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Cisco DEVOPS 300-910: Cloud and Multicloud


Managing a cloud infrastructure can be challenging for an organization. This course will teach you how to manage cloud deployments using automation tools.

With the proliferation of cloud computing, networking professionals will be called on to assist with management. In this course, Cisco DEVOPS 300-910: Cloud and Multicloud, you’ll learn to evaluate cloud providers and manage cloud-based services. First, you’ll explore how to evaluate different cloud providers. Next, you’ll discover how to deploy and manage objects in a Kubernetes cluster. Finally, you’ll learn how to ensure service and application uptime by utilizing multiple cloud providers. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of cloud computing needed to deploy and manage applications and services.

Online Course

Cisco DEVOPS 300-910: Cloud and Multicloud

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Managing a cloud infrastructure can be challenging for an organization. This course will teach you how to manage cloud deployments using automation tools.

With the proliferation of cloud computing, networking professionals will be called on to assist with management. In this course, Cisco DEVOPS 300-910: Cloud and Multicloud, you’ll learn to evaluate cloud providers and manage cloud-based services. First, you’ll explore how to evaluate different cloud providers. Next, you’ll discover how to deploy and manage objects in a Kubernetes cluster. Finally, you’ll learn how to ensure service and application uptime by utilizing multiple cloud providers. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of cloud computing needed to deploy and manage applications and services.