Reddit Books

The most-mentioned books on r/math

Reddit is a social media and news aggregation website that ranks content based on a voting system. People worldwide post content (usually links, but also original content), and other users can “upvote” or “downvote” posts, pushing the most interesting content to the top. 

It’s a place where you can find groups of like-minded people. Reddit calls these groups subreddits, and they cover different topics, including niche interests, politics, hobbies, and thousands of other topics people want to talk about.

Since its launch in 2005, the site has become one of the most popular social media sites with millions of monthly active users. 

We've processed billions of comments to find the books most mentioned on Reddit. 


Table of Contents


The most-mentioned books on r/math

How to Prove It114 users
Calculus72 users
A Book of Abstract Algebra68 users
The Princeton Companion to Mathematics57 users
Principles of Mathematical Analysis53 users
Journey through Genius51 users
Linear Algebra Done Right50 users
Gödel, Escher, Bach50 users
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos46 users
Visual Complex Analysis45 users
Understanding Analysis45 users
Mathematical Proofs40 users
Proofs from THE BOOK40 users
What Is Mathematics? An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods38 users
How to Solve It38 users
Abstract Algebra34 users
Topology33 users
Mathematics33 users
Linear Algebra and Its Applications30 users
All the Mathematics You Missed30 users
Concrete Mathematics28 users
Ordinary Differential Equations28 users
Introduction to Graph Theory28 users
Discrete Mathematics with Applications28 users
An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers25 users
Calculus On Manifolds25 users
Prime Obsession24 users
Naive Set Theory24 users
Basic Mathematics23 users
Conceptual Mathematics23 users
Real and Complex Analysis22 users
Algebra22 users
Div, Grad, Curl, and All That22 users
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers22 users
Gödel's Proof22 users
Algebra22 users
Counterexamples in Analysis21 users
An Imaginary Tale21 users
Algebra21 users
Secrets of Mental Math20 users
The Art and Craft of Problem Solving20 users
Introduction to Topology20 users
Mathematics and Its History20 users
How to Think About Analysis19 users
Introduction to Analysis19 users
The Number Devil19 users
Introduction to Linear Algebra19 users
Elementary Analysis19 users
Linear Algebra18 users
Zero18 users
Chaos18 users
Real Mathematical Analysis18 users
Linear Algebra18 users
Introduction to the Theory of Computation18 users
Introduction to Smooth Manifolds18 users
A First Course in Abstract Algebra17 users
Advanced Linear Algebra17 users
Mathematics From The Birth Of Numbers17 users
A History of Mathematics17 users
A Transition to Advanced Mathematics17 users
Calculus17 users
The Road to Reality17 users
Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Forms16 users
Fermat's Enigma16 users
Calculus Vol. 116 users
Concepts of Modern Mathematics16 users
Calculus16 users
Mathematics15 users
Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications15 users
Number Theory15 users
Logicomix15 users
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications14 users
Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to C...14 users
Calculus Made Easy14 users
Geometry14 users
God Created The Integers14 users
Trigonometry14 users
Contemporary Abstract Algebra14 users
The Math Book14 users
Introduction to Topological Manifolds14 users
Probability and Random Processes13 users
Introduction to Algorithms13 users
Ordinary Differential Equations13 users
Mathematics Form and Function13 users
The Mathematical Experience13 users
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences13 users
Learning to Reason13 users
Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers13 users
Probability Theory The Logic Of Science13 users
An Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning13 users
Statistical Inference13 users
The Joy of x13 users
e: The Story of a Number13 users
Partial Differential Equations13 users
Proofs without Words13 users
How to Read and Do Proofs13 users
The Symmetries of Things13 users
Set Theory13 users
Calculus of Variations12 users
An Introduction to Manifolds12 users


Our methodology

Book mentions are found by checking every reddit comment for links to Amazon, Goodreads, Google Books, and O'Reilly Media. Non-link mentions are too tricky to parse in an unbiased way: books with short, simple titles like The Road get massively under- or over-counted.

When a user mentions the same book multiple times in the same subreddit, we only count the top-voted comment. This curbs users shilling a particular book, and gives a more representative feel for an entire subreddit.


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Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan is the founder of Moocable - the platform to help learner find their next MOOC, and study partners. A passionate learner, he struggled with self-learning.