MOOC Report

20+ Free Scrimba Courses


Scrimba is an online interactive coding platform that makes it fun and easy to learn how to code. It’s free, and provides step-by-step guidance so even newbies can start coding quickly!

If you are interested to learn more about Scrimba, check out our comprehensive review Scrimba Complete Review

In this article, I’ll share 22 free courses on Scrimba

1. Learn HTML and CSS

This course will teach you HTML and CSS through building and deploying five awesome projects. It is also fully interactive, with over 75 coding challenges. There are no prerequisites, so it is suitable for absolute beginners.

2. Learn JavaScript

Learn the basics of JavaScript by solving 140+ interactive coding challenges and building three fun projects.

3. Learn React

The ultimate React 101 - the perfect starting point for any React beginner. Learn the basics of modern React by solving 140+ interactive coding challenges and building eight fun projects.

4. Learn React Router 6

Learn React Router v6, the most popular routing library for React applications and one of the most downloaded React support libraries ever.

5. Learn TypeScript

A hands-on course giving you the basics of TypeScript while you build a real-world-style couchsurfing app.

6. Learn Flexbox

This tutorial teaches you CSS Flexbox through 12 interactive screencasts. You'll learn all the key concepts in addition to building a responsive navbar and a neat image grid.

7. Learn CSS Grid

This tutorial teaches you CSS Grid through 14 interactive screencasts. You'll learn all the key concepts while building three awesome layouts: a website, an image grid, and an article. Plus, you'll learn how to combine CSS Grid with Flexbox.

8. HTML & CSS Crash Course

Learn to build your very first web pages with this four hour course on HTML and CSS. Created by Kevin Powell, one of the most popular HTML & CSS instructors on the web.

9. Learn Bulma CSS

This tutorial teaches you Bulma CSS through 13 interactive screencasts. In less than an hour you'll have built three websites with the popular CSS framework.

10. Build a Space Travel Website

Bring a Frontend Mentor design to life and create your own design system while building a multi-page space travel website with Kevin Powell as your guide.

11. Learn CSS Variables

This tutorial teaches you CSS variables through eight interactive screencasts. It's value-packed from beginning to end, and is probably the fastest way to get an in-depth understanding of CSS Variables.

12. Learn Regular Expressions

This tutorial teaches you regex in JavaScript through 34 screencasts. It explains regular expressions step-by-step from basic to advanced so that you don't fall off along the way. This ensures that you finally learn regex once and for all.

13. Learn Bootstrap

This tutorial teaches you Bootstrap 4 through ten interactive screencasts. It gives you a fast an easy way to learn the latest features of Bootstrap so that you can take advantage of them in your next project.

14. Learn D3

This D3 tutorial teaches you how to create powerful data visualizations for the web. It gives you a fast introduction to the key concepts of D3.js, like selections, data, axes, scales, bar charts, pie charts, SVG elements, and more.

15. Learn Class Components in React

A one-hour course to get you up to speed with class components in React

16. Build a Color Tool in Vanilla JavaScript

Build a cool color lighten/darken tool from scratch and sharpen up your HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript skills along the way!

17. Learn Imba

Imba is a compile-to-JavaScript programming language that lets you build blazingly fast web apps. It powers both the frontend and backend of the platform.

18. Build & Deploy your Portfolio

This course will teach you to build and deploy a neat portfolio for yourself. Perfect to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers. You also get $100 in free credits from DigitalOcean!

19. Learn UI Design Fundamentals

This tutorial course will teach you to design user interfaces that both look good and work well. All is done with HTML and CSS, so no clunky design tools needed.

20. Learn Python

This 58-part tutorial will teach you Python through a mix between tutorials and interactive coding challenges.

21. Build a Mobile App with Firebase

Build your first mobile app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript + Firebase. Firebase is a magical database service that lets you easily make realtime apps.

22. Deploying with Netlify

Build your first mobile app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript + Firebase. Firebase is a magical database service that lets you easily make realtime apps.

Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan is the founder of Moocable - the platform to help learner find their next MOOC, and study partners. A passionate learner, he struggled with self-learning.