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The Penetration Tester Job Role Path is for newcomers to information security who aspire to become professional penetration testers. This path covers core security assessment concepts and provides a deep understanding of the specialized tools, attack tactics, and methodology used during penetration testing. Armed with the necessary theoretical background and multiple practical exercises, students will go through all penetration testing stages, from reconnaissance and enumeration to documentation and reporting. Upon completing our first job role path, you will have obtained the practical skills and mindset necessary to perform professional security assessments against enterprise-level infrastructure at an intermediate level. The Information Security Foundations skill path can be considered prerequisite knowledge to be successful while working through this job role path.



  1. Penetration Testing Process
  2. Getting Started
  3. Network Enumeration with Nmap
  4. Footprinting
  5. Information Gathering - Web Edition
  6. Vulnerability Assessment
  7. File Transfers]
  8. Shells & Payloads
  9. Using the Metasploit Framework
  10. Password Attacks
  11. Attacking Common Services
  12. Pivoting, Tunneling, and Port Forwarding
  13. Active Directory Enumeration & Attacks
  14. Using Web Proxies
  15. Attacking Web Applications with Ffuf
  16. Login Brute Forcing
  17. SQL Injection Fundamentals
  18. SQLMap Essentials
  19. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  20. File Inclusion
  21. File Upload Attacks
  22. Command Injections
  23. Web Attacks
  24. Attacking Common Applications
  25. Linux Privilege Escalation
  26. Windows Privilege Escalation
  27. Documentation & Reporting
  28. Attacking Enterprise Networks

Online Course

Penetration Tester

Affiliate notice

The Penetration Tester Job Role Path is for newcomers to information security who aspire to become professional penetration testers. This path covers core security assessment concepts and provides a deep understanding of the specialized tools, attack tactics, and methodology used during penetration testing. Armed with the necessary theoretical background and multiple practical exercises, students will go through all penetration testing stages, from reconnaissance and enumeration to documentation and reporting. Upon completing our first job role path, you will have obtained the practical skills and mindset necessary to perform professional security assessments against enterprise-level infrastructure at an intermediate level. The Information Security Foundations skill path can be considered prerequisite knowledge to be successful while working through this job role path.

  1. Penetration Testing Process
  2. Getting Started
  3. Network Enumeration with Nmap
  4. Footprinting
  5. Information Gathering - Web Edition
  6. Vulnerability Assessment
  7. File Transfers]
  8. Shells & Payloads
  9. Using the Metasploit Framework
  10. Password Attacks
  11. Attacking Common Services
  12. Pivoting, Tunneling, and Port Forwarding
  13. Active Directory Enumeration & Attacks
  14. Using Web Proxies
  15. Attacking Web Applications with Ffuf
  16. Login Brute Forcing
  17. SQL Injection Fundamentals
  18. SQLMap Essentials
  19. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  20. File Inclusion
  21. File Upload Attacks
  22. Command Injections
  23. Web Attacks
  24. Attacking Common Applications
  25. Linux Privilege Escalation
  26. Windows Privilege Escalation
  27. Documentation & Reporting
  28. Attacking Enterprise Networks