Reddit Coursera Series

Top 100+ Coursera Software Development courses by Reddit Upvotes

Reddit is a social media and news aggregation website that ranks content based on a voting system. People worldwide post content (usually links, but also original content), and other users can “upvote” or “downvote” posts, pushing the most interesting content to the top. 

It’s a place where you can find groups of like-minded people. Reddit calls these groups subreddits, and they cover different topics, including niche interests, politics, hobbies, and thousands of other topics people want to talk about.

Since its launch in 2005, the site has become one of the most popular social media sites with millions of monthly active users. 

We've conducted analyses to find the best of Coursera from the depths of Reddit. This analysis has been conducted over 2.7 million Reddit upvotes.


Table of Contents


Top Software Development courses

Fundamentals of Computing
Prepare for Advanced Computer Science Courses
Rice University | 2 reddit posts 536 mentions
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1)
This two-part course is designed to help students with very little or no computing background learn the basics
Rice University | 2 reddit posts 400 mentions
Python for Everybody
Learn to Program and Analyze Data with Python
University of Michigan | 3 reddit posts 598 mentions
Functional Programming in Scala
Program on a Higher Level
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | 12 reddit posts 255 mentions
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python
University of Michigan | 1 reddit posts 297 mentions
Programming Languages, Part A
This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of programming languages, with a strong emphasis
University of Washington | 4 reddit posts 145 mentions
Functional Programming Principles in Scala
Functional programming is becoming increasingly widespread in industry
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | 4 reddit posts 161 mentions
Object Oriented Java Programming
Develop Powerful Interactive Software
University of California San Diego | 0 reddit posts 73 mentions
Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals
Explore a Career as a Software Engineer
Duke University | 0 reddit posts 78 mentions
Audio Signal Processing for Music Applications
In this course you will learn about audio signal processing methodologies that are specific for music and of use in real applications
Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona | 5 reddit posts 36 mentions
Object Oriented Programming in Java
Grow Your Portfolio as a Software Engineer
Duke University | 0 reddit posts 57 mentions
Learn to Program
Not all programs are created equal
University of Toronto | 0 reddit posts 39 mentions
Algorithmic Thinking (Part 1)
Experienced Computer Scientists analyze and solve computational problems at a level of abstraction that is
Rice University | 0 reddit posts 32 mentions
Python 3 Programming
Become a Fluent Python Programmer
University of Michigan | 0 reddit posts 31 mentions
Build a Modern Computer from First Principles
In this project-centered course you will build a modern software hierarchy, designed to enable
Hebrew University of Jerusalem | 2 reddit posts 34 mentions
Learn to Program
Behind every mouse click and touch-screen tap, there is a computer program that makes things happen
University of Toronto | 0 reddit posts 186 mentions
Introduction to Programming with MATLAB
This course teaches computer programming to those with little to no previous experience
Vanderbilt University | 0 reddit posts 47 mentions
C# Programming for Unity Game Development
Learn to Program Unity Games with C#
University of Colorado System | 1 reddit posts 26 mentions
Computer Science
The basis for education in the last millennium was “reading, writing, and arithmetic;” now it is reading,
Princeton University | 0 reddit posts 19 mentions
Introductory C Programming
Learn Essential Programming Fundamentals
Duke University | 1 reddit posts 28 mentions
Object Oriented Programming in Java
Welcome to our course on Object Oriented Programming in Java using data visualization
University of California San Diego | 0 reddit posts 23 mentions
The Arduino Platform and C Programming
The Arduino is an open-source computer hardware/software platform for building digital devices
University of California, Irvine | 1 reddit posts 14 mentions
C++ For C Programmers, Part A
This course is for experienced C programmers who want to program in C++
University of California, Santa Cruz | 0 reddit posts 17 mentions
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2)
This two-part course is designed to help students with very little or no computing background learn the basics
Rice University | 0 reddit posts 16 mentions
Initiation à la programmation (en C++)
Ce cours initie aux bases de la programmation en utilisant le langage C++ : variables,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | 1 reddit posts 5 mentions
MATLAB Programming for Engineers and Scientists
From Zero to MATLAB Hero in Three Courses
Vanderbilt University | 0 reddit posts 50 mentions
Kotlin for Java Developers
The Kotlin programming language is a modern language that gives you more power for your everyday tasks
JetBrains | 0 reddit posts 16 mentions
Python Programming
The goal of the course is to introduce students to Python Version 3
Wesleyan University | 0 reddit posts 10 mentions
Using Databases with Python
This course will introduce students to the basics of the Structured Query Language (SQL) as well as basic
University of Michigan | 1 reddit posts 17 mentions
Using Python to Access Web Data
This course will show how one can treat the Internet as a source of data
University of Michigan | 0 reddit posts 17 mentions
Coding for Everyone
Beginner to Programmer — Learn to Code in C & C++
University of California, Santa Cruz | 0 reddit posts 35 mentions
Python Data Structures
This course will introduce the core data structures of the Python programming language
