Classcentral Course Series

Highest Rated Classcentral Social Science Courses

Class Central is a search engine and review site for online courses. It aggregates courses from many providers to make it easy to find the best courses on almost any subject, wherever they exist. They have served millions of learners all around the world, and are the one of the most credible sources on e-learning.

In this series, I've listed the highest-rated courses on Class Central, based on different subjects. You can find the methodology I've used to perform this analysis, at the end of the article.


Table of Contents

Top 100 Class Central Social Science Courses

A Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior | ★5 (553)
Corporate Sustainability | ★5 (82)
SDG 14: Global Action for Marine Conservation | ★5 (93)
Protecting Business Innovations via Trademark | ★5 (65)
What is a Mind? | ★5 (288)
Exploring Play: The Importance of Play in Everyday Life | ★5 (136)
HOPE: What Makes Us Human | ★5 (296)
Sustainable Development in Health and Ecology | ★5 (96)
English in Early Childhood: Language Learning and Development | ★5 (1418)
Protecting Business Innovations via Copyright | ★5 (65)
Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities | ★5 (53)
Shaping the Future Through Sustainable Development | ★5 (90)
Protecting Business Innovations via Patent | ★5 (166)
Justice | ★5 (58)
A Brief History of Humankind | ★5 (40)
Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence | ★5 (224)
Education for All: Disability, Diversity and Inclusion | ★5 (101)
The Science of Well-Being | ★5 (29)
Computational Social Science | ★5 (129)
Early Childhood Care and Education | ★4.5 (686)
EU policy and implementation: making Europe work! | ★5 (52)
School Counseling | ★4.5 (226)
Constitutional Interpretation | ★5 (38)
Computer Simulations | ★5 (46)
Copyright for Educators (K-12/HE) | ★5 (55)
International Law in Action: the Arbitration of International Disputes | ★5 (19)
Computational Social Science Methods | ★4.5 (125)
Chinese Politics Part 1 – China and Political Science | ★5 (41)
Incarceration: Are Prisons a Suitable Punishment? | ★4.5 (120)
Gender and Sexuality: Applications in Society | ★4.5 (91)
Introducción a la teoría política: conceptos y grandes pensadores | ★5 (16)
Model Thinking | ★4.5 (65)
Chinese Politics Part 2 – China and the World | ★5 (15)
Economics of Money and Banking, Part One | ★5 (15)
Rethinking International Tax Law | ★5 (31)
Doing Gender and Why it Matters | ★5 (12)
Understanding China, 1700-2000: A Data Analytic Approach, Part 1 | ★5 (17)
Law for Non-Lawyers: Introduction to Law | ★5 (14)
Introduction to Psychology: The Psychology of Learning | ★4.5 (107)
Security & Safety Challenges in a Globalized World | ★5 (16)
Strategic Communication for Sustainability Leaders | ★4.5 (66)
Introduction to Psychology: Developmental Psychology | ★4.5 (68)
Introduction to Psychology | ★5 (28)
From Waste to Value: How to Tackle Food Waste | ★5 (13)
Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory and Practice | ★5 (25)
Protecting Health Data in the Modern Age: Getting to Grips with the GDPR | ★5 (15)
Basic Psychology in Tamil | ★5 (15)
Understanding the GDPR | ★4.5 (44)
Social Psychology | ★4.5 (87)
Monetary Policy in the Asia Pacific | ★4.5 (29)
Introduction to Psychology | ★5 (17)
The Age of Sustainable Development | ★5 (14)
Storytelling with Data using Socio-environmental Report Cards | ★5 (16)
The Psychology of Criminal Justice | ★5 (16)
Computational Social Science Capstone Project | ★4.5 (32)
Psicologia dell'apprendimento | ★5 (9)
Economics of Money and Banking, Part Two | ★5 (9)
Positive Parenting | ★5 (9)
An Introduction to American Law | ★4.5 (19)
Forensic Psychology: Witness Investigation | ★4.5 (19)
Gender and Intersectionality | ★5 (8)
Introduction to Human Evolution | ★5 (8)
China’s Economic Transformation Part 1: Economic Reform and Growth in China | ★4.5 (24)
Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Language and Culture | ★4.5 (48)
Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions | ★5 (7)
Classical Sociological Theory | ★5 (13)
Crime, Justice and Society | ★5 (7)
Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology | ★5 (7)
From Poverty to Prosperity: Understanding Economic Development | ★5 (6)
Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19 | ★5 (6)
Découvrir la science politique | ★5 (6)
Principles of Microeconomics | ★5 (6)
El lenguaje de los mapas | ★5 (6)
Introduction to Psychology | ★5 (6)
The Science of Happiness | ★4.5 (35)
International Law in Action: A Guide to the International Courts and Tribunals in The Hague | ★4.5 (11)
Intro to Psychology | ★4.5 (25)
Civil Liberties | ★5 (7)
Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | ★5 (7)
Quantitative Methods | ★5 (7)
உளவியல் காரணங்கள் | ★5 (7)
Becoming Human: Anthropology | ★4.5 (12)
America's Unwritten Constitution | ★5 (5)
Understanding Financial Markets | ★5 (5)
Privacy in the Western World | ★5 (5)
European Culture and Politics | ★5 (5)
Global History of Capitalism | ★5 (5)
Social Psychology | ★5 (5)
Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy | ★4.5 (10)
Age of Sustainable Development | ★5 (8)
Risk in Modern Society | ★5 (8)
Direct Tax Laws and Practice | ★4.5 (52)
Economics of Money and Banking | ★5 (6)
Securing Digital Democracy | ★5 (6)
Sustainability & Major Sport Events: Implementation | ★5 (6)
Introduction to Key Constitutional Concepts and Supreme Court Cases | ★5 (6)
The Challenges of Global Poverty | ★5 (6)
Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Defining the Concept of Culture | ★4.5 (14)
Psychological First Aid | ★4.5 (51)
Introduction to International Criminal Law | ★4.5 (12)
Innovation Systems for Science, Technology, Energy, Manufacturing, and Health (Spring 2017) | ★5 (4)
Psychology of Art and Creativity | ★4.5 (7)
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries | ★4.5 (10)
Theories of Counseling | ★4.5 (10)
Welcome to Game Theory | ★4.5 (16)

Our methodology

I browsed Class Central's catalogue and found the list of courses for each subject. Next, I sorted the list based on Highest Rated. This includes the rating (out of 1-5), and the number of ratings (number of learners who rated the course)


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