Title: | Policy Technologies for Self-Managing Systems |
Policy Technologies for Self-Managing
Systems Dakshi Agrawal Calo Seraphin Kang-won Lee Jorge Lobo Dinesh Verma Use policies to build self-managing IT
systems that save money, improve availability, and enhance
agility IT policies can be used to guide and
automate decision making in the management of computer and network
infrastructure, helping IT organizations reduce costs, improve
service quality, and enhance business agility. Now, a team of top
IBM researchers introduces the latest innovations in policies and
autonomic computing and demonstrates how to put them to work in
your organization. The authors cover the entire policy
lifecycle: planning, definition, representation in standard policy
languages, validation, distribution, enforcement, and more. They
identify proven patterns for designing policy-enabled self-managing
systems and show how policies can be integrated into a complete
framework for system self management. They carefully introduce key
technologies such as rules engines and the IBM Policy Management
framework, as well as emerging standards such as the DMTF’s
Common Information Model. Finally, they offer start-to-finish case
studies of policy management in areas ranging from storage and IP
networking to security. This book’s insights and practical
guidance will be invaluable to every IT professional who can benefit from policies:
architects, developers, administrators, researchers, and managers
alike. Understanding the life cycle and components of policy-based
self-managing systems Identifying your best opportunities to drive value from
policies Defining the most appropriate abstraction level for your
policies Using the DMTF’s Common Information Model to establish
the logical structure and contents of policies Validating the consistency and appropriateness of your
policies Making your policies automatically enforceable by computer Using policies to simplify and streamline configuration
management for SANs and other IT systems Improving availability by implementing policies that can
automatically react to faults and error conditions
Coverage includes
Policy Technologies for Self-Managing Systems
Dakshi Agrawal
Calo Seraphin
Kang-won Lee
Jorge Lobo
Dinesh Verma
Use policies to build self-managing IT systems that save money, improve availability, and enhance agility
IT policies can be used to guide and automate decision making in the management of computer and network infrastructure, helping IT organizations reduce costs, improve service quality, and enhance business agility. Now, a team of top IBM researchers introduces the latest innovations in policies and autonomic computing and demonstrates how to put them to work in your organization.
The authors cover the entire policy lifecycle: planning, definition, representation in standard policy languages, validation, distribution, enforcement, and more. They identify proven patterns for designing policy-enabled self-managing systems and show how policies can be integrated into a complete framework for system self management. They carefully introduce key technologies such as rules engines and the IBM Policy Management framework, as well as emerging standards such as the DMTF’s Common Information Model. Finally, they offer start-to-finish case studies of policy management in areas ranging from storage and IP networking to security.
This book’s insights and practical guidance will be invaluable to every IT
professional who can benefit from policies: architects, developers, administrators, researchers, and managers alike.
Coverage includes
Understanding the life cycle and components of policy-based self-managing systems
Identifying your best opportunities to drive value from policies
Defining the most appropriate abstraction level for your policies
Using the DMTF’s Common Information Model to establish the logical structure and contents of policies
Validating the consistency and appropriateness of your policies
Making your policies automatically enforceable by computer
Using policies to simplify and streamline configuration management for SANs and other IT systems
Improving availability by implementing policies that can automatically react to faults and error conditions