Title: Hackr Roadmap: Frontend Developer Roadmap
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Hackr Roadmap: Frontend Developer Roadmap


With the rise in the development of web-based products, front-end Developers are in very high demand. Also with the invention of many cutting-edge frameworks in Javascript front-end has become really complicated and demands very high skills. Gone are the days when back-end development was the tougher part and front-end was considered just writing styles in CSS and handlings clicks with jQuery. It is so much more than that today. 

In this roadmap, you will learn about all the essentials of the front-end that will get you up and running in your journey.

What you'll learn

  • Basics of HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.
  • Basics of UI/UX Design
  • Boostrap3/4
  • React 16
  • Git


HTML5 and CSS3 Basics

Our Front End Developers recommend starting with HTML5 and CSS, the structure and skin of the web, to get started. Our community recommends the following tutorials as a primer on the subject. Whether you prefer to watch videos on HTML or read how-to books on the subject, we found resources for every style of learning.

Learn to use Bootstrap

Learn Javascript


Git Basics


How to follow this roadmap?

  • You should start by exploring HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Once you are comfortable with them, you can move on to Bootstrap 4 and build something. Try to copy the design of any famous website you like and see if you can re-create it on your own.
  • Next, you should learn Javascript and how to handle user interaction. 
  • Once you have spent enough time perfecting your Javascript, then you can move on to learn a front-end framework of your choice. We recommend React.

Lastly, make sure you keep building something at every step of your learning. Remember, Practice is the key to perfection.

Hackr Roadmap: Frontend Developer Roadmap

Affiliate notice

With the rise in the development of web-based products, front-end Developers are in very high demand. Also with the invention of many cutting-edge frameworks in Javascript front-end has become really complicated and demands very high skills. Gone are the days when back-end development was the tougher part and front-end was considered just writing styles in CSS and handlings clicks with jQuery. It is so much more than that today. 

In this roadmap, you will learn about all the essentials of the front-end that will get you up and running in your journey.

What you'll learn

  • Basics of HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.
  • Basics of UI/UX Design
  • Boostrap3/4
  • React 16
  • Git

HTML5 and CSS3 Basics

Our Front End Developers recommend starting with HTML5 and CSS, the structure and skin of the web, to get started. Our community recommends the following tutorials as a primer on the subject. Whether you prefer to watch videos on HTML or read how-to books on the subject, we found resources for every style of learning.

Learn to use Bootstrap

Learn Javascript


Git Basics


How to follow this roadmap?

  • You should start by exploring HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Once you are comfortable with them, you can move on to Bootstrap 4 and build something. Try to copy the design of any famous website you like and see if you can re-create it on your own.
  • Next, you should learn Javascript and how to handle user interaction. 
  • Once you have spent enough time perfecting your Javascript, then you can move on to learn a front-end framework of your choice. We recommend React.

Lastly, make sure you keep building something at every step of your learning. Remember, Practice is the key to perfection.