This course serves as an introduction to Kubernetes operators. Operators are a design pattern for building and deploying an application onto a Kubernetes cluster such thatit can be used in the same manner as core Kubernetes resources. It covers the internal architecture of operators and how they fit into the larger Kubernetes ecosystem, aswell as how to build basic operators using Operator-sdk. Operator-sdk is a command line tool for scaffolding operators, generating the code skeleton and Kubernetes yaml neededto deploy the operator.This course is of interest to anyone who wants to learn how to deploy and manage applications on Kubernetes using a more Kubernetes-native style, such as Kubernetes applicationdevlopers, architects, or operators. It is also of interest to consumers of Kubernetes applications users interested in learning how some of the applications they use work internalally.It features hands-on labs that have you constructing and deploying real operators on a live Kubernetes cluster.
TypeOnline Courses
ProviderCognitive Class
Duration6 hours