MOOC Report

600+ Kaggle Competitions


Table of Contents

600+ Kaggle Competitions

606. Playground Series - Season 4, Episode 4Regression with an Abalone DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 2,606
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean Squared
Log Error
Year: 2024
605. Enefit - Predict Energy Behavior of ProsumersPredict Prosumer Energy Patterns and Minimize Imbalance Costs.Prize: $50,000
Team: 2,731
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Absolute
Year: 2024
604. The Learning Agency Lab - PII Data DetectionDevelop automated techniques to detect and remove PII from educational data.Prize: $60,000
Team: 2,048
Kind: Featured
Metric: TLAL_F_beta
Year: 2024
603. LLM Prompt RecoveryRecover the prompt used to transform a given textPrize: $200,000
Team: 2,175
Kind: Featured
Metric: LLM Nerd-Off
Sharpened Cosine
Year: 2024
602. Google – AI Assistants for Data Tasks with GemmaBuild tools to assist Kaggle developersPrize: $50,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2024
601. March Machine Learning Mania 2024Forecast the 2024 College Basketball TournamentsPrize: $50,000
Team: 820
Kind: Featured
Metric: Average Brier
Bracket Score
Year: 2024
600. HMS - Harmful Brain Activity ClassificationClassify seizures and other patterns of harmful brain activity in critically ill patientsPrize: $50,000
Team: 2,767
Kind: Research
Metric: Kullback Leibler
Year: 2024
599. Playground Series - Season 4, Episode 3Steel Plate Defect PredictionPrize: Swag
Team: 2,199
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic
Year: 2024
598. Optiver - Trading at the ClosePredict US stocks closing movementsPrize: $100,000
Team: 4,436
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2024
597. Playground Series - Season 4, Episode 2Multi-Class Prediction of Obesity RiskPrize: Swag
Team: 3,587
Kind: Playground
Metric: Accuracy Score
Year: 2024
596. SenNet + HOA - Hacking the Human Vasculature in 3DSegment vasculature in 3D scans of human kidneyPrize: $80,000
Team: 1,149
Kind: Research
Metric: Surface Dice Metric
Year: 2024
595. Playground Series - Season 4, Episode 1Binary Classification with a Bank Churn DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 3,632
Kind: Playground
Metric: Roc Auc Score
Year: 2024
594. Santa 2023 - The Polytope Permutation PuzzleSolve twisty puzzles in the fewest movesPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,054
Kind: Featured
Metric: Santa 2023 Metric
Year: 2024
593. LLM - Detect AI Generated TextIdentify which essay was written by a large language modelPrize: $110,000
Team: 4,358
Kind: Featured
Metric: Roc Auc Score
Year: 2024
592. Linking Writing Processes to Writing QualityUse typing behavior to predict essay qualityPrize: $55,000
Team: 1,876
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Squared Error
Year: 2024
591. NFL Big Data Bowl 2024Help evaluate tackling tactics and strategyPrize: $100,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2024
590. UBC Ovarian Cancer Subtype Classification and Outlier Detection (UBC-OCEAN)Navigating Ovarian Cancer; Unveiling Common Histotypes and Unearthing Rare VariantsPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,326
Kind: Research
Metric: Balanced
Accuracy Score
Year: 2024
589. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 26Multi-Class Prediction of Cirrhosis OutcomesPrize: Swag
Team: 1,661
Kind: Playground
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2023
588. CAFA 5 Protein Function Prediction[Closed to new entrants] Predict the biological function of a proteinPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,625
Kind: Research
Metric: PostProcessor
Year: 2023
587. Stanford Ribonanza RNA FoldingCreate a model that predicts the structures of any RNA moleculePrize: $100,000
Team: 755
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2023
586. Child Mind Institute - Detect Sleep StatesDetect sleep onset and wake from wrist-worn accelerometer dataPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,877
Kind: Featured
Metric: Event Detection AP
Year: 2023
585. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 25Regression with a Mohs Hardness DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 1,632
Kind: Playground
Metric: Median Absolute Error
Year: 2023
584. Open Problems – Single-Cell PerturbationsPredict how small molecules change gene expression in different cell typesPrize: $100,000
Team: 1,097
Kind: Featured
Metric: Weighted Rowwise
Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2023
583. NeurIPS 2023 - Machine UnlearningErase the influence of requested samples without hurting accuracyPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,188
Kind: Research
Metric: 56167-unlearn-metric
Year: 2023
582. Lux AI Season 2 - NeurIPS Stage 2Terraform Mars!Prize: Swag
Team: 64
Kind: Featured
Metric: lux_ai_s2
Year: 2023
581. Google - Fast or Slow? Predict AI Model RuntimePredict how fast an AI model runsPrize: $50,000
Team: 616
Kind: Research
Metric: 58266_
Year: 2023
580. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 24Binary Prediction of Smoker Status using Bio-SignalsPrize: Swag
Team: 1,908
Kind: Playground
Metric: Roc Auc Score
Year: 2023
579. AI Village Capture the Flag @ DEFCON31Collect flags by evading, poisoning, stealing, and fooling AI/MLPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,344
Kind: Featured
Metric: Flag_Metric
Year: 2023
578. LLM Prompting with MakerSuiteDesign useful, innovative prompts for LLMs using MakerSuitePrize: Swag
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2023
577. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 23Binary Classification with a Software Defects DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 1,702
Kind: Playground
Metric: Roc Auc Score
Year: 2023
576. Bengali.AI Speech RecognitionRecognize Bengali speech from out-of-distribution audio recordingsPrize: $53,000
Team: 744
Kind: Research
Metric: Word Error Rate
Year: 2023
575. RSNA 2023 Abdominal Trauma DetectionDetect and classify traumatic abdominal injuriesPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,125
Kind: Featured
Metric: RSNA
Trauma Metric
Year: 2023
574. CommonLit - Evaluate Student SummariesAutomatically assess summaries written by students in grades 3-12Prize: $60,000
Team: 2,064
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Weighted
Columnwise Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2023
573. Kaggle - LLM Science ExamUse LLMs to answer difficult science questionsPrize: $50,000
Team: 2,664
Kind: Featured
Metric: MAP@{K}
Year: 2023
572. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 22Predict Health Outcomes of HorsesPrize: Swag
Team: 1,541
Kind: Playground
Metric: MicroF1
Year: 2023
571. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 21Improve a Fixed Model the Data-Centric Way!Prize: Swag
Team: 955
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2023
570. Google - American Sign Language Fingerspelling RecognitionTrain fast and accurate American Sign Language fingerspelling recognition modelsPrize: $200,000
Team: 1,315
Kind: Research
Metric: PostProcessor
Year: 2023
569. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 20Predict CO2 Emissions in RwandaPrize: Swag
Team: 1,440
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2023
568. ICR - Identifying Age-Related ConditionsUse Machine Learning to detect conditions with measurements of anonymous characteristicsPrize: $60,000
Team: 6,430
Kind: Featured
Metric: Weighted
Multiclass Loss
Year: 2023
567. Google Research - Identify Contrails to Reduce Global WarmingTrain ML models to identify contrails in satellite images and help prevent their formationPrize: $50,000
Team: 954
Kind: Research
Metric: contrails_global_dice
Year: 2023
566. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 19Forecasting Mini-Course SalesPrize: Swag
Team: 1,172
Kind: Playground
Metric: SMAPE
Year: 2023
565. HuBMAP - Hacking the Human VasculatureSegment instances of microvascular structures from healthy human kidney tissue slides.Prize: $50,000
Team: 1,064
Kind: Research
Metric: OpenImages
Year: 2023
564. 2023 Kaggle AI ReportEssays on the state of machine learning in 2023Prize: $70,000
Team: 379
Kind: Analytics
Metric: All submissions
score 1
Year: 2023
563. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 18Explore Multi-Label Classification with an Enzyme Substrate DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 1,056
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2023
562. Predict Student Performance from Game PlayTrace student learning from Jo Wilder online educational gamePrize: $55,000
Team: 2,103
Kind: Featured
Metric: F-Score (Macro)
Year: 2023
561. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 17Binary Classification of Machine FailuresPrize: Swag
Team: 1,502
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Operating Characteristic
Year: 2023
560. Benetech - Making Graphs AccessibleUse ML to create tabular data from graphsPrize: $50,000
Team: 608
Kind: Featured
Metric: Benetech Mixed
Data Type Matching Score
Year: 2023
559. GoDaddy - Microbusiness Density ForecastingForecast Next Month’s Microbusiness DensityPrize: $60,000
Team: 3,547
Kind: Featured
Metric: SMAPE
Year: 2023
558. Vesuvius Challenge - Ink DetectionResurrect an ancient library from the ashes of a volcanoPrize: $1,000,000
Team: 1,249
Kind: Featured
Metric: DiceFBeta
Year: 2023
557. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 16Regression with a Crab Age DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 1,429
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2023
556. Image Matching Challenge 2023Reconstruct 3D scenes from 2D imagesPrize: $50,000
Team: 494
Kind: Research
Metric: imc2023
Year: 2023
555. Parkinsons Freezing of Gait PredictionEvent detection from wearable sensor dataPrize: $100,000
Team: 1,379
Kind: Research
Metric: sklearn_average_
Year: 2023
554. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 15Feature Imputation with a Heat Flux DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 693
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2023
553. BirdCLEF 2023Identify bird calls in soundscapesPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,189
Kind: Research
Metric: buffered_cmAP
Year: 2023
552. FathomNet 2023Shifting seas, shifting species; Out-of-sample detection in the deep oceanPrize: Knowledge
Team: 69
Kind: Research
Metric: FathomNet 2023
Year: 2023
551. AMP®-Parkinsons Disease Progression PredictionUse protein and peptide data measurements from Parkinsons Disease patients to predict progression of the disease.Prize: $60,000
Team: 1,805
Kind: Featured
Metric: SMAPE
Year: 2023
550. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 14Prediction of Wild Blueberry YieldPrize: Swag
Team: 1,875
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean Absolute
Year: 2023
549. Stable Diffusion - Image to PromptsDeduce the prompts that generated our "highly detailed, sharp focus, illustration, 3d renders of majestic, epic" imagesPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,231
Kind: Featured
Metric: MeanCosine
Year: 2023
548. Lux AI Season 2Terraform Mars!Prize: $55,000
Team: 637
Kind: Featured
Metric: lux_ai_s2
Year: 2023
547. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 13Classification with a Tabular Vector Borne Disease DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 934
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean Average
Precision at K
Year: 2023
546. Google - Isolated Sign Language RecognitionEnhance PopSigns educational games for learning ASLPrize: $100,000
Team: 1,165
Kind: Research
Metric: PostProcessor
Year: 2023
545. IceCube - Neutrinos in Deep IceReconstruct the direction of neutrinos from the Universe to the South PolePrize: $50,000
Team: 812
Kind: Research
Metric: MeanAngular
Year: 2023
544. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 12Binary Classification with a Tabular Kidney Stone Prediction DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 1,088
Kind: Playground
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2023
543. March Machine Learning Mania 2023Forecast the 2023 NCAA Basketball TournamentsPrize: $50,000
Team: 1033
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2023
542. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 11Regression with a Tabular Media Campaign Cost DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 952
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2023
541. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 10Binary Classification with a Pulsar DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 807
Kind: Playground
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2023
540. Learning Equality - Curriculum RecommendationsEnhance learning by matching K-12 content to target topicsPrize: $55,000
Team: 1,057
Kind: Featured
Metric: F-Score Beta
Year: 2023
539. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 9Tabular Regression with a Concrete Strength DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 765
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2023
538. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 8Tabular Regression with a Gemstone Price DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 734
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2023
537. 1st and Future - Player Contact DetectionDetect Player Contacts from Sensor and Video DataPrize: $100,000
Team: 939
Kind: Featured
Metric: Matthews correlation
Year: 2023
536. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 7Tabular Classification with a Reservation Cancellation DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 678
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2023
535. RSNA Screening Mammography Breast Cancer DetectionFind breast cancers in screening mammogramsPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,687
Kind: Featured
Metric: Probabilistic F-Score
Beta (Micro)
Year: 2023
534. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 6Tabular Regression with a Paris Housing Price DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 703
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2023
533. Playground Series - Season 3, Episode 5Tabular Ordinal Regression with a Wine Quality DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 901
Kind: Playground
