Reddit Coursera Series

Top 100 Coursera Physical Science And Engineering courses by Reddit Upvotes

Reddit is a social media and news aggregation website that ranks content based on a voting system. People worldwide post content (usually links, but also original content), and other users can “upvote” or “downvote” posts, pushing the most interesting content to the top. 

It’s a place where you can find groups of like-minded people. Reddit calls these groups subreddits, and they cover different topics, including niche interests, politics, hobbies, and thousands of other topics people want to talk about.

Since its launch in 2005, the site has become one of the most popular social media sites with millions of monthly active users. 

We've conducted analyses to find the best of Coursera from the depths of Reddit. This analysis has been conducted over 2.7 million Reddit upvotes.


Table of Contents


Top 100 Physical Science And Engineering courses

An Introduction to Programming the Internet of Things (IOT)
Create Your Own Internet of Things (IoT) Device
University of California, Irvine4 reddit posts
45 mentions
Computer Architecture
In this course, you will learn to design the computer architecture of complex modern microprocessors
Princeton University2 reddit posts
58 mentions
Global Warming I
This class describes the science of global warming and the forecast for humans’ impact on Earth’s
The University of Chicago1 reddit posts
31 mentions
Fundamentals of Audio and Music Engineering
In this course students learn the basic concepts of acoustics and electronics and how they can applied
University of Rochester4 reddit posts
34 mentions
Introduction to Engineering Mechanics
This course is an introduction to learning and applying the principles required to solve
Georgia Institute of Technology1 reddit posts
47 mentions
Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review
The purpose of this course is to review the material covered in the Fundamentals of Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology1 reddit posts
38 mentions
Power Electronics
Expand your Engineering Excellence
University of Colorado Boulder2 reddit posts
25 mentions
The Age of Sustainable Development
The Age of Sustainable Development" gives students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to
Columbia University3 reddit posts
13 mentions
Statistical Mechanics
In this course you will learn a whole lot of modern physics (classical and quantum) from basic computer
École normale supérieure5 reddit posts
12 mentions
Disaster Preparedness
Have you ever viewed a news report depicting the aftermath of a devastating natural disaster? The
University of Pittsburgh5 reddit posts
9 mentions
Introduction to Power Electronics
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5700, part of CU Boulder’s Master of
University of Colorado Boulder1 reddit posts
15 mentions
Introduction to Thermodynamics
COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an introduction to the most powerful engineering principles you
University of Michigan0 reddit posts
13 mentions
Understanding Einstein
In this course we will seek to “understand Einstein,” especially focusing on the special theory of
Stanford University0 reddit posts
14 mentions
General Chemistry
This course will cover the topics of a full year, two semester General Chemistry course
Rice University0 reddit posts
8 mentions
Organic Solar Cells - Theory and Practice
The goal of the course is to give students awareness of the largest alternative form of
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)2 reddit posts
11 mentions
Fundamentals of GIS
Explore the world of spatial analysis and cartography with geographic information systems (GIS)
University of California, Davis1 reddit posts
9 mentions
Data-driven Astronomy
Science is undergoing a data explosion, and astronomy is leading the way
The University of Sydney0 reddit posts
14 mentions
Engineering Systems in Motion
This course is an introduction to the study of bodies in motion as applied to engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology0 reddit posts
33 mentions
Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
Learn about the origin and evolution of life and the search for life beyond the Earth
The University of Edinburgh0 reddit posts
20 mentions
Modern Robotics
The most important concepts in modern robotics
Northwestern University0 reddit posts
13 mentions
The Science of the Solar System
Learn about the science behind the current exploration of the solar system in this free class
Caltech2 reddit posts
4 mentions
From the Big Bang to Dark Energy
We have learned a lot recently about how the Universe evolved in 13
The University of Tokyo1 reddit posts
8 mentions
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control
Explore a Career in Spacecraft Attitude Analysis
University of Colorado Boulder0 reddit posts
12 mentions
Introduction to Electronics
This course introduces students to the basic components of electronics: diodes, transistors, and
Georgia Institute of Technology0 reddit posts
10 mentions
Digital Signal Processing 1
Digital Signal Processing is the branch of engineering that, in the space of just a few
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne1 reddit posts
30 mentions
Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing
In this class you will learn the basic principles and tools used to process images and videos, and how
Northwestern University0 reddit posts
9 mentions
Mechanics of Materials I
This course explores the topic of solid objects subjected to stress and strain
Georgia Institute of Technology1 reddit posts
25 mentions
Imagining Other Earths
Are we alone? This course introduces core concepts in astronomy, biology, and planetary science that enable
Princeton University3 reddit posts
3 mentions
The Finite Element Method for Problems in Physics
This course is an introduction to the finite element method as applicable to a range of problems in
University of Michigan2 reddit posts
7 mentions
Origins - Formation of the Universe, Solar System, Earth and Life
The Origins course tracks the origin of all things – from the Big Bang to the origin of the Solar
University of Copenhagen0 reddit posts
4 mentions
Applications in Engineering Mechanics
This course applies principles learned in my course “Introduction to Engineering Mechanics” to
