen and i am looking for a mento to help me with my ai journey and help me in my ai projects give me some feedback. you don t have to be a gradute or anything if you are just...

New ai student looking to form a group
hello , my name is mazen and i am looking for a mento to help me with my ai journey and help me in my ai projects give me some feedback. you don t have to be a gradute or anything if you are...
Coding study buddies
Any groups out there for people who is learning how to code through online resources and/or changing career after 30yo. ???? I’m a mom, living in Europe and studying by myself through FreeCodeCamp,...

Coding study buddies
Any groups out there for people who is learning how to code through online resources and/or changing career after 30yo. ???? I’m a mom, living in Europe and studying by myself through...
Looking to form Study Group! [Beginner Coder - University Student]
Hii I am a university student studying computer science, and I'm looking to form a study group bc I learn best when discussing with ppl, asking questions and thru visual methods! Pls reach out...

Looking to form Study Group! [Beginner Coder - University Student]
Hii I am a university student studying computer science, and I'm looking to form a study group bc I learn best when discussing with ppl, asking questions and thru visual methods! Pls reach...
Looking for a study buddy or group for distributed systems course
Hi to everyone. I'm currently studying distributed systems/computing and I think it would be even more fun and useful if I did it with other people. Currently, I'm doing the MIT 6.824...

Looking for a study buddy or group for distributed systems course
Hi to everyone. I'm currently studying distributed systems/computing and I think it would be even more fun and useful if I did it with other people. Currently, I'm doing the MIT...
Looking for an AI buddy(s): Learning and Impelementing
Hey everyone! I'm looking for a buddy or a group of buddies who are interested in learning foundations of data science and machine learning with me. I'm already a bit experienced in the...
Looking for an AI buddy(s): Learning and Impelementing
Hey everyone! I'm looking for a buddy or a group of buddies who are interested in learning foundations of data science and machine learning with me. I'm already a bit experienced in...
Need study buddy for Andrew Ng's CS229 from Stanford Online
I recently started CS229 taught by Andrew Ng from Stanford Online, and I need a study partner who is kind of on the same boat so that it'll be helpful! If there's someone like that, can you...

Need study buddy for Andrew Ng's CS229 from Stanford Online
I recently started CS229 taught by Andrew Ng from Stanford Online, and I need a study partner who is kind of on the same boat so that it'll be helpful! If there's someone like that, can...
Meta E4 Interview Prep Partner
Hello everyone, I have Meta E4 Interview Coming up in end of June and looking for mock interview partner for coding & sd rounds. Anyone interested? I am in UTC...

Meta E4 Interview Prep Partner
Hello everyone, I have Meta E4 Interview Coming up in end of June and looking for mock interview partner for coding & sd rounds. Anyone interested? I am in...
Look for mentoring or study group for the CS61A Berkeley's course (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)
I've just started this course yesterday and I'm looking for some mentor or people who are also interested in doing the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (CS61A). I want to...

Look for mentoring or study group for the CS61A Berkeley's course (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)
I've just started this course yesterday and I'm looking for some mentor or people who are also interested in doing the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (CS61A). I want...
Looking for programming study group / buddies
I live in Central District and recently started studying programming online. Specifically I'm taking the Princeton Algorithms I course on Coursera. It's an interesting course and I 'm...

Looking for programming study group / buddies
I live in Central District and recently started studying programming online. Specifically I'm taking the Princeton Algorithms I course on Coursera. It's an interesting course and I...
Read "Designing ML System" book together
I am reading the book Designing Machine Learning Systems by Chip Huyen It's a nice and interesting book about how to launch ML System into production. I am looking for people to read...
Read "Designing ML System" book together
I am reading the book Designing Machine Learning Systems by Chip Huyen It's a nice and interesting book about how to launch ML System into production. I am looking for people to...
Study Partner for Stanford, MIT and Coursera Deep Learning Courses
Hello everyone. I am looking for a study partner to watch lectures and attempt assignments for CS230, CS231n (Stanford courses on deep learning and computer vision) and Coursera deep learning...

Study Partner for Stanford, MIT and Coursera Deep Learning Courses
Hello everyone. I am looking for a study partner to watch lectures and attempt assignments for CS230, CS231n (Stanford courses on deep learning and computer vision) and Coursera deep...
Looking for a study group
I am looking for a study partner for this deep learning specialization. I am from a health Informatics background. If anybody is interested please let me...

Looking for a study group
I am looking for a study partner for this deep learning specialization. I am from a health Informatics background. If anybody is interested please let...
Discrete Optimization MOOC by Melbourne study group
The course is launching on april 16. I am going to enroll in the course; I've hosted study groups previously. Join my group if...

Discrete Optimization MOOC by Melbourne study group
The course is launching on april 16. I am going to enroll in the course; I've hosted study groups previously. Join my group...
Looking for study group: Data structures and Algorithms
I'm currently working my way through Introduction to Algorithms and thought it might be useful/fun to run through it with other people. As a self taught dev it's often easy to get stuck or...

Looking for study group: Data structures and Algorithms
I'm currently working my way through Introduction to Algorithms and thought it might be useful/fun to run through it with other people. As a self taught dev it's often easy to get stuck...
Study partner for SDE Interview Prep
I am a moderate level coder, based out of North America, who has been in and out of leetcode, and currently looking to go on a spree of 2-3 months of dedicated interview prep for a senior software...

Study partner for SDE Interview Prep
I am a moderate level coder, based out of North America, who has been in and out of leetcode, and currently looking to go on a spree of 2-3 months of dedicated interview prep for a senior...
Data structures and Algorithms Group Learning
Hey everyone, I am a full-stack developer working in the Health Tech space. I am interested in getting a group of people together to go through a part of computer science that I never learned in my...

Data structures and Algorithms Group Learning
Hey everyone, I am a full-stack developer working in the Health Tech space. I am interested in getting a group of people together to go through a part of computer science that I never learned in...
I need a learning buddy
Anyone going through a boot camp or even self taught wanting to connect for some peer reviews and support? I’m currently doing U of M’s UX Research and Design Specialization on Coursera and the...

I need a learning buddy
Anyone going through a boot camp or even self taught wanting to connect for some peer reviews and support? I’m currently doing U of M’s UX Research and Design Specialization on Coursera and...
Study group for MIT Algorithms Course
Hey guys, as the title says I am planning to start Introduction to Algorithms Course from MIT Open courseware and follow along as per the schedule they provided. I believe having a study group to...

Study group for MIT Algorithms Course
Hey guys, as the title says I am planning to start Introduction to Algorithms Course from MIT Open courseware and follow along as per the schedule they provided. I believe having a study group...
Discord Algorithms Study Group for MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms
This Discord Algorithms Study Group for MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2020. the group is to study and discuss the course (it's problems - lecture notes - book) and solve DSA...

Discord Algorithms Study Group for MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms
This Discord Algorithms Study Group for MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2020. the group is to study and discuss the course (it's problems - lecture notes - book) and solve...