University of Michigan | 0 reddit posts 17 mentions
Mastering the Software Engineering Interview
You’ve hit a major milestone as a computer scientist and are becoming a capable programmer
University of California San Diego | 0 reddit posts 10 mentions
Code Yourself! An Introduction to Programming
Have you ever wished you knew how to program, but had no idea where to start from? This course will teach you how to program in Scratch, an
The University of Edinburgh | 0 reddit posts 7 mentions
Introdução à Ciência da Computação com Python Parte 1
Bem vindo ao curso de Introdução à Ciência da Computação destinado aos alunos regulares da
Universidade de São Paulo | 0 reddit posts 8 mentions
Java Programming
Learn to code in Java and improve your programming and problem-solving skills
Duke University | 0 reddit posts 9 mentions
The Raspberry Pi Platform and Python Programming for the Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is a small, affordable single-board computer that you will use to design and
University of California, Irvine | 2 reddit posts 5 mentions
Database Management Essentials
Database Management Essentials provides the foundation you need for a career in database
University of Colorado System | 0 reddit posts 6 mentions
C++ For C Programmers, Part B
This course is for experienced C programmers who want to program in C++
University of California, Santa Cruz | 0 reddit posts 11 mentions
Introduction to Scripting in Python
Launch Your Career in Python Programming
Rice University | 0 reddit posts 7 mentions
Initiation à la programmation (en Java)
Ce cours initie aux bases de la programmation en utilisant le langage Java : variables,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | 0 reddit posts 2 mentions
Introduction to C# Programming and Unity
This course is all about starting to learn how to develop video games using the C# programming
University of Colorado System | 0 reddit posts 6 mentions
Functional Program Design in Scala
In this course you will learn how to apply the functional programming style in the
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | 0 reddit posts 6 mentions
Parallel programming
With every smartphone and computer now boasting multiple processors, the use of
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | 0 reddit posts 4 mentions
Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
DeepLearning.AI | 0 reddit posts 13 mentions
Python Basics
This course introduces the basics of Python 3, including conditional execution and iteration as control
University of Michigan | 0 reddit posts 6 mentions
Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
The explosive growth of the “Internet of Things” is changing our world and the rapid drop in
University of California, Irvine | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Interactive Computer Graphics
Computer graphics can be a powerful tool for supporting visual problem solving, and interactivity plays
The University of Tokyo | 0 reddit posts 3 mentions
Java Programming
Solve real world problems with Java using multiple classes
Duke University | 0 reddit posts 4 mentions
Principles of Computing (Part 1)
This two-part course builds upon the programming skills that you learned in our Introduction to Interactive
Rice University | 0 reddit posts 10 mentions
Algorithmic Thinking (Part 2)
Experienced Computer Scientists analyze and solve computational problems at a level of abstraction that is
Rice University | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Java Programming
Build on the software engineering skills you learned in “Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software” by
Duke University | 0 reddit posts 4 mentions
Introduction à la programmation orientée objet (en C++)
Ce cours introduit la programmation orientée objet (encapsulation, abstration,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | 0 reddit posts 4 mentions
Problem Solving, Python Programming, and Video Games
This course is an introduction to computer science and programming in Python
University of Alberta | 0 reddit posts 5 mentions
Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps
This course is for anyone who would like to apply their technical skills to creative work ranging from video games to art installations to
University of London | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Python Programming Essentials
This course will introduce you to the wonderful world of Python programming
Rice University | 0 reddit posts 3 mentions
Development of Real-Time Systems
This course is intended for the Master's student and computer engineer who likes practical programming and
EIT Digital | 0 reddit posts 4 mentions
Introducción a la programación en Python I
Decía Steve Jobs que “todo el mundo debería aprender a programar un ordenador porque
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | 0 reddit posts 6 mentions
Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++
This course teaches learners how to write a program in the C++ language, including
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 0 reddit posts 5 mentions
Introduction à la programmation orientée objet (en Java)
Ce cours introduit la programmation orientée objet (encapsulation, abstration,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Pointers, Arrays, and Recursion
The third course in the specialization Introduction to Programming in C introduces the programming constructs
Duke University | 0 reddit posts 5 mentions
Self-Driving Cars
Launch Your Career in Self-Driving Cars
University of Toronto | 0 reddit posts 4 mentions
Version Control with Git
The Version Control with Git course provides you with a solid, hands-on foundation for understanding the Git version
Atlassian | 0 reddit posts 3 mentions
¡A Programar! Una introducción a la programación
¿Alguna vez pensaste en crear tus propios juegos de computadora, pero no tenías idea cómo hacerlo o por dónde comenzar? Este curso te
Universidad ORT Uruguay | 0 reddit posts 3 mentions
Writing, Running, and Fixing Code in C
