Title: Laravel Authentication (Breeze, Jetstream, Fortify)
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Laravel Authentication (Breeze, Jetstream, Fortify)

via Laracasts


Laravel provides several excellent options for managing authentication in your applications. If you'd prefer a head start, you might reach for one of the available first-party packages that provide robust, modern scaffolding for your authentication layer, including Laravel Breeze, an initial starter, Laravel Jetstream, offering two-factor auth, API tokens and team management, orLaravel Fortify, a backend implementation. In this series, we'll review how to use and customize these packages in order to fit the authentication needs of your application.

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3 hours 25 minutes

Laravel Authentication (Breeze, Jetstream, Fortify)

via Laracasts
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Laravel provides several excellent options for managing authentication in your applications. If you'd prefer a head start, you might reach for one of the available first-party packages that provide robust, modern scaffolding for your authentication layer, including Laravel Breeze, an initial starter, Laravel Jetstream, offering two-factor auth, API tokens and team management, orLaravel Fortify, a backend implementation. In this series, we'll review how to use and customize these packages in order to fit the authentication needs of your application.