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AccessData Registry Viewer


This course will teach you how to use AccessData’s Registry Viewer, which is part of their Forensic Toolkit.

Registry Viewer can be used to explore any captured registry and access the registry’s protected storage. In this course, AccessData Registry Viewer, you’ll learn to view and create reports about Windows registry files. First, you’ll explore Registry Viewer’s interface, so you can become comfortable with using the program. Next, you’ll discover how to use Registry Viewer to examine and search Windows registry files. Finally, you’ll learn how to create reports to show what you’ve found, in a standard format that other experts will understand. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of an AccessData Registry Viewer expert needed to view, search and report on a suspect’s Windows registry.

Online Course

AccessData Registry Viewer

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This course will teach you how to use AccessData’s Registry Viewer, which is part of their Forensic Toolkit.

Registry Viewer can be used to explore any captured registry and access the registry’s protected storage. In this course, AccessData Registry Viewer, you’ll learn to view and create reports about Windows registry files. First, you’ll explore Registry Viewer’s interface, so you can become comfortable with using the program. Next, you’ll discover how to use Registry Viewer to examine and search Windows registry files. Finally, you’ll learn how to create reports to show what you’ve found, in a standard format that other experts will understand. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of an AccessData Registry Viewer expert needed to view, search and report on a suspect’s Windows registry.