84406,"MHT-CET: Practice & Study Guide",mht-cet-practice-study-guide-84406,,10,67,1,,81,,,,,,,,"Get ready for the MHT-CET exam with help from our informative and easy-to-follow study guide course. These video and text lessons cover all the topics that you'll find on the test in a convenient and mobile-friendly format.","
Ch 1. Circular Motion & Gravitation
Ch 2. Understanding Oscillations
Ch 3. Understanding Rotational Motion
Ch 4. Equilibrium & Elasticity
Ch 5. Electric Force & Charge
Ch 6. Current Electricity
Ch 7. Using Electricity in Engineering
Ch 8. Electromagnetic Induction & Magnetism
Ch 9. Wave Motion
Ch 10. Understanding Sound Waves
Ch 11. Light Waves
Ch 12. Kinetic Theory of Gasses & Radiation
Ch 13. Atoms, Molecules & Nuclei in Physics
Ch 14. Surface Tension & Energy
Ch 15. Matter, Atomic Structure & Chemical Bonding