Classcentral Course Series

Highest Rated Classcentral Computer Science Courses

Class Central is a search engine and review site for online courses. It aggregates courses from many providers to make it easy to find the best courses on almost any subject, wherever they exist. They have served millions of learners all around the world, and are the one of the most credible sources on e-learning.

In this series, I've listed the highest-rated courses on Class Central, based on different subjects. You can find the methodology I've used to perform this analysis, at the end of the article.


Table of Contents

Top 100 Classcentral Computer Science Courses

Intelligenza Artificiale | ★5 (50)
Elements of AI | ★5 (766)
AI and Big Data in Global Health Improvement | ★5 (46)
Transport Systems: Global Issues and Future Innovations | ★5 (78)
Harvard CS50 – Full Computer Science University Course | ★5 (534)
Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris (Project-Centered Course) | ★5 (28)
Machine Learning for Musicians and Artists | ★5 (92)
Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management (HE) | ★5 (61)
Machine Learning | ★4.5 (376)
Transformando la educación con IA: ChatGPT | ★4.5 (337)
Data Structures & Algorithms I: ArrayLists, LinkedLists, Stacks and Queues | ★5 (21)
Information Systems Auditing, Controls and Assurance | ★4.5 (661)
Cybersecurity Fundamentals | ★5 (24)
Computer Simulations | ★5 (46)
Computational Social Science Methods | ★4.5 (124)
Unlocking the Power of Generative AI with ChatGPT for Higher Education | ★5 (15)
Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning | ★5 (24)
The Nature of Code | ★5 (14)
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Course | ★4.5 (397)
Fundamentos TIC para profesionales de negocios: Aplicaciones empresariales | ★5 (16)
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures | ★4.5 (46)
Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms | ★4.5 (68)
Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I | ★5 (37)
Creative Applications of Deep Learning with TensorFlow | ★4.5 (45)
CS188.1x: Artificial Intelligence | ★5 (30)
Introduction to Image Processing | ★5 (11)
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies | ★4.5 (31)
Human-Computer Interaction I: Fundamentals & Design Principles | ★5 (13)
Unix Tools: Data, Software and Production Engineering | ★5 (13)
Computer Networks | ★5 (15)
Introducción a Linux | ★5 (15)
Cryptography I | ★4.5 (53)
CS50's Introduction to Computer Science | ★4.5 (176)
Introduction to Java Programming: Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms | ★4.5 (26)
Algorithms, Part II | ★5 (21)
Computational Social Science Capstone Project | ★4.5 (32)
Computer Hardware and Operating Systems | ★5 (9)
CS50's Computer Science for Lawyers | ★5 (9)
Internet History, Technology, and Security | ★4.5 (41)
CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python | ★5 (18)
Responsive Web Design | ★4.5 (98)
Introduction to Computer Networking | ★5 (13)
AI Programming with Python | ★4.5 (37)
Neural Networks and Deep Learning | ★5 (15)
Sample-based Learning Methods | ★4.5 (41)
Functional Programming Principles in Scala | ★4.5 (65)
Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2 | ★4.5 (19)
Blockchain e internet de las cosas | ★5 (10)
Blockchain Developer | ★5 (12)
Herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial para la productividad. Más allá del ChatGPT | ★4.5 (77)
Arduino Course for Beginners - Open-Source Electronics Platform | ★5 (14)
Prediction and Control with Function Approximation | ★4.5 (22)
A Complete Reinforcement Learning System (Capstone) | ★4.5 (26)
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers | ★5 (7)
CS50's Computer Science for Business Professionals | ★4.5 (17)
Become a Machine Learning Engineer | ★5 (11)
Data Structures & Algorithms II: Binary Trees, Heaps, SkipLists and HashMaps | ★5 (7)
Natural Language Processing | ★5 (7)
Fundamentos TIC para profesionales de negocios: Hardware | ★4.5 (33)
Cryptocurrency Engineering and Design | ★4.5 (15)
Mathematics for Machine Learning: Multivariate Calculus | ★5 (9)
ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) Training Course | ★4.5 (15)
Principles of Computing (Part 1) | ★4.5 (30)
Introduction to Algorithms | ★4.5 (20)
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python | ★4.5 (129)
Deep Learning | ★4.5 (14)
Introduction to Deep Learning 2021 | ★5 (10)
Ethics of AI | ★5 (10)
Intro to Computer Science | ★4.5 (72)
AI Product Manager | ★5 (8)
Convolutional Neural Networks | ★5 (8)
Computer Vision | ★5 (6)
Introduction to Computer Architecture | ★5 (6)
Circuits and Electronics 3: Applications | ★5 (6)
HTML Tutorials for Beginners | ★4.5 (19)
Introduction to the Internet of Things | ★4.5 (28)
Introducción a la programación en C: Tipos de datos y estructuras | ★4.5 (24)
CS190.1x: Scalable Machine Learning | ★4.5 (31)
Functional Program Design in Scala | ★4.5 (40)
Machine Learning: Regression | ★4.5 (20)
Introducción a la gestión de proyectos informáticos | ★5 (9)
Enterprise Computing Strategies | ★5 (9)
Machine Learning: Classification | ★5 (9)
ChatGPT Full Course - Automate Useful Professional Tasks Using Open AI - Includes 10 Projects | ★5 (9)
Algorithms, Part I | ★4.5 (62)
Performance Engineering of Software Systems | ★5 (7)
Introduction to Blockchain | ★5 (7)
Learn to Code for the Web | ★5 (7)
Self Driving Car Engineer | ★5 (5)
Introduction to Machine Learning with TensorFlow | ★5 (5)
Sparse Representations in Image Processing: From Theory to Practice | ★5 (5)
Paradigms of Computer Programming – Fundamentals | ★5 (5)
Introduction to Computing using Python | ★5 (5)
Data Structures: An Active Learning Approach | ★5 (5)
Aprendizaje automático (machine learning) y ciencia de datos | ★4.5 (29)
ITIL 4 Foundation - Elearning Course | ★5 (5)
ChatGPT Tutorial - A Crash Course on Chat GPT for Beginners | ★4.5 (34)
Codificación de audio: Más allá del MP3 | ★4.5 (10)
Prompt Engineering Overview | ★4.5 (10)
Network Security | ★5 (8)
Compilers | ★5 (8)
Learning From Data (Introductory Machine Learning) | ★4.5 (21)
6.00x: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming | ★4.5 (11)
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python - Full Course for Beginners | ★4.5 (11)
Data Structures and Algorithms | ★5 (6)


Our methodology

I browsed Class Central's catalogue and found the list of courses for each subject. Next, I sorted the list based on Highest Rated. This includes the rating (out of 1-5), and the number of ratings (number of learners who rated the course)


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