Classcentral Course Series

Highest Rated Classcentral Engineering Courses

Class Central is a search engine and review site for online courses. It aggregates courses from many providers to make it easy to find the best courses on almost any subject, wherever they exist. They have served millions of learners all around the world, and are the one of the most credible sources on e-learning.

In this series, I've listed the highest-rated courses on Class Central, based on different subjects. You can find the methodology I've used to perform this analysis, at the end of the article.


Table of Contents

Top 100 Class Central Engineering Courses

Differential Equations for Engineers | ★5 (322)
Matrix Algebra for Engineers | ★5 (736)
Spatial Data Science: The New Frontier in Analytics | ★5 (51)
Numerical Methods for Engineers | ★5 (48)
Technical Report Writing for Engineers | ★5 (179)
Quantum Mechanics | ★5 (29)
Do-It-Yourself Geo Apps | ★5 (95)
Applications in Engineering Mechanics | ★5 (63)
Industrial Pharmacy-I | ★5 (70)
Introduction to Indoor Air Quality | ★5 (104)
Going Places with Spatial Analysis | ★5 (126)
Transport Systems: Global Issues and Future Innovations | ★5 (78)
Advanced Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of Three Dimensional (3D) Motion | ★5 (31)
Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of Particles and Bodies in 2D Motion | ★5 (36)
Mechanics of Materials IV: Deflections, Buckling, Combined Loading & Failure Theories | ★5 (21)
Introduction to Engineering Mechanics | ★4.5 (175)
Mastering Statics | ★5 (39)
Aircraft Systems Engineering | ★4.5 (108)
Mechanics of Materials I: Fundamentals of Stress & Strain and Axial Loading | ★4.5 (109)
Imagery in Action | ★5 (15)
Introducción a los encofrados y las cimbras en obra civil y edificación | ★5 (62)
Nonlinear Dynamics: Mathematical and Computational Approaches | ★4.5 (67)
The Art of Structural Engineering: Vaults | ★5 (22)
Principles of Digital Communications I | ★5 (13)
Mechanics of Materials II: Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels and Torsion | ★5 (27)
Transform AEC Projects with GIS and BIM | ★5 (12)
Building a Future with Robots | ★4.5 (69)
Artificial Intelligence for Robotics | ★5 (24)
Creo Tutorial for Mechanical Engineering | ★5 (16)
Inspection and Quality Control in Manufacturing | ★4.5 (49)
Introduction to solar cells | ★5 (10)
Biomedical Nanotechnology | ★4.5 (27)
El rol de la digitalización en la transición energética | ★4.5 (86)
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering: Astronautics and Human Spaceflight | ★5 (12)
Electrical Engineering Basics | ★5 (21)
Hydraulique fluviale 1 - Écoulements à surface libre | ★5 (9)
Fundamentals of Photovoltaics | ★4.5 (27)
Solar Energy Technology | ★4.5 (27)
Sonido Espacial y 3D | ★5 (11)
Reservoir Geomechanics | ★5 (11)
Introduction to QGIS | ★5 (11)
AutoCAD Training for Mechanical, Civil, Architect, Interior, and Electrical Engineers | ★4.5 (67)
Earth Imagery at Work | ★5 (15)
Introducción a la energía solar fotovoltaica: El módulo fotovoltaico | ★4.5 (78)
Fundamentos de Mecánica para Ingeniería | ★4.5 (19)
GIS for Climate Action | ★5 (12)
Mechanics of Materials III: Beam Bending | ★4.5 (20)
Civil - Water and Wastewater Engineering | ★4.5 (24)
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning | ★5 (7)
Aircraft Maintenance | ★4.5 (23)
Introduction to AutoCAD | ★4.5 (85)
Circuits and Electronics 1: Basic Circuit Analysis | ★4.5 (52)
Civil Engineering | ★4.5 (40)
SolidWorks Practice With Me - Beginners | ★4.5 (14)
C++ | ★5 (10)
Circuits and Electronics 3: Applications | ★5 (6)
Introduction to Digital Fabrication and Technical Design | ★5 (6)
8.02x: Electricity and Magnetism | ★5 (6)
Fundamental Skills in Engineering Design | ★5 (6)
Advanced Textile Printing Technology | ★4.5 (17)
Circuits and Electronics | ★4.5 (31)
Circuitos Eléctricos en Corriente Alterna | ★4.5 (11)
Maps and the Geospatial Revolution | ★4.5 (11)
Introduction to Semiconductors, PN Junctions and Bipolar Junction Transistors | ★4.5 (23)
Stanford Seminar - The Solar Industry from the Inside | ★4.5 (14)
Graphics with STM32 | ★5 (7)
Our Energy Future | ★5 (7)
8051 Microcontroller | ★4.5 (12)
Robotics Foundation II - Robot Control | ★5 (5)
Energy resources: solar energy | ★5 (5)
Renewable Energy: Achieving Sustainability through Bioenergy | ★5 (5)
Codificación de audio: Más allá del MP3 | ★4.5 (10)
Reacciones rédox en la industria y la naturaleza | ★4.5 (10)
Solar Energy | ★5 (8)
Signals and Systems | ★5 (8)
CMOS Analog VLSI Design | ★4.5 (18)
Introduction to Robotics | ★4.5 (13)
Energy Within Environmental Constraints | ★5 (6)
Concrete Technology | ★5 (6)
Power System Generation, Transmission and Distribution | ★5 (6)
CATIA Tutorial | ★4.5 (14)
Autonomous Navigation for Flying Robots | ★4.5 (9)
AutoCAD Tutorials - Full Beginners Course | ★4.5 (9)
VLSI CAD Part I: Logic | ★4.5 (537 ratings at Coursera)
Autodesk Certified Professional: AutoCAD for Design and Drafting Exam Prep | ★4.5 (2529 ratings at Coursera)
Fundamentos de Comunicaciones Ópticas | ★5 (4)
Embedded Systems - Shape The World: Microcontroller Input/Output | ★4.5 (15)
Creo Sheet Metal Tutorial | ★5 (4)
Introduction to Civil Engineering Profession | ★5 (4)
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics | ★5 (4)
Robotics Education - MATLAB and Simulink Robotics Arena | ★5 (4)
FreeCAD for Beginners - 3D Printing Basics | ★5 (4)
A System View of Communications: From Signals to Packets (Part 1) | ★4.5 (7)
AutoCAD Tutorials | ★4.5 (7)
Digital Electronics | ★4.5 (10)
Control of Mobile Robots | ★4.5 (13)
Basics of Field Effect Transistors and Technology Scaling | ★5 (5)
Discrete Time Signals and Systems, Part 1: Time Domain | ★5 (5)
Elements of Structures | ★5 (5)
Materiales avanzados en ingeniería derivados de laminados compuestos | ★5 (5)
Tools Every Fiber Technician Should Have for Fiber Optic Troubleshooting | ★5 (5)
Revit MEP Full Tutorial | ★4.5 (8)
Fundamentos de Electromagnetismo para Ingeniería | ★4.5 (19)
Robotics Software Engineer | ★4.5 (6)
Introducción a la robótica e industria 4.0 | ★4.5 (6)

Our methodology

I browsed Class Central's catalogue and found the list of courses for each subject. Next, I sorted the list based on Highest Rated. This includes the rating (out of 1-5), and the number of ratings (number of learners who rated the course)


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