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How to Use Graded Readers in the English Language Classroom


Explore the impact of extensive reading on English language learners

On this four-week course, you’ll be introduced to the fundamentals of extensive reading and reflect on why ER is an indispensable facet of the English language curriculum.

You’ll discover how to further your students’ reading skills using carefully selected graded readers. Using a variety of techniques, you’ll develop your understanding of how to embed ER practices and enrich your students’ experience of learning English.

Increase student exposure to English language reading material

By increasing the reading material your learners encounter, you’ll help them enhance much more than just their reading skills.

You’ll examine how graded readers can help motivate, stretch, and challenge your learners, helping build their self-esteem and enjoyment of learning a foreign language.

Help your students improve their English comprehension

Reading is one of the most impactful methods of comprehensible input.

You’ll discover how extensive reading can positively impact a learner’s grasp of writing, speaking, vocabulary, and grammar.

Using practical techniques, you’ll gain the skills to help students consolidate their learning and build on their pre-existing knowledge.

Create activities that benefit your learners’ entire reading journey

Extensive reading can help students engage with texts on a much deeper and meaningful level.

You’ll learn how to approach pre-reading activities, from gathering clues about the content from the cover, right through to post-reading activities such as discussing the story with peers.

By the end of this course, you’ll have gained a deeper understanding of how graded readers can be used with English language learners of all levels. Equipped with a range of activities, you’ll be able to design engaging and enriching approaches to teaching English language.

This course is designed for English language teachers who want to improve their understanding of extensive reading and to further their use of graded readers.



  • Getting started with Extensive Reading
    • Introduction
    • What do you understand by Extensive Reading?
    • Why Extensive Reading?
    • Incorporating Extensive Reading
  • Practical pre-reading activities with graded readers
    • Why use pre-reading activities?
    • Using the cover
    • Taking a closer look at what's inside
    • Predicting the story and engaging with the content
    • Summary & Reflection
  • Practical while-reading activities with graded readers
    • Why use while-reading activities?
    • More detailed comprehension checking
    • Engaging with characters
    • Using drama
    • Summary & Reflection
  • Practical post-reading activities with graded readers
    • Why post-reading?
    • Activities for writing about the book
    • Discussing the book
    • Rewriting
    • Going beyond the book
    • Summary and Reflection

Online Course

How to Use Graded Readers in the English Language Classroom

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Explore the impact of extensive reading on English language learners

On this four-week course, you’ll be introduced to the fundamentals of extensive reading and reflect on why ER is an indispensable facet of the English language curriculum.

You’ll discover how to further your students’ reading skills using carefully selected graded readers. Using a variety of techniques, you’ll develop your understanding of how to embed ER practices and enrich your students’ experience of learning English.

Increase student exposure to English language reading material

By increasing the reading material your learners encounter, you’ll help them enhance much more than just their reading skills.

You’ll examine how graded readers can help motivate, stretch, and challenge your learners, helping build their self-esteem and enjoyment of learning a foreign language.

Help your students improve their English comprehension

Reading is one of the most impactful methods of comprehensible input.

You’ll discover how extensive reading can positively impact a learner’s grasp of writing, speaking, vocabulary, and grammar.

Using practical techniques, you’ll gain the skills to help students consolidate their learning and build on their pre-existing knowledge.

Create activities that benefit your learners’ entire reading journey

Extensive reading can help students engage with texts on a much deeper and meaningful level.

You’ll learn how to approach pre-reading activities, from gathering clues about the content from the cover, right through to post-reading activities such as discussing the story with peers.

By the end of this course, you’ll have gained a deeper understanding of how graded readers can be used with English language learners of all levels. Equipped with a range of activities, you’ll be able to design engaging and enriching approaches to teaching English language.

This course is designed for English language teachers who want to improve their understanding of extensive reading and to further their use of graded readers.

  • Getting started with Extensive Reading
    • Introduction
    • What do you understand by Extensive Reading?
    • Why Extensive Reading?
    • Incorporating Extensive Reading
  • Practical pre-reading activities with graded readers
    • Why use pre-reading activities?
    • Using the cover
    • Taking a closer look at what's inside
    • Predicting the story and engaging with the content
    • Summary & Reflection
  • Practical while-reading activities with graded readers
    • Why use while-reading activities?
    • More detailed comprehension checking
    • Engaging with characters
    • Using drama
    • Summary & Reflection
  • Practical post-reading activities with graded readers
    • Why post-reading?
    • Activities for writing about the book
    • Discussing the book
    • Rewriting
    • Going beyond the book
    • Summary and Reflection