Building on the course Programming Fundamentals, this course will teach you how to write code by first planning
Duke University | 0 reddit posts 3 mentions
Interacting with the System and Managing Memory
The final course in the specialization Introduction to Programming in C will teach you powerful new programming
Duke University | 0 reddit posts 3 mentions
Object-Oriented Design
This course takes Java beginners to the next level by covering object-oriented analysis and design
University of Alberta | 0 reddit posts 2 mentions
Computational Thinking with Beginning C Programming
Enroll for free
University of Colorado System | 0 reddit posts 4 mentions
Java Programming
Ever wonder how Netflix decides what movies to recommend for you? Or how Amazon recommends books? We can get a
Duke University | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Python Classes and Inheritance
This course introduces classes, instances, and inheritance
University of Michigan | 0 reddit posts 2 mentions
Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
"¨Microservices"" describes a software design pattern in which an application is a collection of loosely coupled
Google Cloud | 0 reddit posts 3 mentions
Parallel Programming in Java
This course teaches learners (industry professionals and students) the fundamental concepts of parallel
Rice University | 0 reddit posts 2 mentions
Getting Started with Go
Learn the basics of Go, an open source programming language originally developed by a team at
University of California, Irvine | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go
Continue your exploration of the Go programming language as you learn about functions, methods,
University of California, Irvine | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Principles of Computing (Part 2)
This two-part course introduces the basic mathematical and programming principles that underlie much of Computer
Rice University | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Unordered Data Structures
The Unordered Data Structures course covers the data structures and algorithms needed
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 0 reddit posts 2 mentions
Ordered Data Structures
In this course, you will learn new data structures for efficiently storing and
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 0 reddit posts 2 mentions
Искусство разработки на современном C++
Практика разработки на современном С++
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Introducción a la programación con Python
Este curso te dará ágil acceso a los conceptos básicos de programación utilizando el lenguaje de
Universidad Austral | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Introducción a Java
Me llamo Elisa Viso y una de mis pasiones es la de programar y enseñar a programar
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Programming Languages, Part B
[As described below, this is Part B of a 3-part course
University of Washington | 0 reddit posts 11 mentions
Programming Languages, Part C
[As described below, this is Part C of a 3-part course
University of Washington | 0 reddit posts 10 mentions
Browser-based Models with TensorFlow.js
DeepLearning.AI | 0 reddit posts 3 mentions
Basic Modeling for Discrete Optimization
Optimization is a common form of decision making, and is ubiquitous in our society
The University of Melbourne | 0 reddit posts 3 mentions
Agile with Atlassian Jira
Agile teams use “just enough” planning and an incremental approach to accomplishing the work of the team
Atlassian | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Device-based Models with TensorFlow Lite
DeepLearning.AI | 0 reddit posts 2 mentions
Concurrency in Go
Learn how to implement concurrent programming in Go
University of California, Irvine | 0 reddit posts 2 mentions
Fundamentals of Parallelism on Intel Architecture
This course will introduce you to the multiple forms of parallelism found in modern Intel architecture processors and
Intel | 0 reddit posts 2 mentions
C for Everyone
This course is for everyone
University of California, Santa Cruz | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Linux for Developers
In course 1 we talked about open source software and the motivation and methods of using it
The Linux Foundation | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Blockchain Revolution
Learn the fundamentals of blockchain technology
INSEAD | 0 reddit posts 4 mentions
Parallel, Concurrent, and Distributed Programming in Java
Boost Your Programming Expertise with Parallelism
Rice University | 0 reddit posts 13 mentions
Программирование на Python
Изучите все возможности Python
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Introduction to Computer Programming
This MOOC provides you with the foundational skill set required to write computer programs
University of London | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Open Source Software Development, Linux and Git
Learn How To Develop Open Source Software
The Linux Foundation | 0 reddit posts 5 mentions
Developing Applications with Google Cloud
Design, Develop, and Deploy Apps on Google Cloud
Google Cloud | 0 reddit posts 10 mentions
Programming with Google Go
Advance Your Computer Programming Career
University of California, Irvine | 0 reddit posts 9 mentions
Solving Algorithms for Discrete Optimization
Discrete Optimization aims to make good decisions when we have many possibilities to choose from
The University of Melbourne | 0 reddit posts 2 mentions
Effective Programming in Scala
Scala is an expressive, versatile, and safe programming language
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | 0 reddit posts 5 mentions
Software Testing and Automation
Develop Skills in Software Testing
University of Minnesota | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Concurrent Programming in Java
This course teaches learners (industry professionals and students) the fundamental concepts of concurrent
Rice University | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Getting Started With Application Development
