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This graduate level course offers an introduction into regression analysis. A researcher is often interested in using sample data to investigate relationships, with an ultimate goal of creating a model to predict a future value for some dependent variable. The process of finding this mathematical model that best fits the data involves regression analysis.

STAT 501 is an applied linear regression course that emphasizes data analysis and interpretation. Generally, statistical regression is collection of methods for determining and using models that explain how a response variable (dependent variable) relates to one or more explanatory variables (predictor variables).



This is the STAT 501 online course materials website. There are lots of examples, notes, and lecture materials on this website. You may want to make a bookmark for this site in your browser.

Featured on this site are the online notes on Regression Methods reorganized and supplemented by Dr. Iain Pardoe, based on original notes by Dr. Laura Simon and Dr. Derek Young.

In addition, in the Resources section, there are Worked Examples Using Minitab that demonstrate how to perform many of the methods used in regression and Video Resources containing instructive examples.

Online Courses


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This graduate level course offers an introduction into regression analysis. A researcher is often interested in using sample data to investigate relationships, with an ultimate goal of creating a model to predict a future value for some dependent variable. The process of finding this mathematical model that best fits the data involves regression analysis.

STAT 501 is an applied linear regression course that emphasizes data analysis and interpretation. Generally, statistical regression is collection of methods for determining and using models that explain how a response variable (dependent variable) relates to one or more explanatory variables (predictor variables).

This is the STAT 501 online course materials website. There are lots of examples, notes, and lecture materials on this website. You may want to make a bookmark for this site in your browser.

Featured on this site are the online notes on Regression Methods reorganized and supplemented by Dr. Iain Pardoe, based on original notes by Dr. Laura Simon and Dr. Derek Young.

In addition, in the Resources section, there are Worked Examples Using Minitab that demonstrate how to perform many of the methods used in regression and Video Resources containing instructive examples.

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