MOOC Report

100+ Free Courses on Mindfulness & Happiness

The world can be a stressful place. Whether due to the demands of studying, pressure at work, personal relationships, or large-scale problems such as pandemics, global conflicts, or societal issues, stress and anxiety are frequently present in our lives. However, mindfulness can help alleviate them.

In his outstanding course, “A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment” (also included in the list below), Dr. Raj Raghunathan explains that mindfulness involves being in the moment, focusing on what’s happening right now. While it might seem trivial, research has shown that being mindful can enhance your happiness and equip you to handle negative situations with greater aplomb.

Therefore, mindfulness is intimately connected to happiness, as well as practices such as meditation and yoga, which can also help reduce stress and anxiety. That said, mindfulness is a skill, and it doesn’t come naturally to many people.

Fortunately, there are numerous resources available online on this subject. Below, you’ll find our selection of free online courses about mindfulness and happiness.




Mindfulness Online Courses

Maintaining a Mindful Life
Monash University via FutureLearn
Learn how to apply mindfulness techniques, so you can improve your communication, relationships and emotional health.
★★★★★ (212 ratings)

Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance
Monash University via FutureLearn
Learn mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve your wellbeing and work/study performance in this online course.
★★★★★ (211 ratings)

Introducción a la Regulación Emocional basada en Mindfulness
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid via edX
Entrena la mente para traerla al momento presente, toma conciencia y gestiona un amplio espectro de emociones con amabilidad a través de la práctica de Mindfulness.
★★★★★ (99 ratings)

De-Mystifying Mindfulness
Leiden University via Coursera
But, what actually is mindfulness? Is it really good for you? Can anyone learn it? How can you recognize charlatans? Would you want to live in a mindful society, and would it smell like sandalwood? What does it feel like to be mindful?
★★★★★ (95 ratings)

Demystifying Mindfulness
Leiden University via FutureLearn
Discover the science of mindfulness, learn how it works and why, from a political, psychological, and philosophical perspective.
★★★★★ (2 ratings)

Mindfulness and Well-being: Living with Balance and Ease
Rice University via Coursera
This is the sequel course to Foundations of Mindfulness that will continue to provide a broad overview of the fundamental concepts, principles, and practices of mindfulness.
★★★★★ (1 rating)

Mindfulness in Integrative Healthcare
University of Minnesota via Coursera
By the end of this course, you will be able to assess when mindfulness may be helpful for your patients or clients, educate them about its potential benefits, and refer them to mindfulness programs and resources.

Mindfulness and Well-being: Foundations
Rice University via Coursera
This course provides a broad overview of the fundamental concepts, principles, and practices of mindfulness.

Mindfulness: A Focus on Adolescents
University of Glasgow via FutureLearn
Get a hands-on introduction to mindfulness and its benefits.

Mindfulness Through Film
Into Film via FutureLearn
Explore how film watching and filmmaking can be used in secondary teaching to introduce mindfulness principles and exercises.

Mindfulness and Well-being: Peace in, Peace Out
Rice University via Coursera
The purpose of this course is to introduce mindfulness as a robust tool for spiritual development. Highlighting its rich traditional roots, the course explores the capacity of mindfulness to expand understanding about the nature of human consciousness and facilitate certain transcendent emotional experiences, including awe, wonder and flow.

Mindfulness para ser más efectivo
UBits via Coursera
La consciencia cobra vital importancia en la creación de estados de bienestar, armonía y paz, permitiendo disminuir los niveles de estrés, ansiedad y depresión que causa pensar en el pasado, presente o futuro. Así, este curso te brinda herramientas del mindfulness para que puedas centrar tu atención y energía en el aquí y el ahora.

Mindfulness for Individuals: Mindfulness and Neuroscience
via Udemy
Mindfulness for Everyone

Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
via Independent
For most of us, when this happens, it’s unexpected, maybe while walking on a mountain trail on a crisp autumn day, or being so focused in work or play that you are not thinking about past or future, or connecting with someone in a way that makes it seem like time is standing still.

Mindfulness para crear Hábitos
via Udemy
8 técnicas para crear hábitos saludables usando Mindfulness

Mindfulness in Creativity
via CreativeLive
Mindfulness in Creativity with Ajani Charles, Kenna Klosterman

Mindfulness and Neuroplasticity
via Udemy
Learn what neuroplasticity is and how mindfulness techniques may be used to improve your life.

Mental Health, Mindfulness, and Self-Care
University of Cape Town via edX
Learn mindfulness and self-care techniques from University of Cape Town (UCT) experts, to empower yourself and others in prioritizing mental health and overcoming stigma.

