Outstanding customer service is the heart of customer satisfaction and loyalty. How to achieve it? In a unique approach, author Maxine Kamin focuses on customer service from a values and mission viewpoint. Incorporating new age thinking into professional practice, 10 Steps to Successful Customer Service is designed for front-line customer service professionals that helps them implement key practices for engaging customer loyalty, improving results, and developing trust . Delivered in ASTD's 10 Steps Series, this new title offers fresh insight for people considering or managing their careers in service organizations.
10 Steps to Successful Customer Service
ProviderAssociation for Talent Development
PricingExclusively Paid
Duration3h 37m
CertificateNo Certificate
Outstanding customer service is the heart of customer satisfaction and loyalty. How to achieve it? In a unique approach, author Maxine Kamin focuses on customer service from a values and mission viewpoint. Incorporating new age thinking into professional practice, 10 Steps to Successful Customer Service is designed for front-line customer service professionals that helps them implement key practices for engaging customer loyalty, improving results, and developing trust . Delivered in ASTD's 10 Steps Series, this new title offers fresh insight for people considering or managing their careers in service organizations.