What is Data Science?

Do you want to know why data science has been labeled the sexiest profession of the 21st century? After taking this course, you will be able to answer this question, understand what data science is...

πŸ› Online Course πŸ’° Free to Audit

What is Data Science?

Do you want to know why data science has been labeled the sexiest profession of the 21st century? After taking this course, you will be able to answer this question, understand what data science is...

Python Basics for Data Science

Kickstart your learning of Python for data science, as well as programming in general with this introduction to Python course. This beginner-friendly Python course will quickly take you from zero to...

πŸ› Online Course πŸ’° Free to Audit

Python Basics for Data Science

Kickstart your learning of Python for data science, as well as programming in general with this introduction to Python course. This beginner-friendly Python course will quickly take you from zero to...

Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks

This course gives you the background needed to understand basic Cybersecurity. You will learn the history of Cybersecurity, types and motives of cyber attacks to further your knowledge of current...

πŸ› Online Course πŸ’° Free to Audit πŸ“ Cybersecurity

Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks

This course gives you the background needed to understand basic Cybersecurity. You will learn the history of Cybersecurity, types and motives of cyber attacks to further your knowledge of current...

Introduction to Data Analytics

This course provides a practical understanding and framework for basic analytics tasks, including data extraction, cleaning, manipulation, and analysis. It introduces the OSEMN cycle for managing...

πŸ› Online Course πŸ’° Free to Audit πŸ“ Data Analysis

Introduction to Data Analytics

This course provides a practical understanding and framework for basic analytics tasks, including data extraction, cleaning, manipulation, and analysis. It introduces the OSEMN cycle for managing...

Data Visualization with Python

Visualizing data is used by virtually every discipline these days. It is used for analyzing web traffic to determine peak server load, growth and death rate of populations for biological analysis,...

πŸ› Online Course πŸ’° Free to Audit πŸ“ Data Visualization

Data Visualization with Python

Visualizing data is used by virtually every discipline these days. It is used for analyzing web traffic to determine peak server load, growth and death rate of populations for biological analysis,...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Education for Teachers

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Academic Writing

Cybersecurity Specialist Capstone

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education

Cybersecurity Capstone and Case Studies

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Python Programming

Malware Analysis and Introduction to Assembly Language

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education

Threat Intelligence Lifecycle Fundamentals

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Sign Language

Cybersecurity Architecture

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education

Cybersecurity Analyst Assessment

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Sign Language

Cybersecurity Basics

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Anatomy

Malware Analysis and Assembly Language Introduction

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Penetration Testing and Incident Response

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Anatomy

Introduction to Cybersecurity Essentials

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education

IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Assessment

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Self Improvement

Cyber Threat Intelligence

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education

Penetration Testing, Incident Response and Forensics

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education

Network Security & Database Vulnerabilities

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Python Programming

Cybersecurity Roles, Processes & Operating System Security

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education

Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Sign Language

Cybersecurity Compliance Framework & System Administration

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Sign Language

Cybersecurity Roles and Operating System Security

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education

Introduction to Cybersecurity Careers

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Python Programming

Cybersecurity Capstone: Breach Response Case Studies

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Sign Language

Basic Network and Database Security

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education

IT Support Case Studies

πŸ“ IIBA Certification