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BUCUM: Building Capacities for University Management


Descripción del curso
Gracias por tu interés. Aunque este MOOC ya se realizó, si te inscribes podrás acceder a los contenidos más importantes y a los vídeos. Sin embargo, no podrás realizar ninguna de las actividades ni te podrás certificar. Cuando esté disponible una nueva edición podrás inscribirte para que obtengas la experiencia completa de un MOOC de Miríadax.

In current knowledge society the role of University is strategic. The university is the organization that provides the suitable human capital that the entrepreneurial and social innovation system demands. Therefore needs to accomplish the implementation of Career Design and provide the guidance that the graduates claim. Besides, it is the institucion that first analyses the ris of our changing society. The Risk Management appears as the central objetive and direct link whit the concerns of the society. The way to guarantee its good performance in both aspects is the implementation of a flexible Quality Assurance. Only when the Universities reach successful routines in these three fields they have the capacities to start the building of the Knowledge Triangles.



Module o. Introduction
Module 1. Career Design
Module 2. Quality Assurance
Module 3. Risk and Risk Management
Module 4. Knowledge Triangle

Online Course

BUCUM: Building Capacities for University Management

Affiliate notice

Descripción del curso
Gracias por tu interés. Aunque este MOOC ya se realizó, si te inscribes podrás acceder a los contenidos más importantes y a los vídeos. Sin embargo, no podrás realizar ninguna de las actividades ni te podrás certificar. Cuando esté disponible una nueva edición podrás inscribirte para que obtengas la experiencia completa de un MOOC de Miríadax.

In current knowledge society the role of University is strategic. The university is the organization that provides the suitable human capital that the entrepreneurial and social innovation system demands. Therefore needs to accomplish the implementation of Career Design and provide the guidance that the graduates claim. Besides, it is the institucion that first analyses the ris of our changing society. The Risk Management appears as the central objetive and direct link whit the concerns of the society. The way to guarantee its good performance in both aspects is the implementation of a flexible Quality Assurance. Only when the Universities reach successful routines in these three fields they have the capacities to start the building of the Knowledge Triangles.

Module o. Introduction
Module 1. Career Design
Module 2. Quality Assurance
Module 3. Risk and Risk Management
Module 4. Knowledge Triangle
