Classcentral Course Series

Highest Rated Classcentral Health & Medicine Courses

Class Central is a search engine and review site for online courses. It aggregates courses from many providers to make it easy to find the best courses on almost any subject, wherever they exist. They have served millions of learners all around the world, and are the one of the most credible sources on e-learning.

In this series, I've listed the highest-rated courses on Class Central, based on different subjects. You can find the methodology I've used to perform this analysis, at the end of the article.


Table of Contents

Top 100 Class Central Health & Medicine Courses

Medical Parasitology | 医学寄生虫学 | ★5 (190)
Understanding Medical Research: Your Facebook Friend is Wrong | ★5 (366)
Understanding Dementia | ★5 (14163)
Maintaining a Mindful Life | ★5 (211)
Understanding Multiple Sclerosis (MS) | ★5 (1190)
Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) | ★5 (1572)
Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance | ★5 (211)
Preventing Dementia | ★5 (7232)
Discover Dentistry | ★5 (178)
Understanding Clinical Research: Behind the Statistics | ★5 (799)
Medicine and the Arts: Humanising Healthcare | ★5 (104)
Viruses & How to Beat Them: Cells, Immunity, Vaccines | ★5 (29)
Introducción a la Regulación Emocional basada en Mindfulness | ★5 (103)
Bioseguridad y equipo de protección para la prevención de COVID-19 | ★5 (103)
De-Mystifying Mindfulness | ★5 (98)
Improving Healthcare Through Clinical Research | ★5 (72)
The Musculoskeletal System: The Science of Staying Active into Old Age | ★5 (322)
Nutrition, Exercise and Sports | ★4.5 (1189)
End of Life Care: Challenges and Innovation | ★5 (150)
Gestión del estrés y Mindfulness | ★5 (28)
Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition | ★4.5 (231)
Riesgo biológico y bioseguridad en el entorno laboral | ★5 (68)
Pharmacology | ★4.5 (233)
Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health | ★5 (21)
What is Health Research? | ★5 (21)
Nutrition, Heart Disease and Diabetes | ★4.5 (431)
Mechanical Ventilation for COVID-19 | ★5 (26)
Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and Overnutrition | ★4.5 (338)
Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals | ★4.5 (99)
Introduction to Radiology | ★4.5 (93)
Riñones: conoce sus funciones para mejorar tu salud y calidad de vida | ★5 (28)
Causes of Human Disease: Exploring Cancer and Genetic Disease | ★5 (19)
FlashDiet: Aprende a comer sano | ★4.5 (95)
COVID-19: Tackling the Novel Coronavirus | ★4.5 (61)
Organ Donation: From Death to Life | ★5 (14)
Dental-Oral Health | ★5 (21)
Health Concepts in Chinese Medicine | ★4.5 (97)
Mini Medical School | ★4.5 (27)
Biomedical Nanotechnology | ★4.5 (27)
Cómo vivir una vida saludable y activa | ★4.5 (26)
Causes of Human Disease: Understanding Causes of Disease | ★5 (14)
Causes of Human Disease: Transmitting and Fighting Infection | ★5 (21)
Exploring Anatomy: the Human Abdomen | ★5 (14)
Buddhism and Modern Psychology | ★4.5 (30)
COVID-19 Contact Tracing | ★5 (16)
Epidural and Spinal Anesthesia - Regional Anesthesia | ★5 (16)
Young People and Mental Health | ★4.5 (78)
COVID-19: Understanding the Research Behind the Pandemic | ★5 (9)
Understanding Mental Health in Muslim Communities | ★5 (9)
Improving Fertility in Men with Poor Sperm Count - Jesse Mills, MD - UCLAMDChat | ★5 (13)
Anatomy & Physiology by CrashCourse | ★5 (10)
Emergency First Aid | ★4.5 (27)
Exploring Cancer Medicines | ★4.5 (22)
Severe to Profound Intellectual Disability: Circles of Care and Education | ★4.5 (26)
Causes of Human Disease: Understanding Cardiovascular Disease | ★4.5 (17)
COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers | ★5 (9)
Health Technology Assessment: Choosing Which Treatments Get Funded | ★4.5 (33)
Anatomy & Physiology | ★5 (11)
First Aid Advice and Training | ★5 (9)
Food and Mood: Improving Mental Health Through Diet and Nutrition | ★5 (11)
Health Research Fundamentals | ★5 (10)
Infection Prevention in Nursing Homes | ★5 (8)
Pain Management: The Role of Pain Psychology | ★5 (8)
Understanding Cancer Metastasis | ★5 (6)
Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19 | ★5 (6)
Statistical Reasoning for Public Health 1: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation | ★5 (6)
Vital Signs: Understanding What the Body Is Telling Us | ★4.5 (51)
COVID-19: What You Need to Know | ★4.5 (11)
AI in Dermatology - The Pitfalls and Promises | ★4.5 (11)
Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster | ★5 (9)
Human Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Cases | ★5 (9)
Cardiomyopathies - Causes & Symptoms - Cardiology | ★5 (9)
Measuring and Valuing Health | ★4.5 (25)
PredictionX: John Snow and the Cholera Epidemic of 1854 | ★5 (7)
Science of Exercise | ★5 (7)
Equine Nutrition | ★5 (7)
Introduction to Breast Cancer | ★5 (7)
Thyroid Surgery for Graves' Disease | ★5 (7)
Systems Thinking In Public Health | ★5 (5)
Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis; a journey from basis to clinic. | ★5 (5)
MedTech: Digital Health and Wearable Technology | ★5 (5)
Health Across the Gender Spectrum | ★5 (5)
Fighting COVID-19 with Epidemiology: A Johns Hopkins Teach-Out | ★5 (5)
Design and Interpretation of Clinical Trials | ★5 (5)
Managing Addiction: A Framework for Successful Treatment | ★5 (5)
Fundamentals of Clinical Trials | ★5 (5)
Obstetrics - The National Family Medicine Board Review Course | ★5 (5)
Anatomy: Know Your Abdomen | ★4.5 (130)
Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students | ★4.5 (10)
CPR, AED and First Aid | ★4.5 (13)
Nutrition and Cancer | ★4.5 (338)
The Challenges of Global Health | ★4.5 (11)
Superfoods: Myths and Truths | ★5 (6)
Cardiology | ★5 (6)
Uterine Fibroid Embolization - Interventional Radiology | ★5 (6)
Healthy Relationship Skills | ★4.5 (9)
Yoga | ★4.5 (12)
Foundations for Assisting in Home Care | ★5 (412 ratings at Coursera)
Cardiac Arrest, Hypothermia, and Resuscitation Science | ★5 (4)
Global Public Health | ★4.5 (32 ratings at edX)
Literature and Mental Health: Reading for Wellbeing | ★5 (4)
Implant Dentistry | ★5 (1488 ratings at Coursera)
Antibiotics | ★5 (4)
Pain Management: Pain Physical Therapy 101 | ★5 (4)
Cannabinoids for Chronic Pain - Igor Spigelman, PhD - UCLA Health Cannabis Research Initiative | ★5 (4)

Our methodology

I browsed Class Central's catalogue and found the list of courses for each subject. Next, I sorted the list based on Highest Rated. This includes the rating (out of 1-5), and the number of ratings (number of learners who rated the course)


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