Tags \ CS Problem

CS Problem MOOCs

Tags \ CS Problem

CS Problem MOOCs

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Computer Science Wiki

Problem sets in computer science are designed to challenge individuals to apply their knowledge in various programming languages. These sets are assessed based on difficulty levels, with examples...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Beginner πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Computer Science Wiki

Problem sets in computer science are designed to challenge individuals to apply their knowledge in various programming languages. These sets are assessed based on difficulty levels, with examples...

Introductory Problems - CSES

Coding challenges for beginners. These problems cover various topics such as sorting and searching, dynamic programming, graph algorithms, range queries, tree algorithms, mathematics, string...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Beginner πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Introductory Problems - CSES

Coding challenges for beginners. These problems cover various topics such as sorting and searching, dynamic programming, graph algorithms, range queries, tree algorithms, mathematics, string...

Sorting and Searching - CSES

Coding challenges on Searching and Sorting. Work on problems, such as: Distinct Numbers, Apartments, Ferris Wheel, Concert Tickets, an...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Sorting and Searching - CSES

Coding challenges on Searching and Sorting. Work on problems, such as: Distinct Numbers, Apartments, Ferris Wheel, Concert Tickets, an...

Dynamic Programming - CSES

Coding challenges that focus on aspects of dynamic programming, that require careful consideration of previous calculations and optimal choices for achieving the desired results. Dice combinations,...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Dynamic Programming - CSES

Coding challenges that focus on aspects of dynamic programming, that require careful consideration of previous calculations and optimal choices for achieving the desired results. Dice combinations,...

Graph Algorithms - CSES

Solve problems by implementing algorithms like BFS, DFS, finding cycles, minimum spanning trees, and more. These solutions often require techniques, such as topological sorting, dynamic programming,...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Graph Algorithms - CSES

Solve problems by implementing algorithms like BFS, DFS, finding cycles, minimum spanning trees, and more. These solutions often require techniques, such as topological sorting, dynamic programming,...

Range Queries - CSES

Coding challenges on Range Sum Queries, Range Minimum Queries, Range Xor Queries. This problem set involves various types of queries and data structures to efficiently process them....

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Range Queries - CSES

Coding challenges on Range Sum Queries, Range Minimum Queries, Range Xor Queries. This problem set involves various types of queries and data structures to efficiently process them....

Tree Algorithms - CSES

Solve Tree Algorithm problems, such as Subordinates, Tree Matching, Tree Diameter, and Tree Distances....

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Tree Algorithms - CSES

Solve Tree Algorithm problems, such as Subordinates, Tree Matching, Tree Diameter, and Tree Distances....

Mathematics - CSES

These problems are part of the CSES Mathematics section, which offers a range of problem-solving challenges related to mathematical concepts like recursion, exponentiation, and combinatorics. Solve...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Mathematics - CSES

These problems are part of the CSES Mathematics section, which offers a range of problem-solving challenges related to mathematical concepts like recursion, exponentiation, and combinatorics. Solve...

String Algorithms - CSES

Solve various problems like Word Combinations, String Matching, Required Substring, and more. These problems involve different techniques such as knapsack, hashing, KMP algorithm, Z-Algorithm,...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

String Algorithms - CSES

Solve various problems like Word Combinations, String Matching, Required Substring, and more. These problems involve different techniques such as knapsack, hashing, KMP algorithm, Z-Algorithm,...

Geometry - CSES

This problem set offers challenges involving shapes, angles, and spatial relationships. Some of the geometry problems include Point Location Test, Line Segment Intersection, Polygon Area, Point in...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Geometry - CSES

This problem set offers challenges involving shapes, angles, and spatial relationships. Some of the geometry problems include Point Location Test, Line Segment Intersection, Polygon Area, Point in...

Advanced Techniques - CSES

This problem set includes a variety of challenging problems, such as Minimum spanning tree, Heavy-light decomposition, Maximum subarray sum, Palindrome reorder, Tower of Hanoi, Apple...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Advanced πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Advanced Techniques - CSES

This problem set includes a variety of challenging problems, such as Minimum spanning tree, Heavy-light decomposition, Maximum subarray sum, Palindrome reorder, Tower of Hanoi, Apple...

Additional Problems - CSES

Cover various topics such as greedy algorithms, BFS, and more. These additional problems provide a deeper challenge beyond the standard problem set. The problems involve concepts like minimizing...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Mixed πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Additional Problems - CSES

Cover various topics such as greedy algorithms, BFS, and more. These additional problems provide a deeper challenge beyond the standard problem set. The problems involve concepts like minimizing...

ACM - ICPC (LightOJ)

To describe the ACM-ICPC category on LightOJ, it is a section that likely contains problems related to the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). This category may feature a variety...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Advanced πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

ACM - ICPC (LightOJ)

To describe the ACM-ICPC category on LightOJ, it is a section that likely contains problems related to the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). This category may feature a variety...

Database (LightOJ)

The problem description for the LightOJ category "database" involves a dynamic programming task where the goal is to find the number of nodes to be lightened in the subtree of a specific node...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Database (LightOJ)

The problem description for the LightOJ category "database" involves a dynamic programming task where the goal is to find the number of nodes to be lightened in the subtree of a specific node...

Interactive Problems (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Beginner πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Warm-Up (LightOJ)

"Warm-Up" on LightOJ's problem-solving platform is a section where users can find introductory problems designed to help them kickstart their problem-solving journey. These warm-up...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Beginner πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Warm-Up (LightOJ)

"Warm-Up" on LightOJ's problem-solving platform is a section where users can find introductory problems designed to help them kickstart their problem-solving journey. These warm-up...

Advanced Search Techniques (LightOJ)

This includes a variety of challenging problems that require advanced problem-solving techniques. These problems cover a range of topics such as Data Structures, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Advanced πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Advanced Search Techniques (LightOJ)

This includes a variety of challenging problems that require advanced problem-solving techniques. These problems cover a range of topics such as Data Structures, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic...

Data Structures (LightOJ)

The category "data structures" on LightOJ includes problems that involve various data structure concepts. These problems likely require understanding and implementing data structures like...

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Mixed πŸ’° Free πŸ“ Algorithms and Data Structures

Data Structures (LightOJ)

The category "data structures" on LightOJ includes problems that involve various data structure concepts. These problems likely require understanding and implementing data structures like...

Divide and Conquer (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ CS Problem

Dynamic Programming (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ CS Problem

Fast Fourier Transform (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ CS Problem

Flow/Matching (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ CS Problem

Game Theory (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ CS Problem

Geometry (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ CS Problem

Graph Theory (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ CS Problem

Greedy (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ CS Problem

Math (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ CS Problem

Matrix (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ CS Problem

Parsing/Grammar (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ CS Problem

Recursion/Branch and Bound (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ CS Problem

String (LightOJ)

πŸ› Problem Set πŸ’ͺ Intermediate πŸ’° Free πŸ“ CS Problem