Everyday mindfulness
via Udemy
Learn how to incorporate mindful practice into your life everyday, simply and effectively.

Happiness Online Courses

A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment
Indian School of Business via Coursera
This course draws content from a variety of fields, including psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral decision theory to offer a tested and practical recipe for leading a life of happiness and fulfillment.
★★★★★ (508 ratings)

The Science of Happiness
University of California, Berkeley via edX
The first MOOC to teach positive psychology. Learn science-based principles and practices for a happy, meaningful life.
★★★★★ (35 ratings)

The Science of Well-Being
Yale University via Coursera
“The Science of Well-Being” taught by Professor Laurie Santos overviews what psychological science says about happiness. The purpose of the course is to not only learn what psychological research says about what makes us happy but also to put those strategies into practice.
★★★★★ (29 ratings)

Let’s Get Happy: Happiness Drives Performance
University System of Maryland via edX
Great leaders, create great culture, which yields great work: G3. Leadership requires skills and is in greater demand. Are you ready to lead when the call comes? Would you like to refresh your leadership skills? If so, this course is for you.
★★★★☆ (25 ratings)

Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life: Living for What Matters Most
University of Michigan via Coursera
Welcome to Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life: Living for What Matters Most!
★★★★★ (4 ratings)

The Path to Happiness: What Chinese Philosophy Teaches us about the Good Life
Harvard University via edX
Why should we care about Confucius? Explore ancient Chinese philosophy, ethics, and political theory to challenge your assumptions of what it means to be happy, live a meaningful life, and change the world.
★★★★☆ (1 rating)

Pathways to Happiness
Davidson College via edX
Learn what happiness is and find your pathways to it.

The Path to Happiness and Good Quality of Life
Universidad de Palermo via FutureLearn
What is happiness? Explore the concept of happiness and consider the things that influence your own happiness and quality of life.

The Foundations of Happiness at Work
University of California, Berkeley via edX
Learn why happiness at work matters and how to increase it within yourself and across your organization.

Managing Happiness
Harvard University via edX
Managing Happiness encourages you to explore the science of happiness, allowing you to find your truest self. Through cutting-edge survey tools, the best research, and trends in social science, positive psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy, learners unlock the strategies to create a more purposeful life, full of long-lasting enjoyment and satisfaction.

The Science of Happiness and Wellbeing
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur via Swayam
Positive psychology, well being and the science of happiness have become almost a craze today with its stress, change and speed. This tested and highly successful course from IIT Kharagpur’s Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness is designed to take one step by step through the science as well as the discovery of the road to happiness.

Crafting Realities: Work, Happiness, and Meaning
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore via edX
Learn to create and experience your work as a joyful and meaningful activity – for yourself and others.

تحقيق السعادة في بيئة العمل | Achieving Happiness at Work
Alfaisal University via Coursera

ศาสตร์และศิลป์ในการสร้างความสุข | Science and Art for Happiness Creation
Chiang Mai University via ThaiMOOC

Happiness Through Gratitude
via CreativeLive
Happiness Through Gratitude with AJ Jacobs, Chase Jarvis

Happiness Course : Practical Steps – Create A Fulfilled Life
via Udemy
Proven Technique to Discover a Positive Way to Life . Gain Control Over Your Mind. Wisdom of Eastern Spirituality

Nancy Etcoff: Happiness and its surprises
TED via YouTube

Happiness Is An Inside Job
via CreativeLive
Happiness Is An Inside Job with Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, Chase Jarvis

“The Right to Happiness” | Roberto Saviano | TEDxPompeii
TEDx via YouTube

Pursuit Of Happiness: 4 Week Challenge
via Udemy
Finding happiness by experimenting with new, simple tools.

Finding happiness in body and soul | Eve Ensler
TED via YouTube

Find Happiness In A Profound Gentle Way With Hygge
via Udemy
Offering a step by step, profound guide to help you create a cozy happiness centred life. Less stress, more enjoyment.

The surprising science of happiness | Dan Gilbert
TED via YouTube

Meditation Online Courses

Biohacking Your Brain’s Health
Emory University via Coursera
With deteriorating health, particularly brain health, occurring at a global level, this course introduces you to methods for maximizing your brain’s fitness through nutrition, exercise, meditation, and sleep.
★★★★★ (4 ratings)

Meditation: A way to achieve your goals in your life
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology via Coursera
Do we truly think that we have lived for ourselves? Perhaps we have lived for money, love, fame, family and pride etc.? Therefore, we don’t seem to be satisfied even though we are full of those things. It is because that we don’t know ourselves.

