Providers \ Codecademy

Codecademy Courses

Codecademy is an online interactive platform that offers free coding classes in 12 different languages including Python, Java, JavaScript, and more.
Providers \ Codecademy

Codecademy Courses

Codecademy is an online interactive platform that offers free coding classes in 12 different languages including Python, Java, JavaScript, and more.


πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Moodle

OWASP Top 10: Vulnerable and Outdated Components

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education

OWASP Top 10: Identification and Authentication Failures

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education

OWASP Top 10: Cryptographic Failures

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Python Programming

OWASP Top 10: Security Misconfiguration

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education

OWASP Top 10: Software and Data Integrity Failures

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Cyber Espionage

OWASP Top 10: Insecure Design

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Sign Language

OWASP Top 10: Security Logging and Monitoring Failures

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Sign Language

OWASP Top 10: Broken Access Control

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Investment

OWASP Top 10: Injection Attacks

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Anatomy

OWASP Top 10: Server Side Request Forgery

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Sign Language

Learn About CSRF Attacks

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Investment

Introduction to Personal Digital Security

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education

Introduction To Ethical Hacking

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Sign Language

Introduction to Cybersecurity

πŸ› Online Course πŸ“ Higher Education