Classcentral Course Series

Highest Rated Classcentral Mathematics Courses

Class Central is a search engine and review site for online courses. It aggregates courses from many providers to make it easy to find the best courses on almost any subject, wherever they exist. They have served millions of learners all around the world, and are the one of the most credible sources on e-learning.

In this series, I've listed the highest-rated courses on Class Central, based on different subjects. You can find the methodology I've used to perform this analysis, at the end of the article.


Table of Contents

Top 100 Class Central Mathematics Courses

Differential Equations for Engineers | ★5 (322)
Matrix Algebra for Engineers | ★5 (736)
Numerical Methods for Engineers | ★5 (48)
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio | ★5 (244)
Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos | ★5 (124)
Bases Matemáticas: Números y terminología | ★5 (99)
Bases Matemáticas: Derivadas | ★5 (36)
Vector Calculus for Engineers | ★5 (245)
Mathematical and Computational Methods | ★5 (44)
Mathematical Economics | ★5 (211)
Fractals and Scaling | ★5 (56)
Decision Making in a Complex and Uncertain World | ★5 (43)
Introducción a las ecuaciones diferenciales | ★5 (17)
Probability - The Science of Uncertainty and Data | ★5 (34)
Advanced Precalculus: Geometry, Trigonometry and Exponentials | ★5 (45)
Nonlinear Dynamics: Mathematical and Computational Approaches | ★4.5 (67)
Precalculus: the Mathematics of Numbers, Functions and Equations | ★4.5 (49)
BetOnMath for citizens | ★5 (15)
Introduction to Algebra | ★5 (19)
Astrophysics: Exploring Exoplanets | ★5 (9)
Introduzione alla matematica per l'università: Pre-Calculus | ★5 (18)
Bases Matemáticas: Álgebra | ★4.5 (54)
Introduction to Differential Equations | ★5 (13)
Calculus: Single Variable | ★4.5 (19)
Statistics: Making Sense of Data | ★5 (8)
Tutorials for Complex Systems | ★4.5 (25)
Introduction to Differential Equations | ★5 (7)
Calculus 1A: Differentiation | ★5 (7)
Queuing Theory: from Markov Chains to Multi-Server Systems | ★5 (13)
Cálculo Diferencial | ★4.5 (20)
Introduction to Statistics: Descriptive Statistics | ★5 (10)
Convex Optimization | ★5 (8)
Calculus One | ★4.5 (47)
Introduction to Calculus | ★5 (6)
Functions and Iterations | ★5 (6)
Generative Art and Computational Creativity | ★4.5 (20)
Introduction to Geometry | ★5 (7)
Mathematics Teaching Ideas for the Common Core - Jo Boaler | ★5 (7)
Calculus: Single Variable Part 2 - Differentiation | ★5 (5)
Métodos numéricos para matemáticas con Octave | ★5 (5)
Statistics for Business - II | ★5 (5)
Differential Equations: 2x2 Systems | ★5 (5)
Introduction to Probability: Part 1 - The Fundamentals | ★5 (5)
Estadística Aplicada a los Negocios | ★4.5 (133)
Astrophysics: The Violent Universe | ★5 (6)
Space, Time and Einstein | ★5 (6)
Statistics | ★5 (6)
Introduction to Mathematical Thinking | ★4.5 (51)
Introduction to Differential Equations | ★4.5 (12)
Random Walks | ★5 (4)
Vector and Matrix Algebra | ★5 (4)
Complex Analysis | ★5 (4)
Analysis of a Complex Kind | ★4.5 (7)
Statistics in Medicine | ★4.5 (7)
Maximum Entropy Methods | ★4.5 (10)
Revisión de Aritmética | ★4.5 (10)
Statistics for Business – I | ★5 (5)
Calculus: Single Variable Part 1 - Functions | ★4.5 (8)
Fat Chance: Probability from the Ground Up | ★5 (5)
Equazioni differenziali lineari del secondo ordine | ★4.5 (12)
Linear Differential Equations | ★4.5 (6)
I "Heart" Stats: Learning to Love Statistics | ★4.5 (6)
Effective Thinking Through Mathematics | ★4.5 (16)
Differential Equations: Fourier Series and Partial Differential Equations | ★5 (3)
Ordinary Differential Equations | ★5 (3)
Calculus 1C: Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series | ★5 (3)
Introduction to Statistics: Inference | ★5 (3)
Pre-Calculus: Trigonometry | ★5 (3)
Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning | ★5 (3)
Bases matemáticas: Integrales | ★4.5 (14)
Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance | ★4.5 (7)
Introduction to Statistics: Probability | ★4.5 (7)
Pre-University Calculus | ★4.5 (11 ratings at edX)
Mathematics for Engineers: The Capstone Course | ★5 (20 ratings at Coursera)
Intro to Inferential Statistics | ★4.5 (8)
Introduction to Renormalization | ★4.5 (12)
Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra | ★4.5 (12)
College Algebra and Problem Solving | ★4.5 (5)
Algèbre Linéaire (Partie 1) | ★5 (2)
Differential Equations in Action | ★5 (2)
Mathematical Logic and Algorithms Theory | ★5 (2)
Introduction to Enumerative Combinatorics | ★5 (2)
A-level Mathematics for Year 12 - Course 1: Algebraic Methods, Graphs and Applied Mathematics Methods | ★4 (8 ratings at edX)
Differential Equations Part I Basic Theory | ★4.5 (1352 ratings at Coursera)
Differential Equations: Linear Algebra and NxN Systems of Differential Equations | ★5 (2)
Introduction to Complex Analysis | ★5 (1039 ratings at Coursera)
Engineering Calculus and Differential Equations | ★5 (2)
Data Analysis: Statistical Modeling and Computation in Applications | ★4 (53 ratings at edX)
Estadística para investigadores: Todo lo que siempre quiso saber | ★5 (2)
Laboratorio di Matematica per Architettura | ★5 (2)
Introduction to Statistics | ★4.5 (2962 ratings at Coursera)
Multivariable Calculus 1: Vectors and Derivatives | ★5 (2)
Single Variable Calculus | ★5 (2)
Differential Equations | ★5 (2)
Linear Algebra | ★5 (2)
Vector Calculus for Engineers | ★5 (2)
The Ultimate Guide to Propositional Logic for Discrete Mathematics | ★5 (2)
Abstract Algebra | ★5 (2)
Order of Operations Explained - A Complete Guide - PEMDAS - Math with Mr. J | ★5 (2)
How to Learn Math: For Students | ★4.5 (17)
Mathematics: the Language of Nature | ★4.5 (3)
Calculus: Single Variable Part 4 - Applications | ★5 (262 ratings at Coursera)
Computational Probability and Inference | ★4.5 (3)
Probability and Statistics: To p or not to p? | ★4.5 (1435 ratings at Coursera)
Discovery Precalculus: A Creative and Connected Approach | ★4.5 (3)

Our methodology

I browsed Class Central's catalogue and found the list of courses for each subject. Next, I sorted the list based on Highest Rated. This includes the rating (out of 1-5), and the number of ratings (number of learners who rated the course)


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