Metric: QuadraticWeighted
Year: 2023
532. OTTO – Multi-Objective Recommender SystemBuild a recommender system based on real-world e-commerce sessionsPrize: $30,000
Team: 2,587
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2023
531. Playground Series Season 3, Episode 4Tabular Classification with a Credit Card Fraud DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 641
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2023
530. Playground Series Season 3, Episode 3Tabular Classification with an Employee Attrition DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 665
Kind: Playground
Year: 2023
529. Santa 2022 - The Christmas Card ConundrumOptimize the configuration space for printing an imagePrize: $50,000
Team: 874
Kind: Featured
Year: 2023
528. Playground Series Season 3, Episode 2Tabular Classification with a Stroke Prediction DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 770
Kind: Playground
Year: 2023
527. Playground Series Season 3, Episode 1Tabular Regression with the California Housing DatasetPrize: Swag
Team: 689
Kind: Playground
Year: 2023
526. NFL Big Data Bowl 2023Help evaluate linemen on pass playsPrize: $100,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Year: 2023
525. Novozymes Enzyme Stability PredictionHelp identify the thermostable mutations in enzymesPrize: $25,000
Team: 2,482
Kind: Featured
Year: 2023
524. G2Net Detecting Continuous Gravitational WavesHelp us detect long-lasting gravitational-wave signals!Prize: $25,000
Team: 936
Kind: Research
Year: 2023
523. Lux Al 2022 - BetaTerraform mars and help test season 2 of the Lux Al Challenge!Prize: Swag
Team: 44
Kind: Playground
Year: 2022
522. DFL - Bundesliga Data ShootoutIdentify plays based upon video footagePrize: $25,000
Team: 530
Kind: Featured
Year: 2022
521. Scrabble Player RatingPredict players ratings based on gameplayPrize: Kudos
Team: 301
Kind: Playground
Year: 2022
520. Tabular Playground Series - Nov 2022Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 689
Kind: Playground
Year: 2022
519. Feedback Prize - English Language LearningEvaluating language knowledge of ELL students from grades 8-12Prize: 2,654
Team: $55,000
Kind: Featured
Year: 2022
518. 2022 Kaggle Machine Learning & Data Science SurveyThe most comprehensive dataset available on the state of ML and data sciencePrize: $30,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Year: 2022
517. Open Problems - Multimodal Single-Cell IntegrationPredict how DNA, RNA & protein measurements co-vary in single cellsPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,220
Kind: Featured
Year: 2022
516. Big Data Derby 2022Analyze horse racing data to improve the health of the horse and strategy of competitionPrize: $50,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Year: 2022
515. Google AI4Code – Understand Code in Python NotebooksPredict the relationship between code and commentsPrize: $150,000
Team: 1,135
Kind: Featured
Year: 2022
514. Tabular Playground Series - Oct 2022Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 463
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Log Loss
Year: 2022
513. RSNA 2022 Cervical Spine Fracture DetectionIdentify cervical fractures from scansPrize: $30,000
Team: 883
Kind: Featured
Metric: Weighted Mean
Columnwise Log Loss
Year: 2022
512. Google Universal Image EmbeddingCreate image representations that work across many visual domainsPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,022
Kind: Research
Metric: PostProcessor
Year: 2022
511. JPX Tokyo Stock Exchange PredictionExplore the Tokyo market with your data science skillsPrize: $63,000
Team: 2,033
Kind: Featured
Metric: JPXSharpe
Year: 2022
510. Mayo Clinic - STRIP AIImage Classification of Stroke Blood Clot OriginPrize: $10,000
Team: 888
Kind: Research
Metric: Weighted
Multiclass Loss
Year: 2022
509. Tabular Playground Series - Sep 2022Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,381
Kind: Playground
Metric: SMAPE
Year: 2022
508. HuBMAP + HPA - Hacking the Human BodySegment multi-organ functional tissue unitsPrize: $60,000
Team: 1,175
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2022
507. AI Village Capture the Flag @ DEFCONHack AI! Collect flags by evading, poisoning, stealing, and fooling AI/MLPrize: $25,000
Team: 668
Kind: Research
Metric: Nvidia Defcon
Year: 2022
506. Tabular Playground Series - Aug 2022Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,888
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2022
505. American Express - Default PredictionPredict if a customer will default in the futurePrize: $100,000
Team: 4,874
Kind: Featured
Metric: Amex Custom
Gini And X% Percentage
Year: 2022
504. Feedback Prize - Predicting Effective ArgumentsRate the effectiveness of argumentative writing elements from students grade 6-12Prize: $55,000
Team: 1,557
Kind: Featured
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2022
503. Tabular Playground Series - Jul 2022Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,253
Kind: Playground
Metric: Adjusted Rand Index
Year: 2022
502. Google Smartphone Decimeter Challenge 2022Improve high precision GNSS positioning and navigation accuracy on smartphonesPrize: $10,000
Team: 571
Kind: Research
Metric: SmartphoneDecimeter
Year: 2022
501. Kore 2022Use a fleet of spaceships to mine minerals before your opponentsPrize: $15,000
Team: 469
Kind: Featured
Metric: kore_fleets
Year: 2022
500. Ubiquant Market PredictionMake predictions against future market dataPrize: $100,000
Team: 2,893
Kind: Featured
Metric: MeanPearson
Year: 2022
499. UW-Madison GI Tract Image SegmentationTrack healthy organs in medical scans to improve cancer treatmentPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,548
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2022
498. Foursquare - Location MatchingMatch point of interest data across datasetsPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,079
Kind: Featured
Metric: Jaccard
Year: 2022
497. Tabular Playground Series - Jun 2022Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 844
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2022
496. U.S. Patent Phrase to Phrase MatchingHelp Identify Similar Phrases in U.S. PatentsPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,889
Kind: Featured
Metric: PearsonCorrelation
Year: 2022
495. Image Matching Challenge 2022Register two images from different viewpointsPrize: $10,000
Team: 642
Kind: Research
Metric: Image Matching
Challenge pose mAA
Year: 2022
494. Tabular Playground Series - May 2022Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,151
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2022
493. Herbarium 2022 - FGVC9Identify plant species of the Americas from herbarium specimensPrize: Knowledge
Team: 134
Kind: Research
Metric: Macro F-Score
Year: 2022
492. iWildCam 2022 - FGVC9Count the number of animals in a sequence of imagesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 24
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Absolute
Year: 2022
491. Sorghum -100 Cultivar Identification - FGVC 9Identify crop varietalsPrize: Knowledge
Team: 252
Kind: Research
Metric: Categorization
Year: 2022
490. Hotel-ID to Combat Human Trafficking 2022 - FGVC9Recognizing hotels to aid Human trafficking investigationsPrize: Knowledge
Team: 82
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2022
489. BirdCLEF 2022Identify bird calls in soundscapesPrize: $10,000
Team: 807
Kind: Research
Metric: Weighted
Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2022
488. GeoLifeCLEF 2022 - LifeCLEF 2022 x FGVC9Location-based species presence predictionPrize: Knowledge
Team: 52
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2022
487. H&M Personalized Fashion RecommendationsProvide product recommendations based on previous purchasesPrize: $50,000
Team: 2,952
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2022
486. G-Research Crypto ForecastingUse your ML expertise to predict real crypto market dataPrize: $125,000
Team: 1,946
Kind: Featured
Metric: Weighted
Correlation Coefficient
Year: 2022
485. NBME - Score Clinical Patient NotesIdentify Key Phrases in Patient Notes from Medical Licensing ExamsPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,471
Kind: Featured
Metric: Medical Board
Year: 2022
484. Tabular Playground Series - Apr 2022Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 816
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2022
483. Happywhale - Whale and Dolphin IdentificationIdentify whales and dolphins by unique characteristicsPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,588
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2022
482. Kore 2022 - BetaCollect the maximum amount of Kore against your opponentsPrize: Swag
Team: 58
Kind: Playground
Metric: kore_fleets
Year: 2022
481. March Machine Learning Mania 2022 - Men’sPredict the 2022 College Mens Basketball TournamentPrize: $25,000
Team: 930
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2022
480. March Machine Learning Mania 2022 - WomensPredict the 2022 College Womens Basketball TournamentPrize: $25,000
Team: 651
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2022
479. Tabular Playground Series - Mar 2022Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 956
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2022
478. Feedback Prize - Evaluating Student WritingAnalyze argumentative writing elements from students grade 6-12Prize: $160,000
Team: 2,058
Kind: Featured
Metric: TextOverlap
Year: 2022
477. Tabular Playground Series - Feb 2022Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,255
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization
Year: 2022
476. TensorFlow - Help Protect the Great Barrier ReefDetect crown-of-thorns starfish in underwater image dataPrize: $150,000
Team: 2,025
Kind: Research
Metric: CSIROObject
Year: 2022
475. Jigsaw Rate Severity of Toxic CommentsRank relative ratings of toxicity between commentsPrize: $50,000
Team: 2,301
Kind: Featured
Metric: Jigsaw Agreement
with Annotators
Year: 2022
474. Tabular Playground Series - Jan 2022Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Kudos
Team: 1,591
Kind: Playground
Metric: SMAPE
Year: 2022
473. - Pawpularity ContestPredict the popularity of shelter pet photosPrize: $25,000
Team: 3,537
Kind: Research
Metric: Root Mean
Year: 2022
472. Santa 2021 - The Merry Movie MontageOptimize television programming for the winter seasonPrize: $25,000
Team: 867
Kind: Featured
Metric: Santas Superper
mutations 2021
Year: 2022
471. Optiver Realized Volatility PredictionApply your data science skills to make financial markets betterPrize: $100,000
Team: 3,852
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Square
Percentage Error
Year: 2022
470. NFL Big Data Bowl 2022Help evaluate special teams performancePrize: $100,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2022
469. Tabular Playground Series - Dec 2021Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,188
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization
Year: 2021
468. Sartorius - Cell Instance SegmentationDetect single neuronal cells in microscopy imagesPrize: $75,000
Team: 1,505
Kind: Featured
Metric: IntersectionOverUnion
Year: 2021
467. Lux AIGather the most resources and survive the night!Prize: $10,000
Team: 1,178
Kind: Featured
Metric: Lux AI 2021
Year: 2021
466. Wikipedia - Image/Caption MatchingRetrieve captions based on imagesPrize: Swag
Team: 105
Kind: Playground
Metric: -
Year: 2021
465. Tabular Playground Series - Nov 2021Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,362
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2021
464. 2021 Kaggle Machine Learning & Data Science SurveyThe most comprehensive dataset available on the state of ML and data sciencePrize: $30,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2021
463. chaii - Hindi and Tamil Question AnsweringIdentify the answer to questions found in Indian language passagesPrize: $10,000
Team: 943
Kind: Research
Metric: Jaccard
Year: 2021
462. Google Brain - Ventilator Pressure PredictionSimulate a ventilator connected to a sedated patients lungPrize: $7,500
Team: 2,605
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2021
461. NFL Health & Safety - Helmet AssignmentSegment and label helmets in video footagePrize: $100,000
Team: 825
Kind: Featured
Metric: NFL Helmet
Year: 2021
460. Tabular Playground Series - Oct 2021Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,089
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2021
459. RSNA-MICCAI Brain Tumor Radiogenomic ClassificationPredict the status of a genetic biomarker important for brain cancer treatmentPrize: $30,000
Team: 1,555
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2021
458. Google Landmark Retrieval 2021Given an image, can you find all of the same landmarks in a dataset?Prize: Swag
Team: 263
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2021
457. Google Landmark Recognition 2021Label famous, and not-so-famous, landmarks in imagesPrize: Swag
Team: 383
Kind: Research
Metric: GoogleGlobalAP
Year: 2021
456. LearnPlatform COVID-19 Impact on Digital LearningUse digital learning data to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on student learningPrize: $20,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2021
455. Tabular Playground Series - Sep 2021Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,942
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2021
454. G2Net Gravitational Wave DetectionFind gravitational wave signals from binary black hole collisionsPrize: $15,000
Team: 1,219
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2021
453. MLB Player Digital Engagement ForecastingPredict fan engagement with baseball player digital contentPrize: $50,000
Team: 852
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2021
452. Tabular Playground Series - Aug 2021Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,753
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2021
451. Jane Street Market PredictionTest your model against future real market dataPrize: $100,000
Team: 4,245
Kind: Featured
Metric: Jane Street
Year: 2021
450. SETI Breakthrough Listen - E.T. Signal SearchFind extraterrestrial signals in data from deep spacePrize: $15,000
Team: 768
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2021