Yogananda Meditation For Deep Daily Practice
via Udemy
Learn how to meditate deeply while getting the support you need to create a solid daily meditation practice at home.

Foundation Skills for a Successful Meditation Practice
via Udemy
Learn how to find comfort in stillness, handle distraction and keep the mind focused to reap the benefits of meditation

For the Love of Meditation
via Udemy
Lay the groundwork for an engaging sitting practice by cultivating the love and curiosity of meditation.

Learn Mindfulness Meditation for a Calmer and Clearer mind
via Udemy
Practical mindfulness meditation course showing the method how to increase concentration and reduce stress

ZBHD – Programa de meditação mindfulness
via Udemy
O melhor das práticas contemplativas com avanços da neurociência ao serviço do seu bem-estar, saúde e produtividade.

Mindfulness Meditation: The Science And Practice
via Udemy
Retrain your brain to reduce stress and improve your focus and concentration.

Introduction to Meditation for Beginners : 21-Day Programme
via Udemy
An Easy-to-Follow, Comprehensive 21-Day Course to Experience a Range of Different Meditation Techniques

The Practice of Jhana Meditation
via Udemy
Finding the Peace and Pleasure of The Buddha’s Concentration Meditations.

Mindfulness Through Meditation- A Simple Beginners Guide.
via Udemy
A simple step by step guide to learn the basics of meditation.

Meditation Practices for The Quantum Mind
via Udemy
Learn the Neuroscience of Mindfulness, and Meditation techniques for Focus, Emotional Intelligence and Self-Discipline

How To Still The Mind Through Meditation
via Udemy
A practical way to find inner peace and stability, to face the world.

5 Min Meditation Techniques to Create Balance
via Udemy
From a beginner to someone who just wants to get back in the habit, here’s my best tips and tricks to find balance.

Meditation for Everyone: Calm, Balance, and Peace
via Udemy
Guided Meditations for Mindfulness, Healing, and Transformation

Learn Meditation – Theory & Practice
via Udemy
yoga for life

Chi Gong Meditation for Beginners – Chinese Martial Arts
via Udemy
A Step By Step Guide to Improve Fitness and Health with Qi Gong For Physical Health and Mental Wellness

Goals Magic – Goal Setting Introduction Course & Meditation
via Udemy
Learn the Little Known Goal Setting System – Goals Magic. Achieve Your Goals With This Goal Setting Introduction Course

Stress Online Courses

Gestión del estrés y Mindfulness
Universidad Anáhuac via edX
Toma el control de tus emociones y aprende a disfrutar tu trabajo con este curso en línea. En este curso aprenderás cómo controlar el estrés, y obtendrás habilidades profesionales y personales para tu éxito profesional.
★★★★★ (16 ratings)

Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress
Yale University via Coursera
Developed by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress will provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to understand and manage their emotions and those of their students.
★★★★★ (1 rating)

Workplace Wellbeing: How to Build Confidence and Manage Stress
Luleå University of Technology via FutureLearn
Discover workplace wellbeing through stress management, building self-esteem, task prioritisation, and healthy relationships.
★★★★★ (1 rating)

Holistic Care Webinar: Introduction to Clinical Hypnosis – Strategies and Skills for Stress Reduction and Improved Communication
Dartmouth College via Independent
In this session, you will learn about the history of clinical hypnosis and how you already use it in your practice. We will also discuss effective and easy to use strategies and tools to reduce your baseline stress and improve overall communication.
★★★★★ (1 rating)

Managing Mental Health and Stress
Coventry University via FutureLearn
Supporting your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak.

Mindfulness and Resilience to Stress at Work
University of California, Berkeley via edX
Learn research-based strategies to help you foster mindfulness, handle stress, and guard against burnout.

Managing Stress and Time
Arizona State University via Coursera
Stress is a universal experience. Now more than ever, people are suffering from burnout. They’re getting overwhelmed by the stress of life, and wondering where their time went. Managing stress is a skill rarely taught in schools, yet it is one of the most vital skills one can have!

Stress Management
State Bank of India via edX
Stress Management is to deal effectively with stress and entails achieving Physical and Psychological well-being by addressing and harmonising these areas for optimal well-being.

Integrating Care: Depression, Anxiety and Physical Illness
King’s College London via FutureLearn
Understand the connection between physical and mental health and improve your ability to identify symptoms and sources of help.

