id,title,slug,link,category_id,tags,type_id,image,provider_id,publisher_id,university_id,institution_id,duration,cost_id,certificate,difficulty,description,syllabus,pages,added_date,published_date,bad_link,popular 30565,"Copyright and the Business of Creative Industries",copyright-and-the-business-of-creative-industries-30565,,2,,1,,17,,,871,"4 weeks, 3 hours a week",2,,,"

Understand the role of copyright in cultural and creative industries

On this course, you will explore the role and importance of copyright in the business of cultural and creative industries. We will examine the practical aspects of the business where copyright plays a central role, and focus on its impact in different sectors.

You will also learn how copyright rules apply and how the flow of economic benefits operates between creators, rightsholders, and users of creative works.

Upon completion of this course, you will build an understanding of copyright that is invaluable for creators and people hoping to build a career in cultural and creative industries.

This course is for creators of artistic works of any kind, producers, publishers, broadcasters, digital service providers, professionals involved directly or indirectly in the creative industries, and anyone interested in cultural and creative industries (CCI). It will also be very useful to anyone working in copyright or copyright-related industries.

This course is available also in Portuguese and in Spanish.
