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Planning for High Availability and Incident Response

via Udacity


In this course, we will look at how SREs view availability and reliability for their infrastructure. We'll learn how to create effective monitoring using SLOs and SLIs. We will create dashboards in Grafana. Next, we'll identify all our IT assets, ensure they are configured for high availability. And then we will craft a disaster recovery plan to make sure failover is seamless and automated. After that, we'll deploy the infrastructure to AWS using Terraform. We'll learn the benefits of infrastructure as code. We'll see how easy it is to deploy to multiple regions. Finally, we'll learn how to make databases highly available and disaster recovery ready. We'll look at recovery strategies and implement them in AWS via Terraform.



  • Course Introduction
    • Introduction to the course. We will look at how the topics all tie into being an SRE and what skills we'll learn and apply.
  • SLOs and SLIs
    • In this lesson, we will learn about how SREs monitor using SLOs and SLIs. We will create queries in Prometheus and dashboard in Grafana.
  • IT Assets, Availability and Disaster Recovery
    • In this lesson, we will identify all IT assets, make those assets highly available, and put together a disaster recovery plan for those assets.
  • Creating and deploying HA and DR infrastructure using Terraform
    • In this lesson, we will deploy our HA/DR infrastructure using Terraform to AWS.
  • High Availability and DR of Databases
    • In this lesson, we'll learn about database reliability and availability and how we can make databases more available. We will then deploy a replicated database cluster to AWS and also see a failover.
  • Project: Deploying High Availability Infrastructure
    • In this project, you will apply the skills you've learned in this course, by defining and implementing a resilient infrastructure in a cloud platform.

Online Course

Planning for High Availability and Incident Response

via Udacity
Affiliate notice

In this course, we will look at how SREs view availability and reliability for their infrastructure. We'll learn how to create effective monitoring using SLOs and SLIs. We will create dashboards in Grafana. Next, we'll identify all our IT assets, ensure they are configured for high availability. And then we will craft a disaster recovery plan to make sure failover is seamless and automated. After that, we'll deploy the infrastructure to AWS using Terraform. We'll learn the benefits of infrastructure as code. We'll see how easy it is to deploy to multiple regions. Finally, we'll learn how to make databases highly available and disaster recovery ready. We'll look at recovery strategies and implement them in AWS via Terraform.

  • Course Introduction
    • Introduction to the course. We will look at how the topics all tie into being an SRE and what skills we'll learn and apply.
  • SLOs and SLIs
    • In this lesson, we will learn about how SREs monitor using SLOs and SLIs. We will create queries in Prometheus and dashboard in Grafana.
  • IT Assets, Availability and Disaster Recovery
    • In this lesson, we will identify all IT assets, make those assets highly available, and put together a disaster recovery plan for those assets.
  • Creating and deploying HA and DR infrastructure using Terraform
    • In this lesson, we will deploy our HA/DR infrastructure using Terraform to AWS.
  • High Availability and DR of Databases
    • In this lesson, we'll learn about database reliability and availability and how we can make databases more available. We will then deploy a replicated database cluster to AWS and also see a failover.
  • Project: Deploying High Availability Infrastructure
    • In this project, you will apply the skills you've learned in this course, by defining and implementing a resilient infrastructure in a cloud platform.