Stress Management
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur via Swayam
Stress is a part of daily living and each individual responds to stress differently. Thus there’s no “one size fits all” solution to managing stress. Stress management techniques can teach an individual healthier ways to cope with stress, help reduce its harmful effects, and prevent stress from spiraling out of control again in the future.

Rural Resilience: Farm Stress Training
Michigan State University via Desire2Learn
In this course, you will learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and suicide, ways to effectively communicate with people under stress, and how to reduce stigma related to mental health concerns.

Managing Study, Stress and Mental Health at University
Curtin University via edX
Develop a clearer understanding of what mental health is, and learn how best to recognise and respond to mental health concerns, such as negative thoughts and behaviours, in yourself and others.

Workplace Wellbeing: Stress and Productivity at Work
Manchester Metropolitan University via FutureLearn
Explore the link between work productivity and stress, and learn how improving workplace wellbeing can boost work performance.

Conquer Your Stress. Don’t Manage it!
via Udemy
Transform yourself through Naturization. Be Stress Free Forever. Over 35 years of condensed knowledge is in this course!

Session 5: Working with stress and anxiety
Brown University via Independent
This presentation will explain why brain does not like uncertainty and how this causes stress and anxiety. This presentation will then discuss effective strategies to change habit patterns and reduce stress and anxiety.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the Global Context
University of Glasgow via FutureLearn
Learn how to identify, assess the risk for, prevent and treat PTSD in a range of contexts.

Mindful Wellbeing for Teachers with Stress and Anxiety
University of Aberdeen via FutureLearn
Develop your mindfulness skills and learn how to reduce stress and anxiety in the classroom and beyond.

PRDV005: Time and Stress Management
via Saylor Academy

Wellness and Stress Management
Davidson College via edX
This one-week course will introduce five strategies for improving your overall wellness and how to manage stress. This course is under construction. See the course summary for more information.

เทคนิคการจัดการความเครียด | Stress Management Techniques
Chiang Mai University via ThaiMOOC

Stress Management : Practical Steps Ways to Deal with Stress
via Udemy
Learn to Manage Stress. Create a Sense of Balance & Composure in Your Life. Identify & Handle your Anxieties & Worries

إدارة ضغوط الحياة | Stress Management
Alfaisal University via Coursera

Stress Management – Certification Course
via Udemy
Learn more about Stress Management. Boost your personality and beat the stress in life! Be the best version of yourself!

Yoga Online Courses

Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology
New York University (NYU) via Coursera
This course gives you access to an exploration of physiological systems from the perspective of overall health and wellness. In particular, a focus on yoga, meditation and mindfulness as a therapeutic intervention in chronic illness and long term treatment.
★★★★★ (2 ratings)

NIOS via YouTube
Learn a few Yoga and Pranayam Postures with explanations in Sign Language
★★★★☆ (8 ratings)

Yoga And Positive Psychology For Managing Career And Life
NPTEL via Swayam
Management is commonly understood as getting maximum returns from the available resources to achieve valued objectives. Management involves managing money, material, machine and men. While first three factors can be managed in objective manner when it comes to managing ‘men’ it is essentially managing ‘minds’.
★★★★☆ (1 rating)

Yin Yoga for Stress & Anxiety – SarahBethYoga
via Udemy
Melt your tension away

Improving Immunity Based on Traditional Eastern Exercises
Shanghai Jiao Tong University via Coursera
Exercise is medicine. Regular and moderate exercise can effectively strengthen immune system so as to reduce the risk of virus infection and also improve or assist in the treatment of dysthymic disorders like anxiety and depression. This course provides suggestions for the general public about how to actively respond to the outbreak of novel coronavirus.

10 for 10 Yoga Challenge
via Udemy
Kickstart Your Yoga Practice With 10 Minutes of Yoga Everyday for 10 Days!

Yoga For Beginners in Gujarati
via YouTube

7 Day Home Yoga Strength Retreat
via Udemy
Become strong & flexible while finding inner peace

Vocational :Yoga Teaching’ Training Programme
NIOS via Swayam

Yoga for Sciatica – SarahBethYoga
via Udemy
Relieve & prevent Sciatica flares with Relaxing, Gentle and Invigorating Yoga Routines for all levels.

Yoga for Diabetes
Stanford University via YouTube

Yoga for Beginners – SarahBethYoga
via Udemy
Stretch, strengthen, tone & relax with quick beginner yoga routines

Yoga for Desk Workers & Students – SarahBethYoga
via Udemy
Short (all levels) yoga routines that will stretch you out and reduce tension in ~5 minutes each

Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan is the founder of Moocable - the platform to help learner find their next MOOC, and study partners. A passionate learner, he struggled with self-learning.