Reddit Udacity Series

Top Udacity Artificial Intelligence Courses based on Reddit Upvotes

Reddit is a social media and news aggregation website that ranks content based on a voting system. People worldwide post content (usually links, but also original content), and other users can “upvote” or “downvote” posts, pushing the most interesting content to the top. 

It’s a place where you can find groups of like-minded people. Reddit calls these groups subreddits, and they cover different topics, including niche interests, politics, hobbies, and thousands of other topics people want to talk about.

Since its launch in 2005, the site has become one of the most popular social media sites with millions of monthly active users. 

We've conducted analyses to find the best of Udacity from the depths of Reddit. This analysis has been conducted over 1.8 million Reddit upvotes.


Table of Contents

Top Artificial Intelligence Courses

Intro to Artificial Intelligence
This course will introduce you to the basics of AI.
1 reddit posts 118 mentions
Intro to TensorFlow for Deep Learning
Developed by Google and Udacity, this course teaches a practical approach to deep learning for software developers.
5 reddit posts 98 mentions
Artificial Intelligence for Robotics
Learn how to program all the major systems of a robotic car.
1 reddit posts 124 mentions
Machine Learning
In this course, you'll learn how to apply Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning techniques for solving a range of data science problems.
0 reddit posts 39 mentions
Introduction to Machine Learning Course
This class will teach you the end-to-end process of investigating data through a machine learning lens.
1 reddit posts 75 mentions
Machine Learning for Trading
Implement machine learning based strategies to make trading decisions using real-world data.
1 reddit posts 49 mentions
Machine Learning Engineer
Become a machine learning engineer and apply predictive models to massive data sets in fields like education, finance, healthcare or robotics.
2 reddit posts 53 mentions
Introduction to Computer Vision
This course provides an introduction to computer vision including fundamentals, methods for application and machine learning classification.
0 reddit posts 35 mentions
Intro to Descriptive Statistics
Intro to Descriptive Statistics will teach you the basic concepts of statistics that can be used to extract information from data.
0 reddit posts 26 mentions
Deep Learning
Deep learning is driving advances in artificial intelligence that are changing our world.
3 reddit posts 26 mentions
Reinforcement Learning

0 reddit posts 20 mentions
Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch
Learn the basics of deep learning and implement your own deep neural networks with PyTorch.
0 reddit posts 15 mentions
Data Analysis with R
Data is everywhere and so much of it is unexplored.
0 reddit posts 18 mentions
Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce
In this short course, learn the fundamentals of MapReduce and Apache Hadoop to start making sense of Big Data in the real world.
1 reddit posts 15 mentions
Linear Algebra Refresher Course
Learn linear algebra by doing: you will code your own library of linear algebra functions.
0 reddit posts 11 mentions
Knowledge-Based AI: Cognitive Systems
The twin goals of knowledge-based artificial intelligence (AI) are to build AI agents capable of human-level intelligence and gain insights into human cognition.
0 reddit posts 10 mentions
A/B Testing

0 reddit posts 9 mentions
Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning
Ever wonder how Netflix can predict what movies you'll like? Or how Amazon knows what you want to buy before you do? The answer can be found in Unsupervised Learning.
0 reddit posts 8 mentions
Data Visualization and D3.js
Learn the fundamentals of data visualization and apply design and narrative concepts to create your own visualization.
0 reddit posts 9 mentions
AI Programming with Python
Learn Python, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, PyTorch, Calculus, and Linear Algebra—the foundations for building your own neural network.
0 reddit posts 12 mentions
Real-Time Analytics with Apache Storm
The world is trending in real time.
0 reddit posts 2 mentions
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Master the deep reinforcement learning skills that are powering amazing advances in AI.
0 reddit posts 6 mentions
Artificial Intelligence for Trading
Complete real-world projects designed by industry experts, covering topics from asset management to trading signal generation.
0 reddit posts 8 mentions
Model Building and Validation
This course will teach you how to start from scratch in understanding and paying attention to what is important in the data and how to answer questions about data.
1 reddit posts 2 mentions
Computer Vision
Learn the computer vision skills behind advances in robotics and automation.
0 reddit posts 7 mentions
Big Data Analytics in Healthcare
In this course, we introduce the characteristics of medical data and associated data mining challenges on dealing with such data.
0 reddit posts 5 mentions
Secure and Private AI
Learn how to extend PyTorch with the tools necessary to train AI models that preserve user privacy.
1 reddit posts 2 mentions
AI Product Manager
Learn to develop AI products that deliver business value.
0 reddit posts 4 mentions
Artificial Intelligence
Learn essential Artificial Intelligence concepts from AI experts like Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun, including search, optimization, planning, pattern recognition, and more.
0 reddit posts 15 mentions
Artificial Intelligence
This course gives a survey of topics in AI along with in-depth foundational concepts such as classical search, probability, machine learning, logic and planning.
0 reddit posts 4 mentions
Intro to Machine Learning with PyTorch
Build a solid foundation in Supervised, Unsupervised, and Deep Learning.
0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Introduction to TensorFlow Lite
Learn how to deploy deep learning models on mobile and embedded devices with TensorFlow Lite.
0 reddit posts 2 mentions
Intro to Machine Learning with TensorFlow
Build a solid foundation in Supervised, Unsupervised, and Deep Learning.
0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Natural Language Processing
Learn the skills to get computers to understand, process, and respond to human language.
0 reddit posts 3 mentions
Machine Learning Engineer for Microsoft Azure
Strengthen your machine learning skills and build practical experience by training, validating, and evaluating models using Azure Machine Learning.
0 reddit posts 1 mentions


Our methodology

We conducted this analysis by "ranking things based on social signals"

It's the result of mining Reddit posts and comments. The analysis looked at all (url-based) posts and comment mentions of Udacity courses on Reddit, ranking each course based on Reddit score, and showing each course with its top Reddit mentions.

Course Score is calculated with a slightly modified version of a simple popularity / age calculation.

 course_score = sum(mention_scores) / course_age


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