Best MOOCs

Top 10 Law MOOCs To Take This Year


Table of Contents

Law is a vast and complex field of study that encompasses a wide range of topics and disciplines. It encompasses both the study of legal systems and the application of legal principles to real- world situations.

Understanding the law and its implications is crucial for anyone interested in pursuing a career in legal practice, government, business, or any field where the law plays a significant role. Studying law can help you develop critical thinking, problem-solving and analytical skills, which are valuable in any profession. Additionally, studying law can help you understand the legal framework that governs society and can give you a deeper understanding of the rights and responsibilities of individuals and organizations.

Furthermore, studying law can also help you understand the inner workings of government and can give you a better understanding of the political and economic systems that shape our world. Overall, studying law is an important and valuable endeavor for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of modern society and how it is regulated.

Top Picks

International Law 12 Weeks
Justice12 Weeks
Constitution of India and
Environmental Governance:
Administrative and Adjudicatory Process
12 Weeks
Right to Information and
Good Governance
12 Weeks
A Law Student's Toolkit 2 Weeks
Intellectual Property Law Specialization 4 Months
AI and Law4 Weeks
International Women's Health
and Human Rights
2 Months
FinTech Law and Policy 2 Weeks
Justice Today: Money, Markets, and Morals8 Weeks


Courses Overview

1. International Law

About: This MOOC is an introduction to the basic principles of international law. It covers the history and evolution of international law, as well as current issues and controversies. It is designed for anyone interested in learning more about the field of international law.

What you'll learn:
- The history and evolution of international law
- Basic principles of international law
- Current issues and controversies in international law

How you'll learn:
- MOOC Platform: edX
- Instructor: Pierre d’Argent, Full Professor at the University of Louvain
- Level: Advanced
- Duration: Self-paced
- Certificate: Available (there is a fee for the certificate)

2. Justice

About: This MOOC is a continuation of the first Justice course, offering a deeper dive into the concepts of justice, fairness, and equality. It covers a range of topics including distributive justice, retributive justice, and restorative justice.

What you’ll learn: Students will learn about different theories of justice, including consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics. They will also explore the different types of justice, such as distributive justice, retributive justice, and restorative justice. Students will gain an understanding of the different perspectives on justice and how they relate to current social issues.

How you’ll learn:
- MOOC Platform: edX
- Instructor: Michael J. Sandel Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government at Harvard University
- Level: Intermediate
- Duration: The course is self-paced, but it is estimated to take around 12 weeks with 3-6 hours of study per week.
- Certificate: Available, upon payment of a fee

3. Constitution of India and Environmental Governance: Administrative and Adjudicatory Process

About: This MOOC is offered by the National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) and is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the Indian Constitution and its role in environmental governance. The course will cover the administrative and adjudicatory processes related to environmental protection in India, including the role of various institutions and legal frameworks.

What you’ll learn:
- The Indian Constitution and its relevance to environmental governance
- The administrative and adjudicatory processes involved in environmental protection in India
- The role of various institutions and legal frameworks in environmental governance
- The challenges and opportunities of environmental governance in India

How you’ll learn:
- MOOC Platform: NPTEL
- Instructor: By Prof. Sairam Bhat, Prof. M. K. Ramesh
- Level: Intermediate
- Duration: 12 weeks
- Certificate: Available with paid course(Upon completion of the course and passing the final exam)

4. Right to Information and Good Governance

About: This MOOC is designed to provide an understanding of the Right to Information Act and its role in promoting good governance. It covers the history and development of the act, its implementation and impact, and the challenges and opportunities it presents.

What you’ll learn:
- The history and development of the Right to Information Act
- The provisions and scope of the act
- The process of filing and appealing RTI requests
- The impact of the act on good governance
- The challenges and opportunities presented by the act

How you’ll learn:
- MOOC Platform: NPTEL
- Instructor: By Prof. Sairam Bhat
- Level: Intermediate
- Duration: 12 weeks
- Certificate: Available with paid course(Upon completion of the course and passing the final assessment)

5. A Law Student's Toolkit

About: This MOOC is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a career in law. It covers the basics of legal education and provides an overview of the legal profession.