449. Hungry GeeseDont. Stop. Eating.Prize: Prizes
Team: 875
Kind: Playground
Metric: Hungry Geese
Year: 2021
448. SIIM-FISABIO-RSNA COVID-19 DetectionIdentify and localize COVID-19 abnormalities on chest radiographsPrize: $100,000
Team: 1,305
Kind: Featured
Metric: OpenImages
Year: 2021
447. Google Smartphone Decimeter ChallengeImprove high precision GNSS positioning and navigation accuracy on smartphonesPrize: $10,000
Team: 810
Kind: Research
Metric: SmartphoneDecimeter
Year: 2021
446. CommonLit Readability PrizeRate the complexity of literary passages for grades 3-12 classroom usePrize: $60,000
Team: 3,633
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2021
445. Tabular Playground Series - Jul 2021Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,293
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2021
444. Tabular Playground Series - Jun 2021Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,171
Kind: Playground
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2021
443. Coleridge Initiative - Show US the DataDiscover how data is used for the public goodPrize: $90,000
Team: 1,610
Kind: Featured
Metric: JaccardFbeta
Year: 2021
442. Bristol-Myers Squibb – Molecular TranslationCan you translate chemical images to text?Prize: $50,000
Team: 874
Kind: Featured
Metric: Levenshtein
Year: 2021
441. Tabular Playground Series - May 2021Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,097
Kind: Playground
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2021
440. iWildcam 2021 - FGVC8Count the number of animals of each species present in a sequence of imagesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 42
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2021
439. Herbarium 2021 - Half-Earth Challenge - FGVC8Identify plant species of the Americas, Oceania and the Pacific from herbarium specimensPrize: Knowledge
Team: 80
Kind: Research
Metric: Macro F-Score
Year: 2021
438. Plant Pathology 2021 - FGVC8Identify the category of foliar diseases in apple treesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 626
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean F-Score
Year: 2021
437. Hotel-ID to Combat Human Trafficking 2021 - FGVC8Recognizing hotels to aid Human trafficking investigationsPrize: Knowledge
Team: 92
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2021
436. Hash Code 2021 - Traffic SignalingOptimize city traffic in this extension of the 2021 Hash Code qualifierPrize: Knowledge
Team: 179
Kind: Playground
Metric: PostProcessor
Year: 2021
435. Indoor Location & NavigationIdentify the position of a smartphone in a shopping mallPrize: $10,000
Team: 1,170
Kind: Research
Metric: Indoor Localization
Mean Position Error
Year: 2021
434. Human Protein Atlas - Single Cell ClassificationFind individual human cell differences in microscope imagesPrize: $25,000
Team: 757
Kind: Featured
Metric: OpenImages
Year: 2021
433. HuBMAP - Hacking the KidneyIdentify glomeruli in human kidney tissue imagesPrize: $60,000
Team: 1,200
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2021
432. Shopee - Price Match GuaranteeDetermine if two products are the same by their imagesPrize: $30,000
Team: 2,426
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean F-Score
Year: 2021
431. Tabular Playground Series - Apr 2021Synthanic - Youre going to need a bigger boatPrize: Swag
Team: 1,244
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization
Year: 2021
430. March Machine Learning Mania 2021 - NCAAMPredict the 2021 NCAAM Basketball TournamentPrize: Prizes
Team: 707
Kind: Playground
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2021
429. March Machine Learning Mania 2021 - NCAAM - SpreadPredict the margin of victory in the 2021 mens tournamentPrize: Knowledge
Team: 96
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2021
428. March Machine Learning Mania 2021 - NCAAWPredict the 2021 NCAAW Basketball TournamentPrize: Prizes
Team: 451
Kind: Playground
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2021
427. March Machine Learning Mania 2021 - NCAAW - SpreadPredict the margin of victory in the 2021 womens tournamentPrize: Knowledge
Team: 70
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2021
426. Tabular Playground Series - Mar 2021Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,495
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2021
425. VinBigData Chest X-ray Abnormalities DetectionAutomatically localize and classify thoracic abnormalities from chest radiographsPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,277
Kind: Featured
Metric: OpenImages
Year: 2021
424. RANZCR CLiP - Catheter and Line Position ChallengeClassify the presence and correct placement of tubes on chest x-rays to save livesPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,547
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2021
423. Tabular Playground Series - Feb 2021Practice your ML skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,433
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2021
422. Santa 2020 - The Candy Cane ContestMay your workdays be merry and brightPrize: Prizes
Team: 788
Kind: Featured
Metric: Santa 2020 Beta
Year: 2021
421. Rock, Paper, ScissorsShoot!Prize: Prizes
Team: 1,663
Kind: Playground
Metric: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Year: 2021
420. Cassava Leaf Disease ClassificationIdentify the type of disease present on a Cassava Leaf imagePrize: $18,000
Team: 3,900
Kind: Research
Metric: Categorization
Year: 2021
419. Rainforest Connection Species Audio DetectionAutomate the detection of bird and frog species in a tropical soundscapePrize: $15,000
Team: 1,143
Kind: Research
Metric: Weighted Label
Ranking Average Precision
Year: 2021
418. Acea Smart Water AnalyticsCan you help preserve "blue gold" using data to predict water availability?Prize: $25,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2021
417. Tabular Playground Series - Jan 2021Practice your ML regression skills on this approachable dataset!Prize: Swag
Team: 1,728
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2021
416. Riiid Answer Correctness PredictionTrack knowledge states of 1M+ students in the wildPrize: $100,000
Team: 3,395
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2021
415. NFL Big Data Bowl 2021Help evaluate defensive performance on passing playsPrize: $100,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2021
414. INGV - Volcanic Eruption PredictionDiscover hidden precursors in geophysical data to help emergency responsePrize: Swag
Team: 620
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2021
413. 2020 Kaggle Machine Learning & Data Science SurveyThe most comprehensive dataset available on the state of ML and data sciencePrize: $30,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2021
412. NFL 1st and Future - Impact DetectionDetect helmet impacts in videos of NFL playsPrize: $75,000
Team: 459
Kind: Featured
Metric: PostProcessor
Year: 2021
411. Halite by Two Sigma - Playground EditionCollect the most halite during your match in spacePrize: Knowledge
Team: 79
Kind: Playground
Metric: Halite
Year: 2020
410. Hash Code Archive - Drone DeliveryCan you help coordinate the drone delivery supply chain?Prize: Knowledge
Team: 130
Kind: Playground
Metric: PostProcessor
Year: 2020
409. Google Research Football with Manchester City F.C.Train agents to master the worlds most popular sportPrize: $6,000
Team: 1,138
Kind: Featured
Metric: Football
Year: 2020
408. CDP - Unlocking Climate SolutionsCity-Business Collaboration for a Sustainable FuturePrize: $91,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2020
407. Mechanisms of Action (MoA) PredictionCan you improve the algorithm that classifies drugs based on their biological activity?Prize: $30,000
Team: 4,373
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Log Loss
Year: 2020
406. Conways Reverse Game of Life 2020Reverse the arrow of time in the Game of LifePrize: Swag
Team: 188
Kind: Playground
Metric: PostProcessorKernel
Year: 2020
405. Lyft Motion Prediction for Autonomous VehiclesBuild motion prediction models for self-driving vehiclesPrize: $30,000
Team: 935
Kind: Featured
Metric: PostProcessorKernel
Year: 2020
404. RSNA STR Pulmonary Embolism DetectionClassify Pulmonary Embolism cases in chest CT scansPrize: $30,000
Team: 784
Kind: Featured
Metric: Weighted Mean
Columnwise Log Loss
Year: 2020
403. OSIC Pulmonary Fibrosis ProgressionPredict lung function declinePrize: $55,000
Team: 2,097
Kind: Featured
Metric: Laplace Log
Year: 2020
402. OpenVaccine: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Degradation PredictionUrgent need to bring the COVID-19 vaccine to mass productionPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,636
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Weighted
Columnwise Root
Mean Squared Error
Year: 2020
401. Google Landmark Recognition 2020Label famous (and not-so-famous) landmarks in imagesPrize: $25,000
Team: 736
Kind: Research
Metric: GoogleGlobalAP
Year: 2020
400. Halite by Two SigmaCollect the most halite during your match in spacePrize: Swag
Team: 1,139
Kind: Featured
Metric: Halite
Year: 2020
399. Cornell Birdcall IdentificationBuild tools for bird population monitoringPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,390
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean F-Score Beta
Year: 2020
398. Global Wheat DetectionCan you help identify wheat heads using image analysis?Prize: $15,000
Team: 2,245
Kind: Research
Metric: RSNAObjectDetectionAP
Year: 2020
397. Google Landmark Retrieval 2020Given an image, can you find all of the same landmarks in a dataset?Prize: $25,000
Team: 541
Kind: Research
Metric: PostProcessor
Year: 2020
396. SIIM-ISIC Melanoma ClassificationIdentify melanoma in lesion imagesPrize: $30,000
Team: 3,314
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2020
395. Open Images Object Detection RVC 2020 editionDetect objects in varied and complex imagesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 89
Kind: Playground
Metric: OpenImages
Year: 2020
394. Open Images Instance Segmentation RVC 2020 editionOutline segmentation masks of objects in imagesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 18
Kind: Playground
Metric: OpenImagesObjDetection
Year: 2020
393. Hash Code Archive - Photo Slideshow OptimizationOptimizing a photo album from Hash Code 2019Prize: Knowledge
Team: 89
Kind: Playground
Metric: PostProcessor
Year: 2020
392. Prostate cANcer graDe Assessment (PANDA) ChallengeProstate cancer diagnosis using the Gleason grading systemPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,010
Kind: Featured
Metric: QuadraticWeighted
Year: 2020
391. ALASKA2 Image SteganalysisDetect secret data hidden within digital imagesPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,095
Kind: Research
Metric: Weighted Area
Under Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2020
390. M5 Forecasting - AccuracyEstimate the unit sales of Walmart retail goodsPrize: $50,000
Team: 5,558
Kind: Featured
Metric: M5 Weighted (
Rowwise) Root Mean
Squared Scaled Error
Year: 2020
389. M5 Forecasting - UncertaintyEstimate the uncertainty distribution of Walmart unit sales.Prize: $50,000
Team: 909
Kind: Featured
Metric: Weighted Rowwise
Pinball Loss
Year: 2020
388. TReNDS NeuroimagingMultiscanner normative age and assessments prediction with brain function, structure, and connectivityPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,047
Kind: Research
Metric: Weighted Mean
Absolute Error
Year: 2020
387. Jigsaw Multilingual Toxic Comment ClassificationUse TPUs to identify toxicity comments across multiple languagesPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,621
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2020
386. Tweet Sentiment ExtractionExtract support phrases for sentiment labelsPrize: $15,000
Team: 2,227
Kind: Featured
Metric: Jaccard
Year: 2020
385. TREC-COVID Information RetrievalBuild a pandemic document retrieval systemPrize: Kudos
Team: 19
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2020
384. iMet Collection 2020 - FGVC7Recognize artwork attributes from The Metropolitan Museum of ArtPrize: Knowledge
Team: 96
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean F-Score Beta
Year: 2020
383. Abstraction and Reasoning ChallengeCreate an AI capable of solving reasoning tasks it has never seen beforePrize: $20,000
Team: 914
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2020
382. Plant Pathology 2020 - FGVC7Identify the category of foliar diseases in apple treesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 1,317
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic
Year: 2020
381. iMaterialist (Fashion) 2020 at FGVC7Fine-grained segmentation task for fashion and apparelPrize: Knowledge
Team: 56
Kind: Research
Metric: IntersectionOver
Year: 2020
380. iWildCam 2020 - FGVC7Categorize animals in the wildPrize: Knowledge
Team: 126
Kind: Research
Metric: Categorization
Year: 2020
379. Herbarium 2020 - FGVC7Identify plant species from herbarium specimens. Data from New York Botanical Garden.Prize: Knowledge
Team: 126
Kind: Research
Metric: Macro F-Score
Year: 2020
378. University of Liverpool - Ion SwitchingIdentify the number of channels open at each time pointPrize: $25,000
Team: 2,618
Kind: Research
Metric: Macro F-Score
Year: 2020
377. Flower Classification with TPUsUse TPUs to classify 104 types of flowersPrize: -
Team: 848
Kind: Playground
Metric: Macro F-Score
Year: 2020
376. COVID19 Global Forecasting (Week 5)Forecast daily COVID-19 spread in regions around worldPrize: Knowledge
Team: 173
Kind: Research
Metric: Weighted
Pinball Loss
Year: 2020
375. Google Cloud & NCAA® March Madness AnalyticsUncover the madness of March Madness®Prize: $25,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2020
374. Deepfake Detection ChallengeIdentify videos with facial or voice manipulationsPrize: $1,000,000
Team: 2,226
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2020
373. COVID19 Global Forecasting (Week 4)Forecast daily COVID-19 spread in regions around worldPrize: Knowledge
Team: 472
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2020
372. COVID19 Global Forecasting (Week 3)Forecast daily COVID-19 spread in regions around worldPrize: Knowledge
Team: 452
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2020
371. COVID19 Global Forecasting (Week 2)Forecast daily COVID-19 spread in regions around world

