id,title,slug,link,category_id,tags,type_id,image,provider_id,publisher_id,university_id,institution_id,duration,cost_id,certificate,difficulty,description,syllabus,pages,added_date,published_date,bad_link,popular 80034,"A Complete 4-Year Course Plan for an AI Degree",a-complete-4-year-course-plan-for-an-ai-degree-80034,,1,,5,,18,,,,,1,"No Certificate",,"

""Having been out of school for a while now, I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on how well certain courses prepared me for my career in artificial intelligence and machine learning. I finally decided to put my thoughts to the page and design a complete curriculum for a 4-year undergraduate degree in artificial intelligence.

These courses are intended to provide both breadth and depth to newcomers in the fields of artificial intelligence and computer science. This curriculum is inspired heavily by the courses that I took and is a reflection of the skills I believe are necessary to succeed in an artificial intelligence career today.

While you might be able to acquire some knowledge of AI through a single Coursera class, my emphasis here is instead on developing a deep conceptual understanding coupled with practical application of those concepts. Thorough understanding of a domain really just takes time. Shortcuts don’t work, and so that’s why this list is geared toward people that want to methodically start from the basics.

With that introduction out of the way, let’s get started.""


Year 1: Build Out Your Fundamentals ????

In your first year of an artificial intelligence degree, you should focus on learning the core concepts that underlie both computer science and modern machine learning. Here I am assuming absolutely no prior computer science experience, and so a good part of the year should be spent learning all the software and algorithm fundamentals you will need throughout your degree and career. The courses you should focus on include:

Year 2: Explore Domains, Develop Systems Knowledge ????

The focus of your second year in an artificial intelligence undergrad should be on exposing yourself to general principles in artificial intelligence, what kinds of problems have been/are tackled and how they have been approached. In addition, you should continue to develop an understanding of computer systems that are relevant to model building and also exercise software engineering and design principles. To that end, these classes are recommended:

Year 3: Advanced Coursework to Gain Depth ????

In your third year, you should focus on building out depth in machine learning as well as domain-specific applications of statistical principles including natural language processing, big data analysis, and computer vision. Here are a few recommended classes to take:

Year 4: Real-World Experience Is Essential ????

The name of the game your fourth year should be all about practice, practice, practice! By the time you’ve gone through your first three years, you will have developed a solid understanding of low-level computer science and software engineering principles as well as the theory behind artificial intelligence concepts and their applications. At this point, you want to spend the time to get your hands dirty.

Find a problem space you are interested in, get an existing dataset (or develop your own), and start building models. Learn the nuances of data manipulation, hypothesis testing, and error analysis. Learn how to troubleshoot models.

Becoming an effective artificial intelligence specialist requires putting all the principles you have learned into practice. Here are a few options for how to get as much practice as you can:

And with that, you have completed a thorough 4-year curriculum designed to prepare you for success in a machine learning or data science career! It’s worth mentioning that going through all the above courses is not strictly necessary.

An alternate route is to go through the above list and take courses to fill in your own conceptual/skill gaps. While there’s a lot to learn, it’s an exciting time to be involved with artificial intelligence with countless opportunities and promising problem spaces. Good luck!