What you'll learn:
- The history of law and the legal system
- The structure of legal education
- Legal research and writing
- Legal reasoning and analysis
- Legal ethics
- The different types of law and legal practice areas

How you'll learn:
- MOOC Platform: Coursera
- Instructor: Ian Ayres William K. Townsend Professor, Yale University
- Level: Beginner
- Duration: Self-paced
- Certificate: Available (Upon completion of the course)

6. Intellectual Property Law Specialization

About: This specialization covers the basics of intellectual property law and how it affects businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals. The course covers topics such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. It also examines the legal and economic principles behind intellectual property law and how it is enforced.

What you’ll learn:
- Identify the types of intellectual property protection available under U.S. law
- Evaluate your options for protecting your creative innovations with copyright law
- Analyze and interpret a patent document for a competing product
- Develop strategies for protecting and maximizing your brand with a comprehensive trademark strategy

How you’ll learn:
- MOOC Platform: Coursera
- Instructors: R. Polk Wagner,Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania Shyam Balganesh, Sol Goldman Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania Cynthia Dahl, Practice Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania
- Level: Intermediate
- Duration: self paced, approx 4 months
- Certificate: Available (upon completion of all courses and passing the final exam)

7. AI & Law

About: This MOOC explores the intersection of artificial intelligence and law, covering topics such as legal reasoning, decision-making, and regulation of AI systems. The course is designed for students and professionals with an interest in law and technology.

What you’ll learn:
- The legal and ethical implications of AI systems
- The use of AI in legal decision-making and dispute resolution
- The regulation of AI systems and the role of governments and international organizations
- The impact of AI on privacy, security, and human rights

How you’ll learn:
- MOOC Platform: Coursera
- Instructors: Jeffery Atik, Visiting Professor of Law, Lund University
Lena Wahlberg, Associate Professor of Law, Lund University
Valentin Jeutner, Associate Professor of Law, Lund University
Niklas Selberg, Senior lecturer of Law, Lund University
Ulrika Andersson, Professor of Law, Lund University
Titti Mattsson, Professor of Law, Lund University
Ana Nordberg, Associate senior lecturer of Law, Lund University
Julian Nowag, Associate Professor of Law, Lund University
Vilhelm Persson, Professor of Law, Lund University

- Level: Intermediate
- Duration: 4 weeks
- Certificate: Available (Upon completion of the course and passing the final exam)

8. International Women's Health and Human Rights

About: This MOOC is an introduction to the intersection of women's health and human rights. It explores the ways in which gender, culture, and socio-economic status impact access to health care and the experiences of women and girls around the world. The course also examines the ways in which human rights laws and policies can be used to promote and protect women's health.

What you’ll learn:
- The intersection of women's health and human rights
- The impact of gender, culture, and socio-economic status on access to health care
- The ways in which human rights laws and policies can be used to promote and protect women's health
- The experiences of women and girls around the world

How you’ll learn:
- MOOC Platform: Coursera
- Instructor: Anne Firth Murray, Stanford University
- Level: Beginner
- Duration: Self-paced
- Certificate: Available (Upon completion)

9. FinTech Law and Policy

About: This course is designed to provide an overview of the legal and regulatory issues surrounding the rapidly evolving field of financial technology (FinTech). It covers topics such as the regulatory landscape for FinTech companies, the role of technology in financial services, and the potential impact of FinTech on the financial industry.

What you’ll learn:
- Understand the legal and regulatory issues surrounding FinTech
- Learn about the different types of FinTech companies and their impact on the financial industry
- Explore the potential implications of FinTech for consumers and financial institutions
- Gain an understanding of the role of technology in financial services

How you’ll learn:
- MOOC Platform: Coursera
- Instructor: Lee Reiners, CFA Executive Director, Global Financial Markets Center Duke University
- Level: Begineer
- Duration: Self-paced
- Certificate: Available (upon completion of the course and passing the final exam)

10. Justice Today: Money, Markets, and Morals

About: This course is an introduction to the ethical issues surrounding money and markets, and how these issues relate to broader questions of justice. The course aims to provide an overview of the main debates and theories in the field, and to give students the tools they need to think critically about these issues.

What you’ll learn:
- The history of money and markets
- The philosophical foundations of economic systems
- The ethical issues surrounding money and markets
- The impact of economic systems on social justice
- The role of government in regulating money and markets

How you’ll learn:
- MOOC Platform: edX
- Instructor: Professor Michael Sandel, Harvard University
- Level: Beginner
- Duration: 8 weeks
- Certificate: Available upon payment of a fee

Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan is the founder of Moocable - the platform to help learner find their next MOOC, and study partners. A passionate learner, he struggled with self-learning.