Prize: Knowledge
Team: 215
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2020

370. Categorical Feature Encoding Challenge IIBinary classification, with every feature a categorical (and interactions!)Prize: Swag
Team: 1,161
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating Characteristic
Year: 2020
369. ImageNet Object Localization ChallengeIdentify the objects in imagesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 75
Kind: Research
Metric: ImageNetObject
Year: 2020
368. COVID19 Global Forecasting (Week 1)Forecast daily COVID-19 spread in regions around worldPrize: Knowledge
Team: 544
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Root Mean Squared Logarithmic
Year: 2020
367. COVID19 Local US-CA Forecasting (Week 1)Forecast daily COVID-19 spread in California, USAPrize: Knowledge
Team: 190
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2020
366. DS4G: Environmental Insights ExplorerExploring alternatives for emissions factor calculationsPrize: $25,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2020
365. Google Cloud & NCAA® ML Competition 2020-NCAAWApply Machine Learning to NCAA® March Madness®Prize: Kudos
Team: 0
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2020
364. Google Cloud & NCAA® ML Competition 2020-NCAAMApply Machine Learning to NCAA® March Madness®Prize: Kudos
Team: 0
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2020
363. Bengali.AI Handwritten Grapheme ClassificationClassify the components of handwritten BengaliPrize: $10,000
Team: 2,059
Kind: Research
Metric: Weighted Categorization
Year: 2020
362. Google QUEST Q&A LabelingImproving automated understanding of complex question answer contentPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,571
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Spearmans r (rank correlation coefficient)
Year: 2020
361. TensorFlow 2.0 Question AnsweringIdentify the answers to real user questions about Wikipedia page contentPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,240
Kind: Featured
Metric: NQMicroF1
Year: 2020
360. 2019 Data Science BowlUncover the factors to help measure how young children learnPrize: $160,000
Team: 3,497
Kind: Featured
Metric: QuadraticWeightedKappa
Year: 2020
359. Peking University/Baidu - Autonomous DrivingCan you predict vehicle angle in different settings?Prize: $25,000
Team: 866
Kind: Featured
Metric: PKUAutoDrivingAP
Year: 2020
358. Santa 2019: Revenge of the AccountantsOh what fun it is to revise . . .Prize: Swag
Team: 106
Kind: Playground
Metric: Santas Workshop
Scheduling 2019 - Revenge
of the Accountants
Year: 2020
357. Santas Workshop Tour 2019In the notebook we can build a model, and pretend that it will optimize...Prize: $25,000
Team: 1,620
Kind: Featured
Metric: Santas Workshop
Scheduling 2019
Year: 2020
356. NFL Big Data BowlHow many yards will an NFL player gain after receiving a handoff?Prize: $75,000
Team: 2,038
Kind: Featured
Metric: Continuous Rank
Probability Score
Year: 2020
355. NFL 1st and Future - AnalyticsCan you investigate the relationship between the playing surface and the injury and performance of NFL athletes?Prize: $75,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2020
354. ASHRAE - Great Energy Predictor IIIHow much energy will a building consume?Prize: $25,000
Team: 1,877
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2019
353. Kannada MNISTMNIST like datatset for Kannada handwritten digitsPrize: Knowledge
Team: 1,214
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2019
352. BigQuery-Geotab Intersection CongestionCan you predict wait times at major city intersections?Prize: Kudos
Team: 436
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2019
351. Categorical Feature Encoding ChallengeBinary classification, with every feature a categoricalPrize: Swag
Team: 1,342
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2019
350. 2019 Kaggle ML & DS SurveyThe most comprehensive dataset available on the state of ML and data sciencePrize: $30,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2019
349. Understanding Clouds from Satellite ImagesCan you classify cloud structures from satellites?Prize: $10,000
Team: 1,538
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2019
348. RSNA Intracranial Hemorrhage DetectionIdentify acute intracranial hemorrhage and its subtypesPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,345
Kind: Featured
Metric: Weighted Mean
Columnwise Log Loss
Year: 2019
347. Lyft 3D Object Detection for Autonomous VehiclesCan you advance the state of the art in 3D object detection?Prize: $25,000
Team: 547
Kind: Featured
Metric: Lyft3DObjectDetectionAP
Year: 2019
346. Severstal; Steel Defect DetectionCan you detect and classify defects in steel?Prize: $120,000
Team: 2,431
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2019
345. Kuzushiji RecognitionOpening the door to a thousand years of Japanese culturePrize: $15,000
Team: 293
Kind: Playground
Metric: KNISTMicroF1
Year: 2019
344. The 3rd YouTube-8M Video Understanding ChallengeTemporal localization of topics within videoPrize: $25,000
Team: 283
Kind: Research
Metric: YT8M_MAP@{K}
Year: 2019
343. IEEE-CIS Fraud DetectionCan you detect fraud from customer transactions?Prize: $20,000
Team: 6,381
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2019
342. Open Images 2019 - Instance SegmentationOutline segmentation masks of objects in imagesPrize: $25,000
Team: 193
Kind: Research
Metric: OpenImagesObjDetection
Year: 2019
341. Open Images 2019 - Object DetectionDetect objects in varied and complex imagesPrize: $25,000
Team: 559
Kind: Research
Metric: OpenImagesObjectDetectionAP
Year: 2019
340. Open Images 2019 - Visual RelationshipDetect pairs of objects in particular relationshipsPrize: $25,000
Team: 201
Kind: Research
Metric: OpenImagesVisualRelations
Year: 2019
339. Recursion Cellular Image ClassificationCellSignal; Disentangling biological signal from experimental noise in cellular imagesPrize: $13,000
Team: 866
Kind: Research
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2019
338. APTOS 2019 Blindness DetectionDetect diabetic retinopathy to stop blindness before it is too latePrize: $50,000
Team: 2,943
Kind: Featured
Metric: QuadraticWeightedKappa
Year: 2019
337. Ciphertext Challenge III-Prize: Swag
Team: 103
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2019
336. SIIM-ACR Pneumothorax SegmentationIdentify Pneumothorax disease in chest x-raysPrize: $30,000
Team: 1,475
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2019
335. Predicting Molecular PropertiesCan you measure the magnetic interactions between a pair of atoms?Prize: $30,000
Team: 2,749
Kind: Featured
Metric: Group Mean Log MAE
Year: 2019
334. Generative Dog ImagesExperiment with creating puppy picsPrize: $10,000
Team: 927
Kind: Research
Metric: PostProcessorKernel
Year: 2019
333. Northeastern SMILE Lab - Recognizing Faces in the WildCan you determine if two individuals are related?Prize: Knowledge
Team: 528
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2019
332. Two Sigma; Using News to Predict Stock MovementsUse news analytics to predict stock price performancePrize: $100,000
Team: 2,927
Kind: Featured
Metric: Two Sigma News
Year: 2019
331. Jigsaw Unintended Bias in Toxicity ClassificationDetect toxicity across a diverse range of conversationsPrize: $65,000
Team: 1,228
Kind: Featured
Metric: Jigsaw Bias AUC
Year: 2019
330. Aerial Cactus IdentificationDetermine whether an image contains a columnar cactusPrize: Knowledge
Team: 1,228
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2019
329. Data Science for Good; City of Los AngelesHelp the City of Los Angeles to structure and analyze its job descriptionsPrize: $15,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2019
328. Instant GratificationA synchronous Kernels-only competitionPrize: $5,000
Team: 1,836
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2019
327. Freesound Audio Tagging 2019Automatically recognize sounds and apply tags of varying naturesPrize: $5,000
Team: 880
Kind: Research
Metric: Weighted Label
Ranking Average Precision
Year: 2019
326. iMaterialist (Fashion) 2019 at FGVC6Fine-grained segmentation task for fashion and apparelPrize: Kudos
Team: 242
Kind: Research
Metric: IntersectionOverUnionObject
Year: 2019
325. iNaturalist 2019 at FGVC6Fine-grained classification spanning a thousand speciesPrize: Kudos
Team: 214
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2019
324. iMet Collection 2019 - FGVC6Recognize artwork attributes from The Metropolitan Museum of ArtPrize: Kudos
Team: 521
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean F-Score Beta
Year: 2019
323. iWildCam 2019 - FGVC6Categorize animals in the wildPrize: Kudos
Team: 336
Kind: Playground
Metric: Macro F-Score
Year: 2019
322. Google Landmark Retrieval 2019Given an image, can you find all of the same landmarks in a dataset?Prize: $25,000
Team: 144
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2019
321. LANL Earthquake PredictionCan you predict upcoming laboratory earthquakes?Prize: $50,000
Team: 4,540
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2019
320. Google Landmark Recognition 2019Label famous (and not-so-famous) landmarks in imagesPrize: $25,000
Team: 281
Kind: Research
Metric: GoogleGlobalAP
Year: 2019
319. TMDB Box Office PredictionCan you predict a movies worldwide box office revenue?Prize: Knowledge
Team: 1,400
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2019
318. Dont Overfit! IIA Fistful of SamplesPrize: Swag
Team: 2,330
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2019
317. Ciphertext Challenge II-Prize: Swag
Team: 75
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2019
316. Data Science for Good; CareerVillage.orgMatch career advice questions with professionals in the fieldPrize: $15,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2019
315. Gendered Pronoun ResolutionPair pronouns to their correct entitiesPrize: $25,000
Team: 838
Kind: Research
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2019
314. CareerCon 2019 - Help Navigate RobotsCompete to get your resume in front of our sponsorsPrize: Swag
Team: 1,478
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2019
313. Santander Customer Transaction PredictionCan you identify who will make a transaction?Prize: $65,000
Team: 9,038
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2019
312. Adoption PredictionHow cute is that doggy in the shelter?Prize: $25,000
Team: 2,023
Kind: Featured
Metric: QuadraticWeightedKappa
Year: 2019
311. Google Cloud & NCAA® ML Competition 2019-MenApply Machine Learning to NCAA® March Madness®Prize: $25,000
Team: 866
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2019
310. Google Cloud & NCAA® ML Competition 2019-WomenApply Machine Learning to NCAA® March Madness®Prize: $25,000
Team: 500
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2019
309. Histopathologic Cancer DetectionIdentify metastatic tissue in histopathologic scans of lymph node sectionsPrize: Knowledge
Team: 1,157
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2019
308. VSB Power Line Fault DetectionCan you detect faults in above-ground electrical lines?Prize: $25,000
Team: 1,451
Kind: Featured
Metric: Matthews correlation
Year: 2019
307. Microsoft Malware PredictionCan you predict if a machine will soon be hit with malware?Prize: $25,000
Team: 2,426
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2019
306. Humpback Whale IdentificationCan you identify a whale by its tail?Prize: $25,000
Team: 2,131
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2019
305. Elo Merchant Category RecommendationHelp understand customer loyaltyPrize: $50,000
Team: 4,221
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2019
304. Google Analytics Customer Revenue PredictionPredict how much GStore customers will spendPrize: $45,000
Team: 3,611
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2019
303. Quora Insincere Questions ClassificationDetect toxic content to improve online conversationsPrize: $25,000
Team: 4,037
Kind: Featured
Metric: F-Score
Year: 2019
302. Reducing Commercial Aviation FatalitiesCan you tell when a pilot is heading for trouble?Prize: Swag
Team: 180
Kind: Playground
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2019
301. PUBG Finish Placement Prediction (Kernels Only)Can you predict the battle royale finish of PUBG Players?Prize: Swag
Team: 1,534
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2019
300. 20 Newsgroups Ciphertext Challenge-Prize: Swag
Team: 142
Kind: Playground
Metric: Macro F-Score
Year: 2019
299. Human Protein Atlas Image ClassificationClassify subcellular protein patterns in human cellsPrize: $37,000
Team: 2,172
Kind: Featured
Metric: Macro F-Score
Year: 2019
298. Traveling Santa 2018 - Prime PathsBut does your code recall, the most efficient route of all?Prize: $25,000
Team: 1,874
Kind: Featured
Metric: Traveling Santa Metric
2 - Prime Edition
Year: 2019
297. NFL Punt Analytics CompetitionAnalyze NFL game data and suggest rules to improve player safety during punt playsPrize: $80,000
Team: 0
Kind: Analytics
Metric: -
Year: 2019
296. PLAsTiCC Astronomical ClassificationCan you help make sense of the Universe?Prize: $25,000
Team: 1,094
Kind: Featured
Metric: Weighted Multiclass
Year: 2018
295. Quick, Draw! Doodle Recognition ChallengeHow accurately can you identify a doodle?Prize: $25,000
Team: 1,316
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2018
294. Don not call me turkey!Thanksgiving Edition; Find the turkey in the sound bitePrize: Swag
Team: 267
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2018
293. Airbus Ship Detection ChallengeFind ships on satellite images as quickly as possiblePrize: $60,000
Team: 883
Kind: Featured
Metric: IntersectionOverUnion
Year: 2018
292. Inclusive Images ChallengeStress test image classifiers across new geographic distributionsPrize: $25,000
Team: 468
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean F-Score Beta
Year: 2018
291. RSNA Pneumonia Detection ChallengeCan you build an algorithm that automatically detects potential pneumonia cases?Prize: $30,000
Team: 1,499
Kind: Featured
Metric: RSNAObjectDetectionAP
Year: 2018
290. TGS Salt Identification ChallengeSegment salt deposits beneath the Earths surfacePrize: $100,000
Team: 3,234
Kind: Featured
