Title: | IBM® Rational Unified Process® Reference and Certification Guide: Solution Designer |
The Only Official RUP® Certification
Prep Guide and Compact RUP Reference The IBM® Rational Unified Process®
has become the de facto industry-standard process for large-scale
enterprise software development. The IBM Certified Solution
Designer - IBM Rational Unified Process V7.0 certification provides
a powerful way for solutions developers to demonstrate their
proficiency with RUP. The first and only official RUP
certification guide, this book fully reflects the latest versions
of the Rational Unified Process and of the IBM RUP exam. Authored
by two leading RUP implementers, it draws on extensive
contributions and careful reviews by the IBM RUP process leader and
RUP certification manager. This book covers every facet of RUP usage.
It has been carefully organized to help you prepare for your exam
quickly and efficiently--and to provide a handy, compact reference
you can rely on for years to come. Coverage includes A full section on RUP exam preparation and a 52-question
practice exam Core RUP concepts, the new RUP process architecture, and key
principles of business-driven development RUP’s architecture-centric approach to iterative
development: practical issues and scenarios Patterns for successful RUP project implementation–and
“anti-patterns” to avoid The Unified Method Architecture (UMA): basic content and
process elements RUP content disciplines, in depth: Business Modeling,
Requirements, Analysis and Design, Implementation, Test,
Deployment, Project Management, Change and Configuration
Management, and Environment Essential RUP work products, roles, and tasks RUP phases, activities, and milestones RUP tailoring and tools for your organization--including
introductions to IBM Rational Method Composer (RMC) and MyRUP
IBM® Rational Unified Process® Reference and Certification Guide: Solution Designer
The Only Official RUP® Certification Prep Guide and Compact RUP Reference
The IBM® Rational Unified Process® has become the de facto industry-standard process for large-scale enterprise software development. The IBM Certified Solution Designer - IBM Rational Unified Process V7.0 certification provides a powerful way for solutions developers to demonstrate their proficiency with RUP.
The first and only official RUP certification guide, this book fully reflects the latest versions of the Rational Unified Process and of the IBM RUP exam. Authored by two leading RUP implementers, it draws on extensive contributions and careful reviews by the IBM RUP process leader and RUP certification manager.
This book covers every facet of RUP usage. It has been carefully organized to help you prepare for your exam quickly and efficiently--and to provide a handy, compact reference you can rely on for years to come.
Coverage includes
A full section on RUP exam preparation and a 52-question practice exam
Core RUP concepts, the new RUP process architecture, and key principles of business-driven development
RUP’s architecture-centric approach to iterative development: practical issues and scenarios
Patterns for successful RUP project implementation–and “anti-patterns” to avoid
The Unified Method Architecture (UMA): basic content and process elements
RUP content disciplines, in depth: Business Modeling, Requirements, Analysis and Design, Implementation, Test, Deployment, Project Management, Change and Configuration Management, and Environment
Essential RUP work products, roles, and tasks
RUP phases, activities, and milestones
RUP tailoring and tools for your organization--including introductions to IBM Rational Method Composer (RMC) and MyRUP