Georgia Institute of Technology0 reddit posts
24 mentions
How Things Work
An introduction to physics in the context of everyday objects
University of Virginia0 reddit posts
11 mentions
MOS Transistors
PLEASE NOTE: This version of the course has been formed from an earlier version, which was actively run by
Columbia University1 reddit posts
4 mentions
Creativity, Innovation and Transformation
Our lives are being disrupted by pandemics, global warming, wars, political chaos, and
The Pennsylvania State University0 reddit posts
4 mentions
This course is designed for anyone who is interested in learning more about modern astronomy
University of Arizona1 reddit posts
8 mentions
Advanced Engineering Systems in Motion
This course is an advanced study of bodies in motion as applied to engineering systems and
Georgia Institute of Technology0 reddit posts
26 mentions
Mountains 101
Mountains 101­­ is a broad and integrated overview of the mountain world
University of Alberta2 reddit posts
6 mentions
Planet Earth...and You!
Earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building, ice ages, landslides, floods, life
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign0 reddit posts
6 mentions
Understanding Research Methods
This MOOC is about demystifying research and research methods
University of London0 reddit posts
8 mentions
Most of the phenomena in the world around you are, at the fundamental level,
UNSW Sydney (The University of New South Wales)0 reddit posts
3 mentions
Statistical Molecular Thermodynamics
This introductory physical chemistry course examines the connections between molecular properties and
University of Minnesota1 reddit posts
6 mentions
Introduction to Embedded Systems Software and Development Environments
Welcome to the Introduction to Embedded Systems Software and Development Environments
University of Colorado Boulder0 reddit posts
13 mentions
Mechanics of Materials II
This course explores the analysis and design of thin-walled pressure vessels and engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology0 reddit posts
18 mentions
Introduction to Physical Chemistry
Chemical reactions underpin the production of pretty much everything in our modern world
University of Manchester0 reddit posts
3 mentions
Mechanics of Materials III
This course explores the analysis and design of beam bending problems
Georgia Institute of Technology0 reddit posts
17 mentions
Introduction to FPGA Design for Embedded Systems
This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5360, part of CU Boulder’s Master of
University of Colorado Boulder0 reddit posts
7 mentions
Mechanics of Materials IV
This course explores the analysis and design of engineering structures considering factors of
Georgia Institute of Technology0 reddit posts
16 mentions
Interfacing with the Arduino
Arduino senses the environment by receiving inputs from add-on devices such as sensors, and can
University of California, Irvine0 reddit posts
4 mentions
Internet of Things and AI Cloud
Build Your Own Internet of Things
University of California San Diego0 reddit posts
4 mentions
Introduction into General Theory of Relativity
General Theory of Relativity or the theory of relativistic gravitation is the one most famous branch of
HSE University1 reddit posts
3 mentions
Global Warming II
This class provides a series of Python programming exercises intended to explore the use of numerical
The University of Chicago0 reddit posts
4 mentions
Digital Signal Processing
Digital Signal Processing from theory to practice
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne1 reddit posts
33 mentions
Quantitative Methods
Discover the principles of solid scientific methods in the behavioral and social sciences
University of Amsterdam0 reddit posts
5 mentions
Fundamentals of Fluid-Solid Interactions
What is fluid-solid interactions ? It is what happens when the motions of a fluid and of a solid are
École Polytechnique0 reddit posts
5 mentions
Our Energy Future
This course is designed to introduce students to the issues of energy in the 21st century –
University of California San Diego1 reddit posts
3 mentions
Emergent Phenomena in Science and Everyday Life
Before the advent of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century, most scientists believed that
University of California, Irvine0 reddit posts
3 mentions
Interfacing with the Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi uses a variety of input/output devices based on protocols such as HDMI, USB,
University of California, Irvine0 reddit posts
2 mentions
Advanced Chemistry
A chemistry course to cover selected topics covered in advanced high school chemistry courses,
University of Kentucky0 reddit posts
2 mentions
¡¿Cómo?! ¿Química en mi casa?
En este curso, ofrecido por la UNAM, el participante conocerá una buena parte de la
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Global Postharvest Loss Prevention
This course provides an overview of the issue of postharvest loss of grains by
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Introduction to Satellite Communications
How is a satellite built? How do they fly? How do they communicate and how does the network operate? You
Institut Mines-Télécom0 reddit posts
3 mentions
Machine Design Part I
“Machine Design Part I” is the first course in an in-depth three course series of “Machine
Georgia Institute of Technology0 reddit posts
2 mentions
Fundamentals of Fluid Power
Fluid power has the highest power density of all conventional power-transmission technologies
University of Minnesota0 reddit posts
5 mentions
Wind Energy
How tall is a modern wind turbine and how can it possibly generate power from the wind?
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)0 reddit posts
2 mentions
This course is designed to cover subjects in advanced high school chemistry courses, correlating to the
University of Kentucky0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Computers, Waves, Simulations
Interested in learning how to solve partial differential equations with numerical
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)0 reddit posts
5 mentions
How can we create agile micro aerial vehicles that are able to operate autonomously in cluttered
University of Pennsylvania1 reddit posts
2 mentions
