id,title,slug,link,category_id,tags,type_id,image,provider_id,publisher_id,university_id,institution_id,duration,cost_id,certificate,difficulty,description,syllabus,pages,added_date,published_date,bad_link,popular 32148,"How to Write the Best Blog Post Titles: Increase Clicks and Shares by Optimizing Blog Post Titles",how-to-write-the-best-blog-post-titles-increase-clicks-and-shares-by-optimizing-blog-post-titles-32148,,2,,1,,83,,,,Finished,,,,"
Imagine this. You wrote the perfect blog post. It was well-researched, helpful, and even, to your delight, extremely witty. After reading your favorite sentences multiple times basking in all their greatness, you hit publish, shared the article on social media, and then waited for the comments and social media shares to come pouring in. This was, after all, no ordinary blog post. This was your heart. Your soul. The very essence of who you are as poured out through the written word.
But no one seemed to care. Your Facebook Insights revealed that no one clicked on the link. No one shared your article. No one commented.
What went wrong?
Here’s the deal; if no one even bothered reading your article, chances are, you chose the wrong title.
Blog post titles matter more than you think. In fact, they matter so much, if you get them wrong, few people will even see the words you poured your heart into. Through my experience, I’ve seen first hand how blog post titles impact the overall performance of the content.
This class teaches how to create the best blog post titles that not only help your articles be found in Google and other searches, but also encourage people to click.
In this class you’ll learn: