Classcentral Course Series

Highest Rated Classcentral Education & Teaching Courses

Class Central is a search engine and review site for online courses. It aggregates courses from many providers to make it easy to find the best courses on almost any subject, wherever they exist. They have served millions of learners all around the world, and are the one of the most credible sources on e-learning.

In this series, I've listed the highest-rated courses on Class Central, based on different subjects. You can find the methodology I've used to perform this analysis, at the end of the article.


Table of Contents

Top 100 Class Central Education & Teaching Courses

Uncommon Sense Teaching | ★5 (440)
Uncommon Sense Teaching: Part 2, Building Community and Habits of Learning | ★5 (102)
Coding in your Classroom, Now! | ★5 (31)
Shaping the Future Through Sustainable Development | ★5 (90)
Educación de calidad para todos: equidad, inclusión y atención a la diversidad | ★5 (89)
Education for All: Disability, Diversity and Inclusion | ★5 (101)
Learning and Learners | ★5 (271)
The Classroom and the World | ★5 (284)
Teaching Young Learners Online | ★5 (412)
BES 123: Teaching and Learning | ★5 (42)
Lessons and Teaching | ★5 (421)
Migrants and Refugees in Education: A toolkit for teachers | ★5 (152)
Modelli di insegnamento nella ricerca educativa | ★5 (20)
Bridging Distance and In-School Learning – Blended Learning in Practice | ★5 (27)
La protección del menor | ★5 (23)
Supporting Successful Learning in Primary School | ★5 (76)
Uncommon Sense Teaching: Teaching Online | ★5 (43)
School Counseling | ★4.5 (226)
Progettare l'Innovazione Didattica | ★5 (31)
Content-based Instruction (HE) | ★5 (37)
Professional Development for Teacher Trainers (K-12/HE) | ★5 (42)
Integridad académica en la educación digital | ★5 (38)
Becoming a Better Teacher: Exploring Professional Development | ★4.5 (160)
Unlocking the Power of Generative AI with ChatGPT for Higher Education | ★5 (19)
Disability Inclusion in Education: Building Systems of Support | ★5 (13)
The IB Extended Essay: Managing your Research Project | ★4.5 (52)
Instructional Design | ★5 (32)
Understanding China, 1700-2000: A Data Analytic Approach, Part 1 | ★5 (17)
Project-Based Learning to Enhance Key Competences | ★5 (14)
Preparing to Learn Online at University | ★5 (24)
Soy docente, ¡qué miedo! Gestiona eficazmente tus emociones | ★4.5 (31)
Cómo educar teniendo en cuenta la muerte | ★5 (25)
Transforming Digital Learning: Learning Design Meets Service Design | ★4.5 (37)
Global Education for Teachers | ★5 (12)
Learning to teach: mentoring and tutoring student teachers | ★5 (9)
Development of Online Courses for SWAYAM | ★5 (10)
Introducción a las tecnologías para la Educación | ★4.5 (63)
BES 141: Pedagogy of Science | ★5 (11)
Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classrooms | ★4.5 (22)
Learning Online: Communicating and Collaborating | ★4.5 (37)
Learning Online: Researching Your Project | ★4.5 (48)
Certified Trainer Course | ★4.5 (27)
Learning Online: Managing Your Online Identity | ★4.5 (28)
Teaching Adult Learners | ★5 (7)
Active Learning for Soft Skills Development | ★5 (7)
Mathematics Teaching Ideas for the Common Core - Jo Boaler | ★5 (7)
Diseño de estrategias de marketing enfocadas a los consumidores | ★4.5 (33)
What future for education? | ★5 (5)
Learning to Learn Online | ★5 (5)
The Unbundled University, the Market and Digital Technology | ★5 (8)
How To Teach Online: Moving online post-pandemic | ★4.5 (36)
Enseñar STEM: mucho + que fórmulas | ★5 (6)
Aboriginal Worldviews and Education | ★4.5 (445 ratings at Coursera)
Teach English Now! Second Language Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation | ★5 (1896 ratings at Coursera)
Educación Supranacional: Organismos Internacionales y su impacto en las políticas educativas | ★5 (4)
Learning Differences | ★5 (4)
Introduction to Being a Teaching Artist | ★4.5 (7)
Leaders of Learning | ★4.5 (21)
Learning Online: Studying and Reflecting | ★4.5 (16)
Neuroscience and Education | ★5 (5)
(HE) Explore Competency-Based Education | ★5 (3)
Interdisciplinary Learning: Working Across Disciplines | ★4.5 (24 ratings at FutureLearn)
Teaching English Online | ★5 (1811 ratings at FutureLearn)
Supporting Successful Learning in Secondary School | ★4.5 (7)
Assessment for Learning | ★4.5 (277 ratings at Coursera)
Contemporary China: The People's Republic, Taiwan, and Hong Kong | ★4.5 (7 ratings at edX)
Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills | ★5 (4)
ICT in Primary Education: Transforming children's learning across the curriculum | ★4.5 (160 ratings at Coursera)
Academic Information Seeking | ★4.5 (8)
Introduction to Family Engagement in Education | ★4.5 (8)
American Education Reform: History, Policy, Practice | ★4.5 (8)
Designing A New Learning Environment | ★4.5 (5)
Preparing for University | ★4.5 (5)
Aprendizaje y Enseñanza en la Era Digital | Four out of five stars (97)
Becoming a Student Assistant: Teaching and Mentoring | ★4.5 (6)
D-TRANSFORM: University Strategies in the Digital Age | ★5 (2)
The Science of Learning - What Every Teacher Should Know | ★5 (2)
Disability Awareness and Support | ★4.5 (300 ratings at Coursera)
Learn Moodle Basics | ★5 (2)
Teaching Children with Visual Impairment: Creating Empowering Classrooms | ★5 (157 ratings at Coursera)
Teaching English to Young Learners (K-12) | ★5 (2)
My Favorite Lectures @ HKUST | ★5 (2)
E-content Development - January, 2022 | ★5 (2)
Contenido de las matemáticas de primaria | ★5 (1375 ratings at Coursera)
Teach English Now! Second Language Reading, Writing, and Grammar | ★5 (2366 ratings at Coursera)
Managing Behaviour for Learning | ★5 (2)
How to Learn Online | ★4.5 (29 ratings at edX)
Managing Behaviour for Learning | ★5 (2)
How to Survive Your PhD | ★5 (2)
OER के माध्यम से अध्यापक-शिक्षा का समृद्धिकरण: TESS-India | ★5 (2)
Practical Learning Analytics | ★5 (2)
Teaching With Technology and Inquiry: An Open Course For Teachers | ★5 (2)
Diseño instruccional de cursos abiertos on-line | ★5 (2)
Teaching Literacy Through Film | ★5 (2)
(K-12/HE) Professional Development for English Teachers | ★5 (2)
Coaching Teachers: Promoting Changes that Stick | ★5 (2)
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Being a Teacher | ★4.5 (893 ratings at Coursera)
Building a School Digital Strategy with the SELFIE Tool | ★5 (2)
Historic Landscape Archaeology: Approaches, Methods and Beneficiaries | ★4.5 (50 ratings at FutureLearn)
Accessibility of eLearning | ★4.5 (28 ratings at OpenLearn)
Teaching Phonics in Early Childhood | ★4.5 (602 ratings at FutureLearn)
Social Learning and Collaboration in School: Learning to thrive through play | ★5 (101 ratings at FutureLearn)
Exploring the Student Affairs in Higher Education Profession (HE) | ★4.5 (3)
(HE) Teaching Flipped | ★4.5 (3)
Shaping the Way We Teach English, 1: The Landscape of English Language Teaching | ★4.5 (3)

Our methodology

I browsed Class Central's catalogue and found the list of courses for each subject. Next, I sorted the list based on Highest Rated. This includes the rating (out of 1-5), and the number of ratings (number of learners who rated the course)


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