Metric: IntersectionOverUnion
Year: 2018
289. New York City Taxi Fare PredictionCan you predict a riders taxi fare?Prize: Knowledge
Team: 1,488
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2018
288. Forest Cover Type (Kernels Only)Use cartographic variables to classify forest categoriesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 359
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2018
287. Store Item Demand Forecasting ChallengePredict 3 months of item sales at different storesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 462
Kind: Playground
Metric: SMAPE
Year: 2018
286. Whats Cooking? (Kernels Only)Use recipe ingredients to categorize the cuisinePrize: Knowledge
Team: 523
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2018
285. Flavours of Physics; Finding τ → μμμ (Kernels Only)Identify a rare decay phenomenonPrize: Knowledge
Team: 54
Kind: Playground
Metric: Weighted AUC, with
agreement check and correlation check
Year: 2018
284. Movie Review Sentiment Analysis (Kernels Only)Classify the sentiment of sentences from the Rotten Tomatoes datasetPrize: Knowledge
Team: 410
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2018
283. Costa Rican Household Poverty Level PredictionCan you identify which households have the highest need for social welfare assistance?Prize: Swag
Team: 199
Kind: Playground
Metric: Macro F-Score
Year: 2018
282. Google AI Open Images - Visual Relationship TrackDetect pairs of objects in particular relationships.Prize: $20,000
Team: 230
Kind: Featured
Metric: OpenImages
Year: 2018
281. Google AI Open Images - Object Detection TrackDetect objects in varied and complex images.Prize: $30,000
Team: 457
Kind: Featured
Metric: OpenImagesObject
Year: 2018
280. Home Credit Default RiskCan you predict how capable each applicant is of repaying a loan?Prize: $70,000
Team: 7,198
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2018
279. Santander Value Prediction ChallengePredict the value of transactions for potential customers.Prize: $60,000
Team: 4,484
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2018
278. TrackML Particle Tracking ChallengeHigh Energy Physics particle tracking in CERN detectorsPrize: $25,000
Team: 656
Kind: Featured
Metric: TrackML
Year: 2018
277. The 2nd YouTube-8M Video Understanding ChallengeCan you create a constrained-size model to predict video labels?Prize: $25,000
Team: 394
Kind: Featured
Metric: GoogleGlobalAP
Year: 2018
276. Freesound General-Purpose Audio Tagging ChallengeCan you automatically recognize sounds from a wide range of real-world environments?Prize: Knowledge
Team: 558
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2018
275. Humpback Whale Identification ChallengeCan you identify a whale by the picture of its fluke?Prize: Kudos
Team: 528
Kind: Playground
Metric: -
Year: 2018
274. Avito Demand Prediction ChallengePredict demand for an online classified adPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,917
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2018
273. CVPR 2018 WAD Video Segmentation ChallengeCan you segment each objects within image frames captured by vehicles?Prize: $2,500
Team: 145
Kind: Research
Metric: CVPRAutoDriving
Year: 2018
272. iNaturalist Challenge at FGVC5Long tailed classification challenge spanning 8,000 species.Prize: Kudos
Team: 59
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2018
271. iMaterialist Challenge (Fashion) at FGVC5Image classification of fashion products.Prize: $2,500
Team: 212
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean F-Score Beta
Year: 2018
270. iMaterialist Challenge (Furniture) at FGVC5Image Classification of Furniture & Home Goods.Prize: $2,500
Team: 436
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2018
269. Google Landmark Recognition ChallengeLabel famous (and not-so-famous) landmarks in imagesPrize: $2,500
Team: 483
Kind: Research
Metric: GoogleGlobalAP
Year: 2018
268. Google Landmark Retrieval ChallengeGiven an image, can you find all of the same landmarks in a dataset?Prize: $2,500
Team: 209
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2018
267. TalkingData AdTracking Fraud Detection ChallengeCan you detect fraudulent click traffic for mobile app ads?Prize: $25,000
Team: 3,967
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2018
266. Application ScreeningPredict whether teachers project proposals are acceptedPrize: Swag
Team: 581
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2018
265. 2018 Data Science BowlFind the nuclei in divergent images to advance medical discoveryPrize: $100,000
Team: 3,634
Kind: Featured
Metric: IntersectionOverUnion
Year: 2018
264. Google Cloud & NCAA® ML Competition 2018-MensApply Machine Learning to NCAA® March Madness®Prize: $50,000
Team: 934
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2018
263. Google Cloud & NCAA® ML Competition 2018-WomensApply machine learning to NCAA® March Madness®Prize: $50,000
Team: 505
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2018
262. Toxic Comment Classification ChallengeIdentify and classify toxic online commentsPrize: $35,000
Team: 4,551
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Columnwise Area
Under Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2018
261. Plant Seedlings ClassificationDetermine the species of a seedling from an imagePrize: Kudos
Team: 836
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean F-Score
Year: 2018
260. Dog Breed IdentificationDetermine the breed of a dog in an imagePrize: Kudos
Team: 1,286
Kind: Playground
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2018
259. Mercari Price Suggestion ChallengeCan you automatically suggest product prices to online sellers?Prize: $100,000
Team: 2,384
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2018
258. Nomad2018 Predicting Transparent ConductorsPredict the key properties of novel transparent semiconductorsPrize: €5,000
Team: 883
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Columnwise Root
Mean Squared Logarithmic Error
Year: 2018
257. IEEEs Signal Processing Society - Camera Model IdentificationIdentify from which camera an image was takenPrize: $25,000
Team: 582
Kind: Featured
Metric: Weighted Categorization
Year: 2018
256. Recruit Restaurant Visitor ForecastingPredict how many future visitors a restaurant will receivePrize: $25,000
Team: 2,158
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2018
255. Statoil/C-CORE Iceberg Classifier ChallengeShip or iceberg, can you decide from space?Prize: $50,000
Team: 3,343
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2018
254. TensorFlow Speech Recognition ChallengeCan you build an algorithm that understands simple speech commands?Prize: $25,000
Team: 1,315
Kind: Featured
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2018
253. Corporación Favorita Grocery Sales ForecastingCan you accurately predict sales for a large grocery chain?Prize: $30,000
Team: 1,675
Kind: Featured
Metric: Normalized Weighted
Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error
Year: 2018
252. Santa Gift Matching ChallengeDown through the chimney with lots of toys...Prize: $25,000
Team: 428
Kind: Featured
Metric: Average Normalized
Year: 2018
251. Zillow Prize; Zillow’s Home Value Prediction (Zestimate)Can you improve the algorithm that changed the world of real estate?Prize: $1,200,000
Team: 3,779
Kind: Featured
Metric: ZillowMAE
Year: 2018
250. WSDM - KKBoxs Music Recommendation ChallengeCan you build the best music recommendation system?Prize: $5,000
Team: 1,081
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2017
249. WSDM - KKBoxs Churn Prediction ChallengeCan you predict when subscribers will churn?Prize: $5,000
Team: 575
Kind: Research
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2017
248. Passenger Screening Algorithm ChallengeImprove the accuracy of the Department of Homeland Securitys threat recognition algorithmsPrize: $1,500,000
Team: 518
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2017
247. Spooky Author IdentificationShare code and discuss insights to identify horror authors from their writingsPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,244
Kind: Playground
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2017
246. Cdiscount’s Image Classification ChallengeCategorize e-commerce photosPrize: $35,000
Team: 627
Kind: Featured
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2017
245. Porto Seguro’s Safe Driver PredictionPredict if a driver will file an insurance claim next year.Prize: $25,000
Team: 5,169
Kind: Featured
Metric: Normalized Gini Index
Year: 2017
244. Text Normalization Challenge - English LanguageConvert English text from written expressions into spoken formsPrize: $25,000
Team: 260
Kind: Research
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2017
243. Text Normalization Challenge - Russian LanguageConvert Russian text from written expressions into spoken formsPrize: $25,000
Team: 162
Kind: Research
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2017
242. Web Traffic Time Series ForecastingForecast future traffic to Wikipedia pagesPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,095
Kind: Research
Metric: SMAPE
Year: 2017
241. Personalized Medicine; Redefining Cancer TreatmentPredict the effect of Genetic Variants to enable Personalized MedicinePrize: $15,000
Team: 1,386
Kind: Research
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2017
240. NIPS 2017; Non-targeted Adversarial AttackImperceptibly transform images in ways that fool classification modelsPrize: Swag
Team: 91
Kind: Research
Metric: Score
Year: 2017
239. NIPS 2017; Targeted Adversarial AttackDevelop an adversarial attack that causes image classifiers to predict a specific target classPrize: Swag
Team: 65
Kind: Research
Metric: Score
Year: 2017
238. NIPS 2017; Defense Against Adversarial AttackCreate an image classifier that is robust to adversarial attacksPrize: Swag
Team: 107
Kind: Research
Metric: Score
Year: 2017
237. Carvana Image Masking ChallengeAutomatically identify the boundaries of the car in an imagePrize: $25,000
Team: 735
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2017
236. New York City Taxi Trip DurationShare code and data to improve ride time predictionsPrize: $30,000
Team: 1,257
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2017
235. Invasive Species MonitoringIdentify images of invasive hydrangeaPrize: Knowledge
Team: 513
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2017
234. Instacart Market Basket AnalysisWhich products will an Instacart consumer purchase again?Prize: $25,000
Team: 2,623
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean F-Score
Year: 2017
233. Planet; Understanding the Amazon from SpaceUse satellite data to track the human footprint in the Amazon rainforestPrize: $60,000
Team: 938
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean F-Score Beta
Year: 2017
232. Mercedes-Benz Greener ManufacturingCan you cut the time a Mercedes-Benz spends on the test bench?Prize: $25,000
Team: 3,835
Kind: Featured
Metric: R^2 score
(coefficient of determination)
Year: 2017
231. iNaturalist Challenge at FGVC 2017Fine-grained classification challenge spanning 5,000 species.Prize: Knowledge
Team: 50
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2017
230. iMaterialist Challenge at FGVC 2017Can you assign accurate description labels to images of apparel products?Prize: Knowledge
Team: 28
Kind: Research
Metric: -
Year: 2017
229. Sberbank Russian Housing MarketCan you predict realty price fluctuations in Russia’s volatile economy?Prize: $25,000
Team: 3,274
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2017
228. NOAA Fisheries Steller Sea Lion Population CountHow many sea lions do you see?Prize: $25,000
Team: 385
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2017
227. Intel & MobileODT Cervical Cancer ScreeningWhich cancer treatment will be most effective?Prize: $100,000
Team: 848
Kind: Featured
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2017
226. Quora Question PairsCan you identify question pairs that have the same intent?Prize: $25,000
Team: 3,307
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2017
225. Google Cloud & YouTube-8M Video Understanding ChallengeCan you produce the best video tag predictions?Prize: $100,000
Team: 655
Kind: Featured
Metric: GoogleGlobalAP
Year: 2017
224. Two Sigma Connect; Rental Listing InquiriesHow much interest will a new rental listing on RentHop receive?Prize: Jobs
Team: 2,488
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2017
223. The Nature Conservancy Fisheries MonitoringCan you detect and classify species of fish?Prize: $150,000
Team: 2,293
Kind: Featured
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2017
222. Data Science Bowl 2017Can you improve lung cancer detection?Prize: $1,000,000
Team: 1,972
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2017
221. March Machine Learning Mania 2017Predict the 2017 NCAA Basketball TournamentPrize: Swag
Team: 442
Kind: Playground
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2017
220. Transfer Learning on Stack Exchange TagsPredict tags from models trained on unrelated topicsPrize: Knowledge
Team: 380
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean F-Score
Year: 2017
219. Dstl Satellite Imagery Feature DetectionCan you train an eye in the sky?Prize: $100,000
Team: 419
Kind: Featured
Metric: JaccardDSTLParallel
Year: 2017
218. Dogs vs. Cats Redux; Kernels EditionDistinguish images of dogs from catsPrize: Knowledge
Team: 1,314
Kind: Playground
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2017
217. Two Sigma Financial Modeling ChallengeCan you uncover predictive value in an uncertain world?Prize: $100,000
Team: 2,070
Kind: Featured
Metric: R Value
Year: 2017
216. Leaf ClassificationCan you see the random forest for the leaves?Prize: Knowledge
Team: 1,598
Kind: Playground
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2017
215. Santas Uncertain Bags♫ Bells are ringing, children singing, all is merry and bright. Santas elves made a big mistake, now he needs your help tonight ♫Prize: Swag
Team: 694
Kind: Playground
Metric: SantaWeightedBins
Year: 2017
214. Outbrain Click PredictionCan you predict which recommended content each user will click?Prize: $25,000
Team: 979
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2017