In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop cloud-native applications that seamlessly
Google Cloud | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Advanced Modeling for Discrete Optimization
Optimization is a common form of decision making, and is ubiquitous in our society
The University of Melbourne | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Data Structures and Design Patterns for Game Developers
This course is a stand-alone course that builds on the knowledge included in the C# Programming
University of Colorado System | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Software Development Processes and Methodologies
Software is quickly becoming integral part of human life as we see more and more automation and
University of Minnesota | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Engineering Practices for Building Quality Software
Agile embraces change which means that team should be able to effectively make changes to the system as
University of Minnesota | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Machine Learning for All
Machine Learning, often called Artificial Intelligence or AI, is one of the most exciting areas of
University of London | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Programación Orientada a Objetos con Python
Este curso te dará ágil acceso a los conceptos del paradigma de programación orientado a objetos, utilizando
Universidad Austral | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Smart Contracts
This second course of the Blockchain specialization will help you design, code, deploy and execute a smart contract – the computational
University at Buffalo | 0 reddit posts 3 mentions
Introduction to Java and Object-Oriented Programming
This course provides an introduction to the Java language and object-oriented programming, including
University of Pennsylvania | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Game Design and Development with Unity 2020
Launch Your Career in Game Design and Development
Michigan State University | 0 reddit posts 78 mentions
Blockchain Basics
This first course of the Blockchain specialization provides a broad overview of the essential concepts of blockchain technology – by
University at Buffalo | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Programming in Python
Hands-on Introduction to Python Programming
Codio | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Database Design and Basic SQL in PostgreSQL
In this course you will learn more about the historical design of databases and the use of SQL in the
University of Michigan | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Introduction to Programming with Python and Java
Boost Your Computer Programming Skills
University of Pennsylvania | 0 reddit posts 6 mentions
Software Architecture
The way that software components — subroutines, classes, functions, etc
University of Alberta | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Design Patterns
This course extends object-oriented analysis and design by incorporating design patterns to create
University of Alberta | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Introducción a la programación orientada a objetos en Java
¡Le damos la bienvenida al curso de Introducción a la programación en java por objetos de la
Universidad de los Andes | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
Get ready for computer science
University of London | 0 reddit posts 18 mentions
Software Development Lifecycle
Launch Your Career in Software Development
University of Minnesota | 0 reddit posts 3 mentions
Python Scripting for DevOps
Learn to develop and deploy software using Python
LearnQuest | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
COBOL Programming with VSCode
Professor Tak Auyeung of American River College, said it beautifully, “A programming language is not a fashion statement” it
IBM | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Introduction to Agile Development and Scrum
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to embrace the Agile concepts of adaptive planning, iterative
IBM | 0 reddit posts 3 mentions
Game Design and Development 2
If you love games and want to learn how to make them, then this course is your second step down that
Michigan State University | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Blockchain Platforms
This fourth course of the Blockchain specialization provides learners with an understanding of the broader blockchain ecosystem
University at Buffalo | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Modern Application Development with Python on AWS
Become a modern web developer
Amazon Web Services | 0 reddit posts 9 mentions
Programming in C++
Hands-on Introduction to C++ Programming
Codio | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Service-Oriented Architecture
Based on an understanding of architectural styles, you will review architectures for web applications,
University of Alberta | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Innovate with the Next Frontier in Technology
University at Buffalo | 0 reddit posts 26 mentions
Introduction to DevOps
DevOps skills are in demand
IBM | 0 reddit posts 1 mentions
Software Design and Architecture
Mindful Strategies for Quality Software
University of Alberta | 0 reddit posts 11 mentions
IBM DevOps and Software Engineering
Launch your DevOps and Software Engineering Career
IBM | 0 reddit posts 9 mentions

Our methodology

We conducted this analysis by "ranking things based on social signals"

It's the result of mining Reddit posts and comments. The analysis looked at all (url-based) posts and comment mentions of Coursera courses on Reddit, ranking each course based on Reddit score, and showing each course with its top Reddit mentions.

Course Score is calculated with a slightly modified version of a simple popularity / age calculation.

    course_score = sum(mention_scores) / course_age


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