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The organisation of cultural enterprises II

Il corso, naturale proseguimento del precendete "L'organizzazione delle imprese culturali" fornisce un'attenta analisi delle strutture organizzative viste dal loro interno. Una prospettiva questa,...

Online Courses EMMA 💰 Business

The organisation of cultural enterprises II

Il corso, naturale proseguimento del precendete "L'organizzazione delle imprese culturali" fornisce un'attenta analisi delle strutture organizzative viste dal loro interno. Una prospettiva...

Computer Assisted Inquiry

Kursus on suunatud üldhariduskoolide gümnaasiumiõpilastele, õpetajatele, kes soovivad oma uurimistöö tegemise oskusi värskendada ja kõrgkoolide I ja II aasta tudengitele. Kursuse 9 nädalaga...

Online Courses EMMA 💰 Data Science

Computer Assisted Inquiry

Kursus on suunatud üldhariduskoolide gümnaasiumiõpilastele, õpetajatele, kes soovivad oma uurimistöö tegemise oskusi värskendada ja kõrgkoolide I ja II aasta tudengitele. Kursuse 9...

Business Intelligence

The amount of data generated by the information society is growing day by day, and will continue to grow thanks to the explosion of social networks, the smarts cities, the big data, mobile devices,...

Online Courses EMMA 💰 Data Science

Business Intelligence

The amount of data generated by the information society is growing day by day, and will continue to grow thanks to the explosion of social networks, the smarts cities, the big data, mobile...

Records : 6 of 6