213. Facial Keypoints DetectionDetect the location of keypoints on face imagesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 175
Kind: Getting Started
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2016
212. First Steps With JuliaUse Julia to identify characters from Google Street View imagesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 56
Kind: Getting Started
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2016
211. Santander Product RecommendationCan you pair products with people?Prize: $60,000
Team: 1,787
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2016
210. Allstate Claims SeverityHow severe is an insurance claim?Prize: Jobs
Team: 3,055
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2016
209. Melbourne University AES/MathWorks/NIH Seizure PredictionPredict seizures in long-term human intracranial EEG recordingsPrize: $20,000
Team: 478
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2016
208. Ghouls, Goblins, and Ghosts... Boo!Can you classify monsters haunting Kaggle?Prize: Knowledge
Team: 764
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2016
207. Bosch Production Line PerformanceReduce manufacturing failuresPrize: $30,000
Team: 1,373
Kind: Featured
Metric: Matthews correlation
Year: 2016
206. Painter by NumbersDoes every painter leave a fingerprint?Prize: Knowledge
Team: 41
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2016
205. Integer Sequence Learning1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7?!Prize: Knowledge
Team: 286
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2016
204. Predicting Red Hat Business ValueClassify customer potentialPrize: $50,000
Team: 2,271
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2016
203. TalkingData Mobile User DemographicsGet to know millions of mobile device usersPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,689
Kind: Featured
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2016
202. Grupo Bimbo Inventory DemandMaximize sales and minimize returns of bakery goodsPrize: $25,000
Team: 1,969
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2016
201. Ultrasound Nerve SegmentationIdentify nerve structures in ultrasound images of the neckPrize: $100,000
Team: 923
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2016
200. State Farm Distracted Driver DetectionCan computer vision spot distracted drivers?Prize: $65,000
Team: 1,440
Kind: Featured
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2016
199. Shelter Animal OutcomesHelp improve outcomes for shelter animalsPrize: Knowledge
Team: 1,604
Kind: Playground
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2016
198. Avito Duplicate Ads DetectionCan you detect duplicitous duplicate ads?Prize: $20,000
Team: 548
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2016
197. Facebook V; Predicting Check InsIdentify the correct place for check insPrize: Jobs
Team: 1,212
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: -
Year: 2016
196. Draper Satellite Image ChronologyCan you put order to space and time?Prize: $75,000
Team: 401
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2016
195. Kobe Bryant Shot SelectionWhich shots did Kobe sink?Prize: Knowledge
Team: 1,117
Kind: Playground
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2016
194. Expedia Hotel RecommendationsWhich hotel type will an Expedia customer book?Prize: $25,000
Team: 1,947
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2016
193. San Francisco Crime ClassificationPredict the category of crimes that occurred in the city by the bayPrize: Knowledge
Team: 2,335
Kind: Playground
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2016
192. Santander Customer SatisfactionWhich customers are happy customers?Prize: $60,000
Team: 5,123
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2016
191. Home Depot Product Search RelevancePredict the relevance of search results on homedepot.comPrize: $40,000
Team: 2,125
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2016
190. BNP Paribas Cardif Claims ManagementCan you accelerate BNP Paribas Cardifs claims management process?Prize: $30,000
Team: 2,926
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2016
189. Yelp Restaurant Photo ClassificationPredict attribute labels for restaurants using user-submitted photosPrize: Jobs
Team: 355
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Mean F-Score
Year: 2016
188. March Machine Learning Mania 2016Predict the 2016 NCAA Basketball TournamentPrize: $25,000
Team: 598
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2016
187. Second Annual Data Science BowlTransforming How We Diagnose Heart DiseasePrize: $200,000
Team: 773
Kind: Featured
Metric: Continuous Rank
Probability Score
Year: 2016
186. Telstra Network DisruptionsPredict service faults on Australias largest telecommunications networkPrize: Jobs
Team: 974
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2016
185. Prudential Life Insurance AssessmentCan you make buying life insurance easier?Prize: $30,000
Team: 2,619
Kind: Featured
Metric: QuadraticWeightedKappa
Year: 2016
184. The Allen AI Science ChallengeIs your model smarter than an 8th grader?Prize: $80,000
Team: 799
Kind: Featured
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2016
183. Airbnb New User BookingsWhere will a new guest book their first travel experience?Prize: Jobs
Team: 1,462
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: -
Year: 2016
182. Homesite Quote ConversionWhich customers will purchase a quoted insurance plan?Prize: $20,000
Team: 1,764
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2016
181. Cervical Cancer ScreeningHelp prevent cervical cancer by identifying at-risk populationsPrize: $100,000
Team: 40
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2016
180. The Winton Stock Market ChallengeJoin a multi-disciplinary team of research scientistsPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,300
Kind: Featured
Metric: Weighted Mean
Absolute Error
Year: 2016
179. Santas Stolen Sleigh♫ Alarm bells ring, are you listening? Santas sleigh has gone missing ♫Prize: $20,000
Team: 1,127
Kind: Featured
Metric: SantaRideShare
Year: 2016
178. Right Whale RecognitionIdentify endangered right whales in aerial photographsPrize: $10,000
Team: 364
Kind: Research
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2016
177. Walmart Recruiting; Trip Type ClassificationUse market basket analysis to classify shopping tripsPrize: Jobs
Team: 1,047
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2015
176. Whats Cooking?Use recipe ingredients to categorize the cuisinePrize: Knowledge
Team: 1,388
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization
Year: 2015
175. Rossmann Store SalesForecast sales using store, promotion, and competitor dataPrize: $35,000
Team: 3,303
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Square
Percentage Error
Year: 2015
174. How Much Did It Rain? IIPredict hourly rainfall using data from polarimetric radarsPrize: $500
Team: 587
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2015
173. Western Australia Rental PricesPredict rental prices for properties across Western AustraliaPrize: $100,000
Team: 59
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2015
172. Springleaf Marketing ResponseDetermine whether to send a direct mail piece to a customerPrize: $100,000
Team: 2,226
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2015
171. Truly Native?Predict which web pages served by StumbleUpon are sponsoredPrize: $10,000
Team: 274
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2015
170. Flavours of Physics; Finding τ → μμμIdentify a rare decay phenomenonPrize: $15,000
Team: 673
Kind: Featured
Metric: Weighted AUC, with
agreement check and
correlation check
Year: 2015
169. Denoising Dirty DocumentsRemove noise from printed textPrize: Knowledge
Team: 161
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2015
168. Coupon Purchase PredictionPredict which coupons a customer will buyPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,076
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2015
167. Introducing Kaggle ScriptsYour code deserves betterPrize: Swag
Team: 0
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2015
166. Machinery Tube PricingModel quoted prices for industrial tube assembliesPrize: $30,000
Team: 1,320
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2015
165. Grasp-and-Lift EEG DetectionIdentify hand motions from EEG recordingsPrize: $10,000
Team: 379
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2015
164. Liberty Mutual Group; Property Inspection PredictionQuantify property hazards before time of inspectionPrize: $25,000
Team: 2,236
Kind: Featured
Metric: Normalized Gini Index
Year: 2015
163. ICDM 2015; Drawbridge Cross-Device ConnectionsIdentify individual users across their digital devicesPrize: $10,000
Team: 340
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean F-Score Beta
Year: 2015
162. Predict Closed Questions on Stack OverflowPredict which new questions asked on Stack Overflow will be closedPrize: $20,000
Team: 0
Kind: Playground
Metric: Multiclass Loss (
Year: 2015
161. Avito Context Ad ClicksPredict if context ads will earn a users clickPrize: $20,000
Team: 414
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2015
160. Diabetic Retinopathy DetectionIdentify signs of diabetic retinopathy in eye imagesPrize: $100,000
Team: 661
Kind: Featured
Metric: QuadraticWeightedKappa
Year: 2015
159. Crowdflower Search Results RelevancePredict the relevance of search results from eCommerce sitesPrize: $20,000
Team: 1,326
Kind: Featured
Metric: QuadraticWeightedKappa
Year: 2015
158. ECML/PKDD 15; Taxi Trajectory Prediction (I)Predict the destination of taxi trips based on initial partial trajectoriesPrize: $250
Team: 381
Kind: Research
Metric: Averaged Haversine
Year: 2015
157. ECML/PKDD 15; Taxi Trip Time Prediction (II)Predict the total travel time of taxi trips based on their initial partial trajectoriesPrize: $250
Team: 345
Kind: Research
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2015
156. Bag of Words Meets Bags of PopcornUse Googles Word2Vec for movie reviewsPrize: Knowledge
Team: 578
Kind: Getting Started
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2015
155. West Nile Virus PredictionPredict West Nile virus in mosquitos across the city of ChicagoPrize: $40,000
Team: 1,306
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2015
154. Facebook Recruiting IV; Human or Robot?Predict if an online bid is made by a machine or a humanPrize: Jobs
Team: 985
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2015
153. Random Acts of PizzaPredicting altruism through free pizzaPrize: Knowledge
Team: 464
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2015
152. Poker Rule InductionDetermine the poker hand of five playing cardsPrize: Knowledge
Team: 209
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2015
151. Bike Sharing DemandForecast use of a city bikeshare systemPrize: Knowledge
Team: 3,251
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2015
150. Walmart Recruiting II; Sales in Stormy WeatherPredict how sales of weather-sensitive products are affected by snow and rainPrize: Jobs
Team: 485
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Logarithmic Error
Year: 2015
149. Otto Group Product Classification ChallengeClassify products into the correct categoryPrize: $10,000
Team: 3,514
Kind: Featured
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2015
148. How Much Did It Rain?Predict probabilistic distribution of hourly rain given polarimetric radar measurementsPrize: $500
Team: 321
Kind: Research
Metric: Continuous Rank
Probability Score
Year: 2015
147. Forest Cover Type PredictionUse cartographic variables to classify forest categoriesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 1,694
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2015
146. Restaurant Revenue PredictionPredict annual restaurant sales based on objective measurementsPrize: $30,000
Team: 2,257
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2015
145. 15.071x - The Analytics Edge (Spring 2015)Test your analytics skills by predicting which New York Times blog articles will be the most popularPrize: Knowledge
Team: 2,923
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2015
144. Billion Word ImputationFind and impute missing words in the billion word corpusPrize: Knowledge
Team: 87
Kind: Playground
Metric: Levenshtein Mean
Year: 2015
143. Microsoft Malware Classification Challenge (BIG 2015)Classify malware into families based on file content and characteristicsPrize: $16,000
Team: 377
Kind: Research
Metric: Multiclass Loss (
Year: 2015
142. March Machine Learning Mania 2015Predict the 2015 NCAA Basketball TournamentPrize: $15,000
Team: 341
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2015
141. 15.071x - The Analytics Edge (Spring 2015)Test your analytics skills by predicting which New York Times blog articles will be the most popular.Prize: Knowledge
Team: 0
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2015
140. Finding EloPredict a chess players FIDE Elo rating from one gamePrize: Knowledge
Team: 158
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2015
139. National Data Science BowlPredict ocean health, one plankton at a timePrize: $175,000
Team: 1,049
Kind: Featured
Metric: Multiclass Loss (Deprecated)
Year: 2015
138. Driver Telematics AnalysisUse telematic data to identify a driver signaturePrize: $30,000
Team: 1,528
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2015
137. Sentiment Analysis on Movie ReviewsClassify the sentiment of sentences from the Rotten Tomatoes datasetPrize: Knowledge
Team: 861
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2015
136. BCI Challenge @ NER 2015A spell on you if you cannot detect errors!Prize: $1,000
Team: 260
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2015
135. Click-Through Rate PredictionPredict whether a mobile ad will be clickedPrize: $15,000
Team: 1,604
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2015
134. Helping Santas HelpersJingle bells, Santa tells ...Prize: $20,000
Team: 439
Kind: Featured
Metric: Packing Santas Sleigh Metric
Year: 2015
133. Data Science London + Scikit-learnScikit-learn is an open-source machine learning library for Python. Give it a try here!Prize: Knowledge
Team: 191
Kind: Getting Started
