Reddit Books

The most-mentioned books on r/Design

Reddit is a social media and news aggregation website that ranks content based on a voting system. People worldwide post content (usually links, but also original content), and other users can “upvote” or “downvote” posts, pushing the most interesting content to the top. 

It’s a place where you can find groups of like-minded people. Reddit calls these groups subreddits, and they cover different topics, including niche interests, politics, hobbies, and thousands of other topics people want to talk about.

Since its launch in 2005, the site has become one of the most popular social media sites with millions of monthly active users. 

We've processed billions of comments to find the books most mentioned on Reddit. 


Table of Contents


The most-mentioned books on r/Design

The Elements Of Typographic Style37 users
Thinking with Type29 users
The Design of Everyday Things21 users
Universal Principles of Design18 users
Grid Systems in Graphic Design16 users
Don't Make Me Think15 users
The Non-Designer's Design Book14 users
Meggs' History of Graphic Design12 users
Stop Stealing Sheep and Find Out How Type Works9 users
Designing Brand Identity9 users
Logo Design Love8 users
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information8 users
How to Be a Graphic Designer without Losing Your Soul8 users
Interaction of Color7 users
Art of looking sideways7 users
Grid Systems7 users
Making and Breaking the Grid7 users
Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines6 users
Color Design Workbook6 users
Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals5 users
Envisioning Information5 users
Understanding Comics4 users
A Type Primer4 users
The Brand Gap4 users
Emotional Design4 users
Steal Like an Artist4 users
Cradle to Cradle4 users
Notes on Graphic Design and Visual Communication4 users
Graphic Design4 users
Just My Type4 users
Graphic Design, Referenced4 users
Geometry of Design4 users
How to be a Graphic Designer, Without Losing Your Soul4 users
Logo Modernism4 users
Design As Art3 users
The Laws of Simplicity3 users
Designing Type3 users
Graphic design3 users
Ogilvy on Advertising3 users
Designing Interfaces3 users
Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far3 users
Design for the Real World3 users
What Is a Designer3 users
Pantone's Guide to Communicating With Color3 users
HTML and CSS3 users
About Face3 users
Forms, Folds, and Sizes3 users
Creative Workshop3 users
Typography3 users
Trademarks and Symbols of the World3 users


Our methodology

Book mentions are found by checking every reddit comment for links to Amazon, Goodreads, Google Books, and O'Rielly Media. Non-link mentions are too tricky to parse in an unbiased way: books with short, simple titles like The Road get massively under- or over-counted.

When a user mentions the same book multiple times in the same subreddit, we only count the top-voted comment. This curbs users shilling a particular book, and gives a more representative feel for an entire subreddit.


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Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan is the founder of Moocable - the platform to help learner find their next MOOC, and study partners. A passionate learner, he struggled with self-learning.