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AWS for Architects: High Availability and Continuous Deployment


Learn how to get your apps in front of users by using continuous deployment and high availability. Also, prepare for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional exam.



Syllabus IntroductionWelcomeWhat you should knowAbout using cloud services1. Understanding High AvailabilityAWS well-architected reliabilityUnderstanding failure scenariosCalculating availability goalsAWS locations, regions, and AZsTrue cost of HAPrepare for HA2. Design for High AvailabilityHA for serverless and server-based websitesHA for an internal business applicationHA for a big data pipelineHA for an IoT and machine learning application3. Understanding Continuous DeploymentUnderstanding terms: Continuous deploymentWhat is code? (app code and configuration code)Types of verification tests used in CDAWS CD services and an exampleCD via blue-green deploymentsCD via canary deploys and feature togglesServer mutability and CDPlanning for CD4. Implementing Continuous DeliveryAutomated CD with CodeStarUsing CodeStar pipeline(s)Understanding advanced CD pipelinesCross-account CD pipelineCD pipeline with Step FunctionsBlue-green CD deploymentApache Spark CD pipelineConclusionNext steps Read more

AWS for Architects: High Availability and Continuous Deployment

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Learn how to get your apps in front of users by using continuous deployment and high availability. Also, prepare for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional exam.

Syllabus IntroductionWelcomeWhat you should knowAbout using cloud services1. Understanding High AvailabilityAWS well-architected reliabilityUnderstanding failure scenariosCalculating availability goalsAWS locations, regions, and AZsTrue cost of HAPrepare for HA2. Design for High AvailabilityHA for serverless and server-based websitesHA for an internal business applicationHA for a big data pipelineHA for an IoT and machine learning application3. Understanding Continuous DeploymentUnderstanding terms: Continuous deploymentWhat is code? (app code and configuration code)Types of verification tests used in CDAWS CD services and an exampleCD via blue-green deploymentsCD via canary deploys and feature togglesServer mutability and CDPlanning for CD4. Implementing Continuous DeliveryAutomated CD with CodeStarUsing CodeStar pipeline(s)Understanding advanced CD pipelinesCross-account CD pipelineCD pipeline with Step FunctionsBlue-green CD deploymentApache Spark CD pipelineConclusionNext steps Read more