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2014
132. American Epilepsy Society Seizure Prediction ChallengePredict seizures in intracranial EEG recordingsPrize: $25,000
Team: 504
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2014
131. Tradeshift Text ClassificationClassify text blocks in documentsPrize: $5,000
Team: 375
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2014
130. Learning Social Circles in NetworksModel friend memberships to multiple circlesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 203
Kind: Playground
Metric: FacebookCircles
Year: 2014
129. Africa Soil Property Prediction ChallengePredict physical and chemical properties of soil using spectral measurementsPrize: $8,000
Team: 1,233
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2014
128. CIFAR-10 - Object Recognition in ImagesIdentify the subject of 60,000 labeled imagesPrize: Knowledge
Team: 231
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2014
127. Display Advertising ChallengePredict click-through rates on display adsPrize: $16,000
Team: 718
Kind: Research
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2014
126. Higgs Boson Machine Learning ChallengeUse the ATLAS experiment to identify the Higgs bosonPrize: $13,000
Team: 1,785
Kind: Featured
Metric: Higgs Boson
Approximate Median Significance
Year: 2014
125. Liberty Mutual Group - Fire Peril Loss CostPredict expected fire losses for insurance policiesPrize: $25,000
Team: 634
Kind: Featured
Metric: Weighted Gini
Year: 2014
124. The Hunt for Prohibited ContentPredict which ads contain illicit contentPrize: $25,000
Team: 285
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2014
123. UPenn and Mayo Clinics Seizure Detection ChallengeDetect seizures in intracranial EEG recordingsPrize: $8,000
Team: 200
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Columnwise Area
Under Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2014
122. DecMeg2014 - Decoding the Human BrainPredict visual stimuli from MEG recordings of human brain activityPrize: $5,000
Team: 267
Kind: Research
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2014
121. MLSP 2014 Schizophrenia Classification ChallengeDiagnose schizophrenia using multimodal features from MRI scansPrize: Kudos
Team: 313
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2014
120. KDD Cup 2014 - Predicting Excitement at DonorsChoose.orgPredict funding requests that deserve an A+Prize: $2,000
Team: 472
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2014
119. Greek Media Monitoring Multilabel Classification (WISE 2014)Multi-label classification of printed media articles to topicsPrize: $680
Team: 120
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean F-Score
Year: 2014
118. Acquire Valued Shoppers ChallengePredict which shoppers will become repeat buyersPrize: $30,000
Team: 952
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2014
117. Risky BusinessPredict the risk of customer credit defaultPrize: $100,000
Team: 44
Kind: Masters
Metric: Amex Custom Gini
And Percentage Capture
Year: 2014
116. Allstate Purchase Prediction ChallengePredict a purchased policy based on transaction historyPrize: $50,000
Team: 1,568
Kind: Featured
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2014
115. CONNECTOMICSReconstruct the wiring between neurons from fluorescence imaging of neural activityPrize: $3,000
Team: 143
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2014
114. The Analytics Edge (15.071x)Learn what predicts happiness by using informal polling questions.Prize: Knowledge
Team: 1,685
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2014
113. Walmart Recruiting - Store Sales ForecastingUse historical markdown data to predict store salesPrize: Jobs
Team: 691
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Weighted Mean
Absolute Error
Year: 2014
112. Large Scale Hierarchical Text ClassificationClassify Wikipedia documents into one of 325,056 categoriesPrize: Swag
Team: 119
Kind: Research
Metric: Macro F-Score
Year: 2014
111. March Machine Learning ManiaTip off college basketball by predicting the 2014 NCAA TournamentPrize: $15,000
Team: 248
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2014
110. Galaxy Zoo - The Galaxy ChallengeClassify the morphologies of distant galaxies in our UniversePrize: $16,000
Team: 326
Kind: Research
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2014
109. The Random Number Grand ChallengeDecode a sequence of pseudorandom numbersPrize: $1,000
Team: 205
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2014
108. PAKDD 2014 - ASUS Malfunctional Components PredictionPredict malfunctional components of ASUS notebooksPrize: $8,500
Team: 610
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2014
107. Loan Default Prediction - Imperial College LondonConstructing an optimal portfolio of loansPrize: $10,000
Team: 675
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2014
106. Flu ForecastingPredict when, where and how strong the flu will bePrize: $125,000
Team: 50
Kind: Masters
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2014
105. Conways Reverse Game of LifeReverse the arrow of time in the Game of LifePrize: Swag
Team: 142
Kind: Playground
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2014
104. Dogs vs. CatsCreate an algorithm to distinguish dogs from catsPrize: Swag
Team: 215
Kind: Playground
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2014
103. Packing Santas SleighHes making a list, checking it twice; to fill up his sleigh, he needs your advicePrize: $10,000
Team: 362
Kind: Featured
Metric: Packing Santas
Sleigh Metric
Year: 2014
102. Personalized Web Search ChallengeRe-rank web documents using personal preferencesPrize: $9,000
Team: 194
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2014
101. As the World ChurnsPredict which customers will leave an insurance company in the next 12 months.Prize: $70,000
Team: 37
Kind: Masters
Metric: Mean Columnwise
Area Under Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013
100. Facebook Recruiting III - Keyword ExtractionIdentify keywords and tags from millions of text questionsPrize: Jobs
Team: 367
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Mean F-Score
Year: 2013
99. Partly Sunny with a Chance of HashtagsWhat can a #machine learn from tweets about the #weather?Prize: $500
Team: 259
Kind: Playground
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2013
98. See Click Predict FixPredict which 311 issues are most important to citizensPrize: $4,000
Team: 532
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2013
97. Multi-label Bird Species Classification - NIPS 2013Identify which of 87 classes of birds and amphibians are present into 1000 continuous wild sound recordingsPrize: Knowledge
Team: 32
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013
96. Accelerometer Biometric CompetitionRecognize users of mobile devices from accelerometer dataPrize: $5,000
Team: 633
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013
95. AMS 2013-2014 Solar Energy Prediction ContestForecast daily solar energy with an ensemble of weather modelsPrize: $1,000
Team: 160
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2013
94. Boston Data Festival HackathonCan you make a better prediction than a monkey with a dart?Prize: $1,000
Team: 21
Kind: Playground
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013
93. Personalize Expedia Hotel Searches - ICDM 2013Learning to rank hotels to maximize purchasesPrize: $25,000
Team: 337
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2013
92. StumbleUpon Evergreen Classification ChallengeBuild a classifier to categorize webpages as evergreen or non-evergreenPrize: $5,000
Team: 625
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013
91. Belkin Energy Disaggregation CompetitionDisaggregate household energy consumption into individual appliancesPrize: $25,000
Team: 165
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2013
90. The Big Data Combine Engineered by BattleFinPredict short term movements in stock prices using news and sentiment data provided by RavenPackPrize: $18,500
Team: 425
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2013
89. See Click Predict Fix - HackathonPredict which 311 issues are most important to citizensPrize: $1,000
Team: 80
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Logarithmic Error
Year: 2013
88. Cause-effect pairsGiven samples from a pair of variables A, B, find whether A is a cause of B.Prize: $10,000
Team: 266
Kind: Research
Metric: Bidirectional AUC
for Cause Effect Pairs
Year: 2013
87. RecSys2013; Yelp Business Rating PredictionRecSys Challenge 2013; Yelp business rating predictionPrize: $500
Team: 158
Kind: Research
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2013
86. Multi-modal Gesture RecognitionRecognize gesture sequences in video and depth data from KinectPrize: $10,000
Team: 53
Kind: Research
Metric: Gesture Normalized
Levenshtein Mean
Year: 2013
85. MLSP 2013 Bird Classification ChallengePredict the set of bird species present in an audio recording, collected in field conditions.Prize: $1,800
Team: 79
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013
84. MasterCard - Data Cleansing CompetitionImprove the quality of information within transaction dataPrize: $100,000
Team: 6
Kind: Masters
Metric: Mastercard
Levenshtein AUC Metric
Year: 2013
83. - Employee Access ChallengePredict an employees access needs, given his/her job rolePrize: $5,000
Team: 1,687
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013
82. Yelp Recruiting CompetitionHow many "useful" votes will a Yelp review receive? Show off your skills to land an interview for a position on a Yelp data mining team!Prize: Jobs
Team: 350
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2013
81. KDD Cup 2013 - Author-Paper Identification Challenge (Track 1)Determine whether an author has written a given paperPrize: $7,500
Team: 553
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2013
80. The ICML 2013 Bird ChallengeIdentify bird species from continuous audio recordingsPrize: $500
Team: 76
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013
79. The ICML 2013 Whale Challenge - Right Whale ReduxDevelop recognition solutions to detect and classify right whales for BIG data mining and exploration studiesPrize: $500
Team: 129
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013
78. KDD Cup 2013 - Author Disambiguation Challenge (Track 2)Identify which authors correspond to the same personPrize: $7,500
Team: 237
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean F-Score
Year: 2013
77. Challenges in Representation Learning; Facial Expression Recognition ChallengeLearn facial expressions from an imagePrize: $500
Team: 56
Kind: Research
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2013
76. Challenges in Representation Learning; The Black Box Learning ChallengeCompetitors train a classifier on a dataset that is not human readable, without knowledge of what the data consists of.Prize: $500
Team: 211
Kind: Research
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2013
75. Challenges in Representation Learning; Multi-modal LearningThe multi-modal learning challengePrize: $500
Team: 24
Kind: Research
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013
74. dunnhumby & hack/reduce Product Launch ChallengeThe success or failure of a new product launch is often evident within the first few weeks of sales. Can you predict a products destiny?Prize: $5,000
Team: 108
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2013
73. ICDAR2013 - Handwriting Stroke Recovery from Offline DataPredict the trajectory of a handwritten signaturePrize: $1,000
Team: 40
Kind: Research
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2013
72. Blue Book for BulldozersPredict the auction sale price for a piece of heavy equipment to create a "blue book" for bulldozers.Prize: $10,000
Team: 475
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2013
71. ICDAR2013 - Gender Prediction from HandwritingPredict if a handwritten document has been produced by a male or a female writerPrize: $1,000
Team: 190
Kind: Research
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2013
70. Influencers in Social NetworksPredict which people are influential in a social network

Prize: $2,350
Team: 132
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013

69. The Marinexplore and Cornell University Whale Detection ChallengeCreate an algorithm to detect North Atlantic right whale calls from audio recordings, prevent collisions with shipping trafficPrize: $10,000
Team: 245
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013
68. Heritage Health PrizeIdentify patients who will be admitted to a hospital within the next year using historical claims data. (Enter by 06;59;59 UTC Oct 4 2012)Prize: $500,000
Team: 1,353
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Logarithmic Error
Year: 2013
67. Job Salary PredictionPredict the salary of any UK job ad based on its contentsPrize: $6,000
Team: 289
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2013
66. Predicting Parkinsons Disease Progression with Smartphone DataCan we objectively measure the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease with a smartphone? We have the data to find out!Prize: $10,000
Team: 0
Kind: Research
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2013
65. Just the Basics - Strata 2013 After-partyLive from Santa Clara, CAPrize: Knowledge
Team: 48
Kind: Getting Started
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013
64. Just the Basics - Strata 2013Live from Santa Clara, CA - Core Data Science Skills with Kaggle’s Top CompetitorsPrize: Knowledge
Team: 49
Kind: Getting Started
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2013
63. Event Recommendation Engine ChallengePredict what events our users will be interested in based on user actions, event metadata, and demographic information.Prize: $5,000
Team: 223
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Average
Precision at K
Year: 2013
62. Leaping Leaderboard LeapfrogsProvide creative visualizations of the Kaggle leaderboardPrize: $900
Team: 0
Kind: Research
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2013
61. Prescription Volume PredictionPredict future prescription volumePrize: USD
Team: 12
Kind: Masters
Metric: Multi-Column
Average Precision at K