Origens da Vida no Contexto Cósmico
Origens da vida no contexto cósmico é um curso desenvolvido no Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e
Universidade de São Paulo1 reddit posts
0 mentions
Digital Systems
This course gives you a complete insight into the modern design of digital systems
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona0 reddit posts
3 mentions
The Evolving Universe
This is an introductory astronomy survey class that covers our understanding of the physical universe and its major
Caltech0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Introduction to solar cells
How do solar cells work, why do we need, and how can we measure their efficiency? These
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)2 reddit posts
1 mentions
How can robots determine their state and properties of the surrounding environment from noisy sensor
University of Pennsylvania0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Quantum Optics 1
This course gives you access to basic tools and concepts to understand research articles and books on modern
École Polytechnique0 reddit posts
1 mentions
The movement of bodies in space (like spacecraft, satellites, and space stations) must be
University of Colorado Boulder0 reddit posts
2 mentions
Big History - From the Big Bang until Today
Welcome to this Big History course
University of Amsterdam0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage
It is well known that water treatment at the household level can lead to dramatic
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne0 reddit posts
2 mentions
Materials Science
We explore “10 things” that range from the menu of materials available to engineers in their
University of California, Davis0 reddit posts
2 mentions
Material Behavior
Have you ever wondered why ceramics are hard and brittle while metals tend to be ductile? Why
Georgia Institute of Technology0 reddit posts
1 mentions
A Circular Economy of Metals
Metals are present everywhere around us and are one of the major materials upon which our economies are
Universiteit Leiden1 reddit posts
0 mentions
As they tumble through space, objects like spacecraft move in dynamical ways
University of Colorado Boulder0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Control of Nonlinear Spacecraft Attitude Motion
This course trains you in the skills needed to program specific orientation and achieve precise
University of Colorado Boulder0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Energy, Environment, and Everyday Life
For a sample of what this course will include, see the video "Energy, Environment,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Simulation and modeling of natural processes
This course gives you an introduction to modeling methods and simulation tools for a wide range of natural
University of Geneva0 reddit posts
2 mentions
Introduction to Systems Engineering
"Introduction to Systems Engineering" uses a structured yet flexible approach to
UNSW Sydney (The University of New South Wales)0 reddit posts
3 mentions
How can we create nano-structures that are 10,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair? How can we “see” at the nano-scale?
Duke University0 reddit posts
1 mentions
"How do they know that?" Modern astronomy has made some astonishing discoveries - how stars burn
The University of Edinburgh0 reddit posts
3 mentions
Greening the Economy
How can we shape our urban development towards sustainable and prosperous futures? This course explores
Lund University0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Introduction to Chemistry
This is an introductory course for students with limited background in chemistry; basic concepts involved in
Duke University0 reddit posts
4 mentions
Mécanique de Newton
Ces quelques leçons de mécanique de Newton font partie d'un cours de formation de base
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Geospatial and Environmental Analysis
Apply your GIS knowledge in this course on geospatial analysis, focusing on analysis tools, 3D
University of California, Davis0 reddit posts
3 mentions
Autodesk Fusion 360 Integrated CAD/CAM/CAE
Design, engineering, and manufacturing are undergoing a digital transformation, and the need for a collaborative
Autodesk0 reddit posts
2 mentions
Wood Science
The central question of this course: “why study wood?” If “why study wood” is the question, one answer
West Virginia University0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-physical systems (CPS for short) combine digital and analog devices, interfaces,
University of California, Santa Cruz0 reddit posts
2 mentions
Intro to Acoustics (Part 1)
This course introduces acoustics by using the concept of impedance
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)0 reddit posts
1 mentions
Linear Circuits 1
This course explains how to analyze circuits that have direct current (DC) current or voltage
Georgia Institute of Technology0 reddit posts
3 mentions
How can robots perceive the world and their own movements so that they accomplish navigation and
University of Pennsylvania0 reddit posts
2 mentions
Wireless Communications for Everybody
This course will provide an introduction and history of cellular communication systems that have changed our
Yonsei University0 reddit posts
1 mentions
How are astronomers approaching their search for life in the universe? What have we learned from the surge
University of Arizona1 reddit posts
0 mentions
Confronting The Big Questions
An introduction to modern astronomy's most important questions
University of Rochester0 reddit posts
2 mentions
Introduction to Chemistry
This is an introductory course for students with limited background in chemistry; basic concepts such as atomic
Duke University0 reddit posts
3 mentions

Our methodology

We conducted this analysis by "ranking things based on social signals"

It's the result of mining Reddit posts and comments. The analysis looked at all (url-based) posts and comment mentions of Coursera courses on Reddit, ranking each course based on Reddit score, and showing each course with its top Reddit mentions.

Course Score is calculated with a slightly modified version of a simple popularity / age calculation.

    course_score = sum(mention_scores) / course_age


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