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How to Study for Exams - An Evidence-Based Masterclass


In this class, I'll take you through the well-kept secrets of how to study effectively and organise your workflow to be ready for exams when they come around. We'll also discuss why studying effectively and efficiently is one of the best ways to maintain a work-life balance. 

My FREE Skillshare Bonus Resources
As I mentioned in the course, I’ve now made a bunch of free resources for all of my Skillshare classes, exclusively for my Skillshare students. They’re packed with additional course-related content for every class, and will help you refresh what you’ve learnt, as well as explore some of the other classes you haven’t taken yet. Check it out here.


Being able to study efficiently and effectively is a superpower. As students, it boost our grades, reduces our stress levels and frees up our time to do more interesting things. But we're never taught how to do it. Most of us rely on 'intuitive' techniques like rereading, note-taking, summarising and highlighting to get through our exams. But as the evidence shows, these intuitive techniques are often counter-productive.

We'll break down (1) how to understand our content using techniques like the Feynman Method, Active Recall and various note-taking strategies, (2) how to remember our material with Spaced Repetition, Interleaving and various memory techniques, and (3) how to maintain focus while studying, from developing the motivation and discipline to do the work, to taking appropriate breaks and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. 

I was a medical student at Cambridge University (UK) from 2012-2018. In my second year of medical school, I discovered the research around effective studying and memory enhancement, and it completely changed my life. By using the strategies you'll learn in this class, I was able to start and grow a 6-figure business and later a successful YouTube channel while still getting pretty decent marks in my exams, and actually enjoying the whole process with a minimal level of stress. 

Now that I'm a doctor working in the UK's National Health Service (NHS), I still use these techniques when preparing teaching sessions for medical students, and when preparing for my own postgraduate medical exams. These days, my time is even more limited than it was when I was a student, but by using the appropriate study techniques, I can keep on top of the workload while still running my business, YouTube channel and having some semblance of a social life. 

So thanks for stopping by - I hope you dive in and you can gain something from this class that you can apply to your own life. 


  • How to Study - Welcome to the Class
  • The 3 Steps of Effective Studying
  • Understand Anything With the Feynman Technique
  • The Science of Active Recall
  • How to Learn New Content With Active Recall
  • Taking Notes During Class
  • Taking Notes After Class
  • Scoping the Subject
  • The Importance of Understanding
  • Finding a Syllabus for Yourself
  • The Magic of Spaced Repetition
  • The Retrospective Revision Timetable
  • Simon Clark’s Spaced Repetition Journal
  • The Power of Interleaved Practice
  • Should You Re-Read Your Notes
  • How to Highlight Effectively
  • How to Use Flashcards Properly
  • Flashcard Alternative - Google Sheets vs Anki
  • Mind Maps
  • Memory Techniques - Mnemonics
  • Memory Techniques - The Peg System
  • Memory Techniques - The Mind Palace
  • The Essay Memorisation Framework
  • The Active Recall Framework
  • Exclusive Bonus Materials
  • BONUS - How to Use Anki Flashcards Properly
  • Motivation Is a Myth
  • How to Reduce Distractions
  • The Pomodoro Technique - Pros and Cons
  • The Best Music to Study With
  • Maintaining Work-Life Balance While Studying
  • How to Study Effectively With Friends
  • Conclusion
  • BONUS - Burnout and Work-Life Balance ft. Simon Clark
  • BONUS - Motivation, Focus & Friction Reduction ft. Simon Clark
  • BONUS - Eating and Music While Studying ft. Simon Clark
  • BONUS - Dealing With Procrastination ft. Simon Clark

Online Course

How to Study for Exams - An Evidence-Based Masterclass

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In this class, I'll take you through the well-kept secrets of how to study effectively and organise your workflow to be ready for exams when they come around. We'll also discuss why studying effectively and efficiently is one of the best ways to maintain a work-life balance. 

My FREE Skillshare Bonus Resources
As I mentioned in the course, I’ve now made a bunch of free resources for all of my Skillshare classes, exclusively for my Skillshare students. They’re packed with additional course-related content for every class, and will help you refresh what you’ve learnt, as well as explore some of the other classes you haven’t taken yet. Check it out here.


Being able to study efficiently and effectively is a superpower. As students, it boost our grades, reduces our stress levels and frees up our time to do more interesting things. But we're never taught how to do it. Most of us rely on 'intuitive' techniques like rereading, note-taking, summarising and highlighting to get through our exams. But as the evidence shows, these intuitive techniques are often counter-productive.

We'll break down (1) how to understand our content using techniques like the Feynman Method, Active Recall and various note-taking strategies, (2) how to remember our material with Spaced Repetition, Interleaving and various memory techniques, and (3) how to maintain focus while studying, from developing the motivation and discipline to do the work, to taking appropriate breaks and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. 

I was a medical student at Cambridge University (UK) from 2012-2018. In my second year of medical school, I discovered the research around effective studying and memory enhancement, and it completely changed my life. By using the strategies you'll learn in this class, I was able to start and grow a 6-figure business and later a successful YouTube channel while still getting pretty decent marks in my exams, and actually enjoying the whole process with a minimal level of stress. 

Now that I'm a doctor working in the UK's National Health Service (NHS), I still use these techniques when preparing teaching sessions for medical students, and when preparing for my own postgraduate medical exams. These days, my time is even more limited than it was when I was a student, but by using the appropriate study techniques, I can keep on top of the workload while still running my business, YouTube channel and having some semblance of a social life. 

So thanks for stopping by - I hope you dive in and you can gain something from this class that you can apply to your own life. 

  • How to Study - Welcome to the Class
  • The 3 Steps of Effective Studying
  • Understand Anything With the Feynman Technique
  • The Science of Active Recall
  • How to Learn New Content With Active Recall
  • Taking Notes During Class
  • Taking Notes After Class
  • Scoping the Subject
  • The Importance of Understanding
  • Finding a Syllabus for Yourself
  • The Magic of Spaced Repetition
  • The Retrospective Revision Timetable
  • Simon Clark’s Spaced Repetition Journal
  • The Power of Interleaved Practice
  • Should You Re-Read Your Notes
  • How to Highlight Effectively
  • How to Use Flashcards Properly
  • Flashcard Alternative - Google Sheets vs Anki
  • Mind Maps
  • Memory Techniques - Mnemonics
  • Memory Techniques - The Peg System
  • Memory Techniques - The Mind Palace
  • The Essay Memorisation Framework
  • The Active Recall Framework
  • Exclusive Bonus Materials
  • BONUS - How to Use Anki Flashcards Properly
  • Motivation Is a Myth
  • How to Reduce Distractions
  • The Pomodoro Technique - Pros and Cons
  • The Best Music to Study With
  • Maintaining Work-Life Balance While Studying
  • How to Study Effectively With Friends
  • Conclusion
  • BONUS - Burnout and Work-Life Balance ft. Simon Clark
  • BONUS - Motivation, Focus & Friction Reduction ft. Simon Clark
  • BONUS - Eating and Music While Studying ft. Simon Clark
  • BONUS - Dealing With Procrastination ft. Simon Clark