Year: 2013
60. Visualize the State of Public Education in ColoradoUsing 3 years of school grading data supplied by the Colorado Department of Education and R-Squared Research, visually uncover trends in the Colorado public school system.Prize: $5,000
Team: 0
Kind: Research
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2013
59. Traveling Santa ProblemSolve ye olde traveling salesman problem to help Santa Claus deliver his presentsPrize: $3,000
Team: 355
Kind: Featured
Metric: Traveling Santa
Year: 2013
58. Observing Dark WorldsCan you find the Dark Matter that dominates our Universe? Winton Capital offers you the chance to unlock the secrets of dark worlds.Prize: $20,000
Team: 353
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: DarkWorldsMetric
Year: 2012
57. Will I Stay or Will I Go?Predict which of our current customers will stay insured with us for an entire policy term.Prize: USD
Team: 12
Kind: Masters
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2012
56. Facebook II - Mapping the InternetRound II of the Facebook Recruiting Competition.Prize: Jobs
Team: 111
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2012
55. U.S. Census Return Rate ChallengePredict census mail return rates.Prize: $25,000
Team: 243
Kind: Featured
Metric: Normalized Weighted
Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2012
54. Predict Closed Questions on Stack OverflowPredict which new questions asked on Stack Overflow will be closedPrize: $20,000
Team: 161
Kind: Featured
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2012
53. Global Energy Forecasting Competition 2012 - Load ForecastingA hierarchical load forecasting problem; backcasting and forecasting hourly loads (in kW) for a US utility with 20 zones.Prize: $7,500
Team: 104
Kind: Research
Metric: Weighted Root
Mean Squared Error
Year: 2012
52. Global Energy Forecasting Competition 2012 - Wind ForecastingA wind power forecasting problem; predicting hourly power generation up to 48 hours ahead at 7 wind farmsPrize: $7,500
Team: 133
Kind: Research
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2012
51. Merck Molecular Activity ChallengeHelp develop safe and effective medicines by predicting molecular activity.Prize: $40,000
Team: 236
Kind: Featured
Metric: DataSetWeighted
Year: 2012
50. Data Mining Hackathon on BIG DATA (7GB) Best Buy mobile web sitePredict which BestBuy product a mobile web visitor will be most interested in based on their search query or behavior over 2 years (7 GB).Prize: $1,000
Team: 25
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Average
Precision at K
Year: 2012
49. Data Mining Hackathon on (20 mb) Best Buy mobile web site - ACM SF Bay Area ChapterGetting Started - Predict which Xbox game a visitor will be most interested in based on their search query. (20 MB)Prize: $600
Team: 96
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Average
Precision at K
Year: 2012
48. CPROD1; Consumer PRODucts contest #1Identify product mentions within a largely user-generated web-based corpus and disambiguate the mentions against a large product catalog.Prize: $10,000
Team: 29
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean F-Score Variant
Year: 2012
47. Detecting Insults in Social CommentaryPredict whether a comment posted during a public discussion is considered insulting to one of the participants.Prize: $10,000
Team: 50
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2012
46. Raising Money to Fund an Organizational MissionHelp worthy organizations more efficiently target and recruit loyal donors to support their causes.Prize: $10,000
Team: 27
Kind: Featured
Metric: AverageAmongTop{P}
Year: 2012
45. CHALEARN Gesture Challenge 2Develop a Gesture Recognizer for Microsoft Kinect (TM)Prize: $10,000
Team: 30
Kind: Research
Metric: Gesture Normalized
Levenshtein Mean
Year: 2012
44. Practice Fusion Diabetes ClassificationIdentify patients diagnosed with Type 2 DiabetesPrize: $10,000
Team: 146
Kind: Research
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2012
43. EMC Israel Data Science ChallengeMatch source code files to the open source code projectPrize: $10,000
Team: 86
Kind: Research
Metric: Multiclass Loss
Year: 2012
42. Million Song Dataset ChallengePredict which songs a user will listen to.Prize: Kudos
Team: 150
Kind: Research
Metric: Mean Average
Precision at K
Year: 2012
41. EMI Music Data Science Hackathon - July 21st - 24 hoursCan you predict if a listener will love a new song?Prize: $10,000
Team: 133
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2012
40. Facebook Recruiting CompetitionShow them your talent, not just your resume.Prize: Jobs
Team: 418
Kind: Recruitment
Metric: Mean Average
Precision at K
Year: 2012
39. Online Product SalesPredict the online sales of a consumer product based on a data set of product features.Prize: $22,500
Team: 363
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2012
38. Psychopathy Prediction Based on Twitter UsageIdentify people who have a high degree of Psychopathy based on Twitter usage.Prize: $1,000
Team: 111
Kind: Research
Metric: MCAP
Year: 2012
37. Personality Prediction Based on Twitter StreamIdentify the best performing model(s) to predict personality traits based on Twitter usagePrize: $500
Team: 89
Kind: Research
Metric: MCAP
Year: 2012
36. Predicting a Biological ResponsePredict a biological response of molecules from their chemical propertiesPrize: $20,000
Team: 699
Kind: Featured
Metric: Log Loss
Year: 2012
35. KDD Cup 2012, Track 1Predict which users (or information sources) one user might follow in Tencent Weibo.Prize: $8,000
Team: 657
Kind: Featured
Metric: MAP@3
Year: 2012
34. KDD Cup 2012, Track 2Predict the click-through rate of ads given the query and user information.Prize: $8,000
Team: 163
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2012
33. The Hewlett Foundation; Automated Essay ScoringDevelop an automated scoring algorithm for student-written essays.Prize: $100,000
Team: 154
Kind: Featured
Metric: WeightedMean
Year: 2012
32. Benchmark Bond Trade Price ChallengeDevelop models to accurately predict the trade price of a bond.Prize: $17,500
Team: 264
Kind: Featured
Metric: Weighted Mean
Absolute Error
Year: 2012
31. EMC Data Science Global Hackathon (Air Quality Prediction)Build a local early warning systems to accurately predict dangerous levels of air pollutants on an hourly basis.Prize: $7,030
Team: 110
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2012
30. ICFHR 2012 - Arabic Writer IdentificationIdentify which writer wrote which documents.Prize: $1,000
Team: 42
Kind: Research
Metric: Categorization Accuracy
Year: 2012
29. Eye Movements Verification and Identification CompetitionDetermine how people may be identified based on their eye movement characteristic.Prize: Kudos
Team: 46
Kind: Research
Metric: Multiclass Loss (Deprecated)
Year: 2012
28. CHALEARN Gesture ChallengeDevelop a Gesture Recognizer for Microsoft Kinect (TM)Prize: $10,000
Team: 47
Kind: Featured
Metric: Gesture Normalized
Levenshtein Mean
Year: 2012
27. What Do You Know?Improve the state of the art in student evaluation by predicting whether a student will answer the next test question correctly.Prize: $5,000
Team: 239
Kind: Featured
Metric: Capped Binomial Deviance
Year: 2012
26. Getting StartedCreate a forum for New UsersPrize: $10,000
Team: 0
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2012
25. Algorithmic Trading ChallengeDevelop new models to accurately predict the market response to large trades.Prize: $10,000
Team: 111
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2012
24. Dont Get Kicked!Predict if a car purchased at auction is a lemonPrize: $10,000
Team: 570
Kind: Featured
Metric: Gini Index
Year: 2012
23. Give Me Some CreditImprove on the state of the art in credit scoring by predicting the probability that somebody will experience financial distress in the next two years.Prize: $5,000
Team: 924
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2011
22. Photo Quality PredictionGiven anonymized information on thousands of photo albums, predict whether a human evaluator would mark them as good.Prize: $5,000
Team: 200
Kind: Featured
Metric: Capped Binomial
Year: 2011
21. Semi-Supervised Feature LearningTheres been a lot of recent work done in unsupervised feature learning for classification and there are a ton of older methods that also work well. The purpose of this competition is to find out which of these methods work best on relatively large-scale high dimensional learning tasks.Prize: $500
Team: 26
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2011
20. Allstate Claim Prediction ChallengeA key part of insurance is charging each customer the appropriate price for the risk they represent.Prize: $10,000
Team: 102
Kind: Featured
Metric: Normalized Gini Index
Year: 2011
19. dunnhumbys Shopper ChallengeGoing grocery shopping, we all have to do it, some even enjoy it, but can you predict it? dunnhumby is looking to build a model to better predict when supermarket shoppers will next visit the store and how much they will spend.Prize: $10,000
Team: 277
Kind: Featured
Metric: % Correct Visits
Year: 2011
18. Wikipedias Participation ChallengeThis competition challenges data-mining experts to build a predictive model that predicts the number of edits an editor will make five months from the end date of the training dataset.Prize: $10,000
Team: 90
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared
Logarithmic Error
Year: 2011
17. Mapping Dark MatterMeasure the small distortion in galaxy images caused by dark matterPrize: $3,000
Team: 70
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean Squared Error
Year: 2011
16. Dont Overfit!With nearly as many variables as training cases, what are the best techniques to avoid disaster?

Prize: $500
Team: 259
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under
Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curve
Year: 2011

15. Deloitte/FIDE Chess Rating ChallengeThis contest, sponsored by professional services firm Deloitte, will find the most accurate system to predict chess outcomes, and FIDE will also bring a top finisher to Athens to present their systemPrize: $10,000
Team: 181
Kind: Featured
Metric: Capped Binomial Deviance
Year: 2011
14. ICDAR 2011 - Arabic Writer IdentificationThis competition require participants to develop an algorithm to identify who wrote which documents. The winner will be honored at a special session of the ICDAR 2011 conference.Prize: $1,000
Team: 30
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Absolute Error
Year: 2011
13. Stay Alert! The Ford ChallengeDriving while not alert can be deadly. The objective is to design a classifier that will detect whether the driver is alert or not alert, employing data that are acquired while driving.Prize: $950
Team: 176
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2011
12. Predict Grant ApplicationsThis task requires participants to predict the outcome of grant applications for the University of Melbourne.Prize: $5,000
Team: 204
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2011
11. RTA Freeway Travel Time PredictionThis competition requires participants to predict travel time on Sydneys M4 freeway from past travel time observations.Prize: $10,000
Team: 356
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2011
10. R Package Recommendation EngineThe aim of this competition is to develop a recommendation engine for R libraries (or packages). (R is opensource statistics software.)Prize: $150
Team: 57
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2011
9. IJCNN Social Network ChallengeThis competition requires participants to predict edges in an online social network. The winner will receive free registration and the opportunity to present their solution at IJCNN 2011.Prize: $950
Team: 117
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2011
8. Tourism Forecasting Part TwoPart two requires competitors to predict 793 tourism-related time series. The winner of this competition will be invited to contribute a discussion paper to the International Journal of Forecasting.Prize: $500
Team: 42
Kind: Featured
Metric: Custom
Evaluation Metric
Year: 2010
7. Chess ratings - Elo versus the Rest of the WorldThis competition aims to discover whether other approaches can predict the outcome of chess games more accurately than the workhorse Elo rating system.Prize: $617
Team: 252
Kind: Featured
Metric: Root Mean
Squared Error
Year: 2010
6. INFORMS Data Mining Contest 2010The goal of this contest is to predict short term movements in stock prices. The winners of this contest will be honoured of the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Austin-Texas (November 7-10).Prize: $0
Team: 145
Kind: Featured
Metric: Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve
Year: 2010
5. Tourism Forecasting Part OnePart one requires competitors to predict 518 tourism-related time series. The winner of this competition will be invited to contribute a discussion paper to the International Journal of Forecasting.Prize: $500
Team: 55
Kind: Featured
Metric: Custom
Evaluation Metric
Year: 2010
4. Predict HIV ProgressionThis contest requires competitors to predict the likelihood that an HIV patients infection will become less severe, given a small dataset and limited clinical information.Prize: $500
Team: 107
Kind: Featured
Metric: Mean Consequential
Year: 2010
3. World Cup 2010 - Take on the QuantsQuants at Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan have modeled the likely outcomes of the 2010 World Cup. Can you do better?Prize: $100
Team: 0
Kind: Featured
Metric: Custom Evaluation
Year: 2010
2. World Cup 2010 - Confidence ChallengeThe Confidence Challenge requires competitors to assign a level of confidence to their World Cup predictions.Prize: $100
Team: 63
Kind: Featured
Metric: Custom Evaluation
Year: 2010
1. Forecast Eurovision VotingThis competition requires contestants to forecast the voting for this years Eurovision Song Contest in Norway on May 25th, 27th and 29th.Prize: $1,000
Team: 22
Kind: Featured
Metric: -
Year: 2010



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Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan is the founder of Moocable - the platform to help learner find their next MOOC, and study partners. A passionate learner, he struggled with self-learning.